Source Insight Crackle

Posted By admin On 03.09.19
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Source Insight Crackle Online

A curated list of awesome C frameworks, libraries and software.

Source Insight Download Free

  • git/git - Git Source Code Mirror - This is a publish-only repository and all pull requests are ignored. Please follow Documentation/SubmittingPatches procedure for any of your improvements.
  • ggreer/the_silver_searcher - A code-searching tool similar to ack, but faster.
  • SamyPesse/How-to-Make-a-Computer-Operating-System - How to Make a Computer Operating System in C++
  • Genymobile/scrcpy - Display and control your Android device
  • FFmpeg/FFmpeg - Mirror of git://
  • curl/curl - A command line tool and library for transferring data with URL syntax, supporting HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, GOPHER, TFTP, SCP, SFTP, SMB, TELNET, DICT, LDAP, LDAPS, FILE, IMAP, SMTP, POP3, RTSP and RTMP. libcurl offers a myriad of powerful features
  • obsproject/obs-studio - OBS Studio - Free and open source software for live streaming and screen recording
  • vurtun/nuklear - A single-header ANSI C gui library
  • radare/radare2 - unix-like reverse engineering framework and commandline tools
  • nothings/stb - stb single-file public domain libraries for C/C++
  • mpv-player/mpv - 🎥 Video player based on MPlayer/mplayer2
  • allinurl/goaccess - GoAccess is a real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in a terminal in *nix systems or through your browser.
  • andlabs/libui - Simple and portable (but not inflexible) GUI library in C that uses the native GUI technologies of each platform it supports.
  • pbatard/rufus - The Reliable USB Formatting Utility
  • jonas/tig - Text-mode interface for git
  • phpredis/phpredis - A PHP extension for Redis
  • jedisct1/libsodium - A modern, portable, easy to use crypto library.
  • fogleman/Craft - A simple Minecraft clone written in C using modern OpenGL (shaders).
  • kovidgoyal/kitty - A cross-platform, fast, feature full, GPU based terminal emulator
  • reactos/reactos - A free Windows-compatible Operating System
  • s-matyukevich/raspberry-pi-os - Learning operating system development using Linux kernel and Raspberry Pi
  • liuliu/ccv - C-based/Cached/Core Computer Vision Library, A Modern Computer Vision Library
  • hashcat/hashcat - World's fastest and most advanced password recovery utility
  • jgamblin/Mirai-Source-Code - Leaked Mirai Source Code for Research/IoC Development Purposes
  • glfw/glfw - A multi-platform library for OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Vulkan, window and input
  • systemd/systemd - The systemd System and Service Manager
  • rswier/c4 - C in four functions
  • videolan/vlc - VLC media player - All pull requests are ignored, please follow
  • borgbackup/borg - Deduplicating archiver with compression and authenticated encryption.
  • lpereira/lwan - Experimental, scalable, high performance HTTP server
  • orangeduck/Cello - Higher level programming in C
  • nodejs/http-parser - http request/response parser for c
  • qmk/qmk_firmware - Open-source keyboard firmware for Atmel AVR and Arm USB families
  • Tencent/xLua - xLua is a lua programming solution for C# ( Unity, .Net, Mono) , it supports android, ios, windows, linux, osx, etc.
  • zserge/webview - Tiny cross-platform webview library for C/C++/Golang. Uses WebKit (Gtk/Cocoa) and MSHTML (Windows)
  • davatorium/rofi - Rofi: A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement
  • go-vgo/robotgo - RobotGo, Go Native cross-platform GUI automation
  • hishamhm/htop - htop is an interactive text-mode process viewer for Unix systems. It aims to be a better 'top'.
  • lz4/lz4 - Extremely Fast Compression algorithm
  • rui314/8cc - A Small C Compiler
  • laruence/yaf - Fast php framework written in c, built in php extension
  • sumatrapdfreader/sumatrapdf - SumatraPDF reader
  • redis/hiredis - Minimalistic C client for Redis >= 1.2
  • cinder/Cinder - Cinder is a community-developed, free and open source library for professional-quality creative coding in C++.
  • citusdata/citus - Scalable PostgreSQL for multi-tenant and real-time analytics workloads
  • aquynh/capstone - Capstone disassembly/disassembler framework: Core (Arm, Arm64, BPF, EVM, M68K, M680X, MOS65xx, Mips, PPC, RISCV, Sparc, SystemZ, TMS320C64x, Web Assembly, X86, X86_64, XCore) + bindings.
