How Much Does A 50 Rock Of Crack Weigh

Posted By admin On 09.08.19
How Much Does A 50 Rock Of Crack Weigh 4,1/5 6623 reviews

The price of drugs varies between different localities and over time. Prices also tend to fluctuate with fashion (demand) and availability (supply).

  1. The size of a crack rock can vary, but generally ranges from 1/10 to 1/2 gram. Rocks can sell for as low as $3 to as high as $50, but prices generally range from $10 to $20. Powdered and crack cocaine are increasingly available throughout Illinois.
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The street price of crack and cocaine differ significantly, and costs vary by location. In 2002 in Texas, a gram of powdered cocaine cost $50 to $100 in Dallas, $80 to $100 in Houston and $50 to $60 in El Paso, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration. In contrast, crack sold for $20 per rock, which is one-fifth to one-quarter of a gram.

The 2016 DrugWise Street Drug Trends Survey (published in January 2017) contacted police forces, drug workers, treatment services, drug expert witnesses and members of the Drug Expert Witness and Valuation Association from around the UK, and compiled the following average prices:

How Much Does A 50 Rock Of Crack Weigh

How Much Does A 50 Rock Of Crack Weigh

Average prices (2016)

Herbal cannabis (standard) per qtr oz (From Druglink survey 2012)


Herbal cannabis (high strength) per qtr oz (From Druglink survey 2012)



Varies widely. £30-60 in central London, £20 for 3.5g in Manchester.

Heroin per bag – average bag weight 0.1g


Cocaine per gram


Crack per rock


Ecstasy per pill


MDMA powder/crystal per gram


Amphetamine per gram

£5 upwards

Methamphetamine per gram


Ketamine per gram


Diazepam per pill (From Druglink survey 2012)


How Much Does A 50 Rock Of Crack Weigh

Updated January 2017