Installation Of Baptist Church Officers

Posted By admin On 16.09.19
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A pastor guides his congregation toward spiritual salvation.

The installation of Church Officers/Leaders is a major day on any church calendar. The music and arts ministry of the. Be sure that the names and offices of all Church Officers/Leaders who are taking office are provided to the media. National Baptist Publishing Board. The New National Baptist Hymnal. 944 Hymns listed under Installation. 415 Take Up Thy Cross. 578 God of Love and God of Power. 545 The Church's One Foundation. 670 Go Forth for God. 546 The Church's One Foundation. 581 Lord, Whose Love Through Humble Service. 585 This Little Light of Mine. 664 Sent Forth by God's Blessing. 558 We Are the Church. 338 Where He Leads Me.

An installation service for a christian pastor is a special church service for a newly appointed minister. It is an occasion to recognize the calling of the pastor, to acknowledge his responsibilities and duties, and to remind the congregation of their duty to follow their new pastor's lead. There are certain guidelines for writing the order of service.

Prayer, Song and Music

It is important to set a spiritual tone for the service from the very beginning, and having a meaningful opening prayer accomplishes this well. Choose an elder of the church who is mature in the faith for this task. Have the prayer mention the new pastor and offer praise to God for bringing a new leader to the church. The songs and music for the service should be uplifting yet fit the style of the church. Because this is a festive occasion, a soloist or special musical performance can be included as well.

Installation Of Church Officers Ceremony


A welcoming message can be delivered by a moderator, elder, other pastor, or church board member. The message must focus on the duties and responsibilities of the pastor being installed, while also tying in the teachings of the Bible. The installation sermon doesn't need to be as lengthy as a typical church-service sermon, unless the installation is taking the place of a regular church service.

Charge to the Pastor

The charge is a statement outlining the task of the pastor and what is expected of him as he takes up his ministry. Ideally, the charge should be carried out by a church elder, board member or the moderator of the service, and it should feature readings from scripture that support the biblical duties of a pastor. The charge must feature wording that asks if the pastor is willing to accept his responsibilities. The new pastor must respond by saying, 'I will,' or a similar phrasing of acceptance.

Charge to the Congregation

The congregation then must be charged to uphold their responsibilities to the new pastor. This charge can include elements such as adhering to the teachings of the Bible, carrying out the duties of Christians, and holding the new pastor accountable to the commitment that was just made. The congregation must be given the opportunity to agree to the charge, similar to the way in the which the pastor was given his charge.


The installation service concludes with the presiding minister, church elder, or moderator offering a prayer blessing over the new pastor. The pastor may be asked to kneel and bow his head during the blessing, which is a prayer asking for God's protection and encouragement to fulfill God's will. The person saying the prayer can lay his hands on the new pastor's head, as well as ask the congregation to extend their hands out for a symbolic laying of their hands.


About the Author

Jane Rodda has been a writer since 2004, with articles featured in 'Gameday Magazine' and 'Urban Family Magazine.' She is also the social media director and lead copywriter for a piano instruction website. Rodda holds a Bachelor of Arts in liberal studies with a concentration in psychology from Point Loma Nazarene University.

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The variety of duties performed by church officers are complimentary and interdependent.

Officers in the Baptist church have a variety of important responsibilities related to the spiritual and practical life of the church. Their duties range from preaching and teaching to visitation to managing finances to clerical work. The work of each officer enhances the overall ministry of the church. Their efforts are complementary and interdependent.



The senior or lead pastor carries the primary responsibility for preaching, teaching, providing vision and the spiritual nurture of the congregation. In most churches, the office of pastor will carry the greatest level of authority and direct interaction with the entire congregation. Other ministers may oversee ancillary ministries, such as the youth, children's or music departments. They generally report directly to the senior pastor.


Deacons ministry derives from Acts chapter 6 and the necessity that arose to serve the needy in the Jerusalem church. Though this ministry was critically important, the believers determined that the Apostles should focus on prayer and teaching and leave this important ministry to other qualified men. Today, deacons perform visitation ministry to the sick or home-bound, assist the administering the Lord's Supper and function in a variety of other practical means to aid the progress of the church. Some churches also have an elected board of deacons who may serve as advisers to the senior pastor.


The church secretary maintains records and minutes of church business meetings and deacon board meetings. The secretary may also maintain membership and baptism records as well as chronicling and recording events of significance.

Installation Of Officers In A Baptist Church


The treasurer manages the income and expenditure of church funds. He may work under the direct supervision of the senior pastor, a finance committee or church business administrator. He must present financial statements and reports to the church at quarterly and annual meetings. He may also sign checks and other financial documents.

Sunday School Director

The Sunday school director oversees the administrative tasks associated with selecting curriculum, organizing materials, recruiting and training teachers, maintaining attendance records and providing reports to the church leadership. He may also be responsible for the collection and management of offerings received during the Sunday school classes.



Church leadership may form a variety of committees as necessary. These may include finance committees, budget committees, bylaws committees and those tasked with overseeing church ancillary staff and personnel. These committees generally answer to the senior pastor and board of deacons.


About the Author

Mark Quick began writing professionally in 1998. His experience includes six years as a reporter and editor-in-chief for Houston Community Newspapers. He has been a credentialed minister since 1993 and currently serves as senior pastor of Cornerstone Assembly of God.