  • pocoproject/poco - The POCO C++ Libraries are powerful cross-platform C++ libraries for building network- and internet-based applications that run on desktop, server, mobile, IoT, and embedded systems.
  • cstack/db_tutorial - Writing a sqlite clone from scratch in C
  • wren-lang/wren - The Wren Programming Language
  • apple/swift-corelibs-foundation - The Foundation Project, providing core utilities, internationalization, and OS independence
  • krallin/tini - A tiny but valid init for containers
  • libretro/RetroArch - Cross-platform, sophisticated frontend for the libretro API. Licensed GPLv3.
  • awslabs/s2n - s2n : an implementation of the TLS/SSL protocols
  • FreeRDP/FreeRDP - FreeRDP is a free remote desktop protocol library and clients
  • edenhill/librdkafka - The Apache Kafka C/C++ library
  • cmus/cmus - Small, fast and powerful console music player for Unix-like operating systems.
  • coturn/coturn - coturn TURN server project
  • libvips/libvips - A fast image processing library with low memory needs.
  • clibs/clib - C package manager-ish
  • DaveGamble/cJSON - Ultralightweight JSON parser in ANSI C
  • grbl/grbl - An open source, embedded, high performance g-code-parser and CNC milling controller written in optimized C that will run on a straight Arduino
  • nbs-system/naxsi - NAXSI is an open-source, high performance, low rules maintenance WAF for NGINX
  • Cyan4973/xxHash - Extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm
  • shadowsocks/ChinaDNS - Protect yourself against DNS poisoning in China.
  • Netflix/dynomite - A generic dynamo implementation for different k-v storage engines
  • jorisvink/kore - An easy to use, scalable and secure web application framework for writing web APIs in C. This is a read-only mirror, please see and for information on how to contribute via the mailing lists.
  • martanne/vis - A vi-like editor based on Plan 9's structural regular expressions
  • marcobambini/gravity - Gravity Programming Language
  • contiki-os/contiki - The official git repository for Contiki, the open source OS for the Internet of Things
  • universal-ctags/ctags - A maintained ctags implementation
  • Wind4/vlmcsd - KMS Emulator in C (currently runs on Linux including Android, FreeBSD, Solaris, Minix, Mac OS, iOS, Windows with or without Cygwin)
  • tboox/tbox - 🎁 A glib-like multi-platform c library
  • dokan-dev/dokany - User mode file system library for windows with FUSE Wrapper
  • pgbovine/OnlinePythonTutor - Visualize Python, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, C, and C++ code execution in your Web browser
  • magnumripper/JohnTheRipper - This is the official repo for John the Ripper, 'Jumbo' version. The 'bleeding-jumbo' branch is based on 1.9.0-Jumbo-1 which was released on May 14, 2019. An import of the 'core' version of john this jumbo was based on (or newer) is found in the 'master' branch (CVS:
  • RIOT-OS/RIOT - RIOT - The friendly OS for IoT
  • lxc/lxc - LXC - Linux Containers
  • attractivechaos/klib - A standalone and lightweight C library
  • klange/toaruos - A completely-from-scratch hobby operating system: bootloader, kernel, drivers, C library, and userspace including a composited graphical UI, dynamic linker, syntax-highlighting text editor, network stack, etc.
  • antirez/sds - Simple Dynamic Strings library for C
  • cucumber/cucumber - Cucumber monorepo - building blocks for Cucumber in various languages
  • jakogut/tinyvm - TinyVM is a small, fast, lightweight virtual machine written in pure ANSI C.
  • lc-soft/LCUI - A small C library for building user interfaces with C, XML and CSS.
  • Kitware/CMake - Mirror of CMake upstream repository
  • esnme/ultrajson - Ultra fast JSON decoder and encoder written in C with Python bindings
  • tj/luna - luna programming language - a small, elegant VM implemented in C
  • processhacker/processhacker - A free, powerful, multi-purpose tool that helps you monitor system resources, debug software and detect malware.
  • mridgers/clink - Bash's powerful command line editing in cmd.exe
  • ohler55/oj - Optimized JSON
  • openvenues/libpostal - A C library for parsing/normalizing street addresses around the world. Powered by statistical NLP and open geo data.
  • lastpass/lastpass-cli - LastPass command line interface tool
  • sustrik/libmill - Go-style concurrency in C
  • ldcsaa/HP-Socket - High Performance TCP/UDP/HTTP Communication Component
  • TheAlgorithms/C - All Algorithms implemented in C
  • collectd/collectd - The system statistics collection daemon. Please send Pull Requests here!
  • raysan5/raylib - A simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming
  • cmusphinx/pocketsphinx - PocketSphinx is a lightweight speech recognition engine, specifically tuned for handheld and mobile devices, though it works equally well on the desktop
  • stellar/stellar-core - stellar-core is the backbone of the Stellar network. It maintains a local copy of the ledger, communicating and staying in sync with other instances of stellar-core on the network. Optionally, stellar-core can store historical records of the ledger and participate in consensus.
  • yourtion/30dayMakeOS - 《30天自制操作系统》源码中文版。自己制作一个操作系统(OSASK)的过程
  • warmcat/libwebsockets - canonical websocket library
  • littlevgl/lvgl - Graphics library to create embedded GUI with easy-to-use graphical elements, beautiful visual effects and low memory footprint. It offers anti-aliasing, opacity, and animations using only one frame buffer.
  • RandyGaul/cute_headers - Collection of cross-platform one-file C/C++ libraries with no dependencies, primarily used for games
  • cleanflight/cleanflight - Clean-code version of the baseflight flight controller firmware
  • mortdeus/legacy-cc - The earliest versions of the very first c compiler known to exist in the wild written by the late legend himself dmr.
  • way-cooler/way-cooler - Customizable Wayland compositor (window manager)
  • xmake-io/xmake - 🔥 A cross-platform build utility based on Lua
  • hfiref0x/UACME - Defeating Windows User Account Control
  • hexchat/hexchat - GTK+ IRC client -
  • libusb/libusb - A cross-platform library to access USB devices
  • veracrypt/VeraCrypt - Disk encryption with strong security based on TrueCrypt
  • MinhasKamal/CreepyCodeCollection - A Nonsense Collection of Disgusting Codes (quine-polyglot-code-golf-obfuscated-signature-creepy-codes-mandelbrot-esoteric-language-esoteric-programming-strange-golfing-spooky-weird)
  • akheron/jansson - C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data
  • jonashaag/bjoern - A screamingly fast Python 2/3 WSGI server written in C.
  • y123456yz/reading-code-of-nginx-1.9.2 - nginx-1.9.2源码通读分析注释,带详尽函数中文分析注释以及相关函数流程调用注释,最全面的nginx源码阅读分析中文注释,更新完毕(nginx源码学习交流QQ群:568892619)
  • hnes/libaco - A blazing fast and lightweight C asymmetric coroutine library 💎🚀🌞
  • acassen/keepalived - Keepalived
  • lloyd/yajl - A fast streaming JSON parsing library in C.
  • cesanta/mongoose-os - Mongoose OS - an IoT Firmware Development Framework. Supported microcontrollers: ESP32, ESP8266, CC3220, CC3200, STM32F4, STM32L4, STM32F7. Amazon AWS IoT, Microsoft Azure, Google IoT Core integrated. Code in C or JavaScript.
  • srdja/Collections-C - A library of generic data structures.
  • chipsec/chipsec - Platform Security Assessment Framework
  • varnishcache/varnish-cache - Varnish Cache source code repository
  • fragglet/c-algorithms - A library of common data structures and algorithms written in C.
  • vozlt/nginx-module-vts - Nginx virtual host traffic status module
  • dvorka/hstr - Bash and zsh shell history suggest box - easily view, navigate, search and manage your command history.
  • glouw/tinn - The tiny neural network library
  • urbit/urbit - An operating function
  • chjj/compton - A compositor for X11.
  • Hopson97/MineCraft-One-Week-Challenge - I challenged myself to see if I could create a voxel game (Minecraft-like) in just one week using C++ and OpenGL, and here is the result
  • rvoicilas/inotify-tools - inotify-tools is a C library and a set of command-line programs for Linux providing a simple interface to inotify.
  • jagt/clumsy - clumsy makes your network condition on Windows significantly worse, but in a controlled and interactive manner.
  • vmg/sundown - Standards compliant, fast, secure markdown processing library in C
  • statsite/statsite - C implementation of statsd
  • microsoft/checkedc - Checked C is an extension to C that adds checking to detect or prevent common programming errors such as buffer overruns and out-of-bounds memory accesses. This repo has a wiki for Checked C, sample code, the specification, and test code.
  • troydhanson/uthash - C macros for hash tables and more
  • orangeduck/mpc - A Parser Combinator library for C
  • weechat/weechat - The extensible chat client.
  • dunst-project/dunst - Lightweight and customizable notification daemon
  • kokke/tiny-AES-c - Small portable AES128/192/256 in C
  • anhkgg/SuperWeChatPC - 超级微信电脑客户端,支持多开、防消息撤销、语音消息备份..开放WeChatSDK
  • facebookarchive/libphenom - An eventing framework for building high performance and high scalability systems in C.
  • json-c/json-c - is the official code repository for json-c. See the wiki for release tarballs for download. API docs at
  • begeekmyfriend/leetcode - LeetCode in pure C
  • apple/swift-corelibs-libdispatch - The libdispatch Project, (a.k.a. Grand Central Dispatch), for concurrency on multicore hardware
  • google/honggfuzz - Security oriented fuzzer with powerful analysis options. Supports evolutionary, feedback-driven fuzzing based on code coverage (software- and hardware-based)
  • gnea/grbl - An open source, embedded, high performance g-code-parser and CNC milling controller written in optimized C that will run on a straight Arduino
  • PromyLOPh/pianobar - Console-based player
  • concurrencykit/ck - Concurrency primitives, safe memory reclamation mechanisms and non-blocking (including lock-free) data structures designed to aid in the research, design and implementation of high performance concurrent systems developed in C99+.
  • davidmoreno/onion - C library to create simple HTTP servers and Web Applications.
  • tvheadend/tvheadend - Tvheadend is a TV streaming server for Linux supporting DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-C, DVB-T, ATSC, IPTV,SAT>IP and other formats through the unix pipe as input sources.
  • gosu/gosu - 2D game development library for Ruby and C++
  • ElementsProject/lightning - c-lightning — a Lightning Network implementation in C
  • google/cpu_features - A cross platform C99 library to get cpu features at runtime.
  • lotabout/write-a-C-interpreter - Write a simple interpreter of C. Inspired by c4 and largely based on it.
  • colmap/colmap - COLMAP - Structure-from-Motion and Multi-View Stereo
  • neomutt/neomutt - ✉️ Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks -- IRC: #neomutt on
  • nanopb/nanopb - Protocol Buffers with small code size
  • Mzzopublic/C - C语言
  • aubio/aubio - a library for audio and music analysis
  • jhawthorn/fzy - 🔍 A better fuzzy finder
  • neutrinolabs/xrdp - xrdp: an open source RDP server
  • acl-dev/acl - Server framework and network components written by C/C++ for Linux, Mac, FreeBSD, Solaris(x86), Windows, Android, IOS
  • fluent/fluent-bit - Fast and Lightweight Log processor and forwarder for Linux, BSD and OSX
  • confluentinc/confluent-kafka-python - Confluent's Apache Kafka Python client
  • cloudwu/coroutine - A asymmetric coroutine library for C.
  • brianmario/yajl-ruby - A streaming JSON parsing and encoding library for Ruby (C bindings to yajl)
  • karlstav/cava - Console-based Audio Visualizer for Alsa
  • nigels-com/glew - The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library
  • slembcke/Chipmunk2D - A fast and lightweight 2D game physics library.
  • pygame/pygame - pygame (the library) is a Free and Open Source python programming language library for making multimedia applications like games built on top of the excellent SDL library. C, Python, Native, OpenGL.
  • luke-jr/bfgminer - Modular ASIC/FPGA miner written in C, featuring overclocking, monitoring, fan speed control and remote interface capabilities.
  • citusdata/cstore_fdw - Columnar store for analytics with Postgres, developed by Citus Data. Check out the mailing list at!forum/cstore-users or join our slack channel at
  • Celtoys/Remotery - Single C file, Realtime CPU/GPU Profiler with Remote Web Viewer
  • premake/premake-core - Premake
  • lexborisov/myhtml - Fast C/C++ HTML 5 Parser. Using threads.
  • ivmai/bdwgc - The Boehm-Demers-Weiser conservative C/C++ Garbage Collector (libgc, bdwgc, boehm-gc)
  • begeekmyfriend/bplustree - A minimal but extreme fast B+ tree indexing structure demo for billions of key-value storage
  • westes/flex - The Fast Lexical Analyzer - scanner generator for lexing in C and C++
  • tianocore/edk2 - EDK II
  • rui314/9cc - A Small C Compiler
  • taviso/ - A foreign function interface for bash.
  • z3APA3A/3proxy - 3proxy - tiny free proxy server
  • danielwaterworth/Raphters - [DEPRECATED] A web framework for C.
  • cloudwu/pbc - A protocol buffers library for C
  • firmianay/CTF-All-In-One - CTF竞赛入门指南
  • laruence/yar - Light, concurrent RPC framework for PHP & C
  • civetweb/civetweb - Embedded C/C++ web server
  • taf2/curb - Ruby bindings for libcurl
  • cesanta/v7 - Embedded JavaScript engine for C/C++
  • ThrowTheSwitch/Unity - Simple Unit Testing for C
  • golang-ui/nuklear - This project provides Go bindings for nuklear.h — a small ANSI C GUI library.
  • sustrik/libdill - Structured concurrency in C
  • OpenSC/OpenSC - Open source smart card tools and middleware. PKCS#11/MiniDriver/Tokend
  • droe/sslsplit - Transparent SSL/TLS interception
  • seemoo-lab/nexmon - The C-based Firmware Patching Framework for Broadcom/Cypress WiFi Chips that enables Monitor Mode, Frame Injection and much more
  • coreutils/coreutils - upstream mirror
  • sysstat/sysstat - Performance monitoring tools for Linux
  • balabit/syslog-ng - syslog-ng is an enhanced log daemon, supporting a wide range of input and output methods: syslog, unstructured text, queueing, SQL & NoSQL.
  • intel-iot-devkit/mraa - Linux Library for low speed IO Communication in C with bindings for C++, Python, Node.js & Java. Supports generic io platforms, as well as Intel Edison, Intel Joule, Raspberry Pi and many more.
  • stephane/libmodbus - A Modbus library for Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, QNX and Windows
  • cesanta/mjs - Embedded JavaScript engine for C/C++
  • Bumblebee-Project/Bumblebee - Bumblebee daemon and client rewritten in C
  • armon/bloomd - C network daemon for bloom filters
  • rxi/dyad - Asynchronous networking for C
  • silentbicycle/greatest - A C testing library in 1 file. No dependencies, no dynamic allocation. ISC licensed.
  • chentao0707/QrCodeScan - Android手机客户端二维码扫描
  • h2o/picohttpparser - tiny HTTP parser written in C (used in HTTP::Parser::XS et al.)
  • rspamd/rspamd - Rapid spam filtering system.
  • floooh/sokol - minimal cross-platform standalone C headers
  • symisc/sod - An Embedded Computer Vision & Machine Learning Library (CPU Optimized & IoT Capable)
  • dbartolini/crown - The flexible game engine.
  • boazsegev/ - Your high performance web application C framework
  • linux-test-project/ltp - Linux Test Project
  • apache/guacamole-server - Mirror of Apache Guacamole Server
  • FreeRADIUS/freeradius-server - FreeRADIUS - A multi-protocol policy server.
  • rsyslog/rsyslog - a Rocket-fast SYStem for LOG processing
  • HardySimpson/zlog - A reliable, high-performance, thread safe, flexsible, clear-model, pure C logging library.
  • cr-marcstevens/sha1collisiondetection - Library and command line tool to detect SHA-1 collision in a file
  • drh/lcc - The lcc retargetable ANSI C compiler
  • haywire/haywire - Haywire is an asynchronous HTTP server framework written in C that's built using the event loop based libuv platform layer that node.js is built on top of.
  • symisc/unqlite - An Embedded NoSQL, Transactional Database Engine
  • protocolbuffers/upb - a small protobuf implementation in C
  • Harvey-OS/harvey - A distributed operating system
  • philippe44/AirConnect - Use AirPlay to stream to UPnP/Sonos & Chromecast devices
  • Softmotions/ejdb - 🏁 EJDB 2.0 — Embeddable JSON Database engine C library. Simple XPath like query language (JQL). Websockets / Android / Java / Dart / Node.js bindings. Docker image.
  • orangeduck/Corange - Pure C Game Engine
  • trailofbits/ctf - CTF Field Guide
  • Lora-net/LoRaMac-node - Reference implementation and documentation of a LoRa network node.
  • cetus-tools/cetus - 专注于稳定、性能和分布式事务的MySQL数据库中间件(其中性能测试在开源数据库中间件排名第一)
  • tj/mon - mon(1) - Simple single-process process monitoring program written in C
  • rougier/freetype-gl - OpenGL text using one vertex buffer, one texture and FreeType
  • holmium/dnsforwarder - Just a DNS utility.
  • traildb/traildb - TrailDB is an efficient tool for storing and querying series of events
  • nicklockwood/FastCoding - A faster and more flexible binary file format replacement for NSCoding, Property Lists and JSON
  • tekknolagi/carp - 'interesting' VM in C. Let's see how this goes.
  • monitoringartist/zabbix-docker-monitoring - 🐳 Docker/Kubernetes/Mesos/Marathon/Chronos/LXC/LXD/Swarm container monitoring - Docker image, Zabbix template and C module
  • benhoyt/inih - Simple .INI file parser in C, good for embedded systems
  • okbob/pspg - Unix pager designed for work with tables. Designed for PostgreSQL, but MySQL is supported too.
  • udp/json-parser - Very low footprint JSON parser written in portable ANSI C
  • opsengine/cpulimit - CPU usage limiter for Linux
  • zerosum0x0/CVE-2019-0708 - Scanner PoC for CVE-2019-0708 RDP RCE vuln
  • cc65/cc65 - cc65 - a freeware C compiler for 6502 based systems —
  • checkpoint-restore/criu - Checkpoint/Restore tool
  • ARM-software/CMSIS_5 - CMSIS Version 5 Development Repository
  • wesleykendall/mpitutorial - MPI programming lessons in C and executable code examples
  • varnish/Varnish-Cache - Moved. New address:
  • codeplea/genann - simple neural network library in ANSI C
  • vifm/vifm - Vifm is a file manager with curses interface, which provides Vi[m]-like environment for managing objects within file systems, extended with some useful ideas from mutt.
  • particle-iot/device-os - Device OS (Firmware) for Particle Devices
  • kkos/oniguruma - regular expression library
  • Visgean/Zeus - NOT MY CODE! Zeus trojan horse - leaked in 2011, I am not the author. I have created this repository to make the access for study as easy as possible.
  • andrewrk/libsoundio - C library for cross-platform real-time audio input and output
  • distcc/distcc - distributed builds for C, C++ and Objective C
  • alibaba/ApsaraCache - ApsaraCache is a Redis branch originated from Alibaba Group.
  • open62541/open62541 - Open source implementation of OPC UA (OPC Unified Architecture) aka IEC 62541 licensed under Mozilla Public License v2.0
  • igraph/igraph - Library for the analysis of networks
  • emweb/wt - Wt, C++ Web Toolkit
  • abishekvashok/cmatrix - Terminal based 'The Matrix' like implementation
  • deanmao/node-chimera - A new kind of headless webkit integration for nodejs; a great alternative to phantomjs.
  • libtom/libtomcrypt - LibTomCrypt is a fairly comprehensive, modular and portable cryptographic toolkit that provides developers with a vast array of well known published block ciphers, one-way hash functions, chaining modes, pseudo-random number generators, public key cryptography and a plethora of other routines.
  • armink/EasyLogger - A ultra-lightweight(ROM<1.6K, RAM<0.3k), high-performance C/C++ log library. 一款超轻量级(ROM<1.6K, RAM<0.3k)、高性能的 C/C++ 日志库
  • coreboot/coreboot - github mirror of's master repository
  • commonmark/cmark - CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C
  • open-mpi/ompi - Open MPI main development repository
  • laruence/yaconf - A PHP Persistent Configurations Container
  • bloomberg/comdb2 - Bloomberg's distributed RDBMS
  • bitcoin-core/secp256k1 - Optimized C library for EC operations on curve secp256k1
  • buserror/simavr - simavr is a lean, mean and hackable AVR simulator for linux & OSX
  • usrbinnc/netcat-cpi-kernel-module - Kernel module edition of the Cycles Per Instruction (2014) album.
  • Snaipe/Criterion - A cross-platform C and C++ unit testing framework for the 21th century
  • FRiCKLE/ngx_cache_purge - nginx module which adds ability to purge content from FastCGI, proxy, SCGI and uWSGI caches.
  • sheepdog/sheepdog - Distributed Storage System for QEMU
  • olilarkin/wdl-ol - Enhanced version of Cockos' iPlug - A simple-to-use C++ framework for developing cross platform audio plugins and targeting multiple plugin APIs with the same code. VST / VST3 / Audiounit / RTAS / AAX (Native) formats supported. NOTE: THIS IS OBSOLETE, PLEASE SEE IPLUG2:
  • Pithikos/C-Thread-Pool - A minimal but powerful thread pool in ANSI C
  • examplecode/mproxy - c 语言实现的一个最小的http代理,支持翻墙
  • mjansson/rpmalloc - Public domain cross platform lock free thread caching 16-byte aligned memory allocator implemented in C
  • profanity-im/profanity - Ncurses based XMPP client
  • liballeg/allegro5 - The official Allegro 5 git repository. Pull requests welcome!
  • timwr/CVE-2016-5195 - CVE-2016-5195 (dirtycow/dirtyc0w) proof of concept for Android
  • samtools/samtools - Tools (written in C using htslib) for manipulating next-generation sequencing data
  • Cyan4973/FiniteStateEntropy - New generation entropy codecs : Finite State Entropy and Huff0
  • ands/lightmapper - A C/C++ single-file library for drop-in lightmap baking. Just use your existing OpenGL renderer to bounce light!
  • acrisci/playerctl - 🎧 mpris command-line controller and library for spotify, vlc, audacious, bmp, cmus, and others.
  • vinniefalco/LuaBridge - A lightweight, dependency-free library for binding Lua to C++
  • gurnec/HashCheck - HashCheck Shell Extension for Windows with added SHA2, SHA3, and multithreading; originally from
  • alexfru/SmallerC - Simple C compiler
  • emsec/ChameleonMini - The ChameleonMini is a versatile contactless smartcard emulator compliant to NFC. The ChameleonMini was developed by The device is available at For further information see the Getting Started Page or the Wiki tab above.
  • cyring/CoreFreq - CoreFreq is a CPU monitoring software designed for the 64-bits Processors.
  • linux-can/can-utils - Linux-CAN / SocketCAN user space applications
  • B-Con/crypto-algorithms - Basic implementations of standard cryptography algorithms, like AES and SHA-1.
  • apple/cups - Official CUPS Sources
  • Gigoteur/UnicornConsole - Unicorn Console: create quick game !
  • zeromq/czmq - High-level C binding for ØMQ
  • kgabis/parson - Lightweight JSON library written in C.
  • janet-lang/janet - A dynamic language and bytecode vm
  • dariomanesku/cmftStudio - cmftStudio - GUI counterpart for:
  • jimon/osx_app_in_plain_c - A simple showcase how to create a simple OS X app in plain C without any Objective-C
  • iqiyi/xCrash - 🔥🔥 A crash reporting library for Android APP. Support catching native crash and Java exception.
  • openssh/openssh-portable - Portable OpenSSH
  • cksystemsteaching/selfie - An educational software system of a tiny self-compiling C compiler, a tiny self-executing RISC-V emulator, and a tiny self-hosting RISC-V hypervisor.
  • miniupnp/miniupnp - UPnP IGD implementation
  • halayli/lthread - lthread, a multicore enabled coroutine library written in C
  • alibaba/nginx-http-concat - A Nginx module for concatenating files in a given context: CSS and JS files usually
  • ZerBea/hcxtools - Portable solution for capturing wlan traffic and conversion to hashcat formats (recommended by hashcat) and to John the Ripper formats. hcx: h = hash, c = capture, convert and calculate candidates, x = different hashtypes
  • psankar/simplefs - A simple, kernel-space, on-disk filesystem from the scratch
  • xiph/rnnoise - Recurrent neural network for audio noise reduction
  • xiph/opus - Modern audio compression for the internet.
  • signalapp/libsignal-protocol-c - Signal Protocol C Library
  • SRombauts/SQLiteCpp - SQLiteC++ (SQLiteCpp) is a smart and easy to use C++ SQLite3 wrapper.
  • FreeApophis/TrueCrypt - This repository applies all Versions of the Original TrueCrypt Source Files in order
  • corosync/corosync - The Corosync Cluster Engine
  • pvaret/rtl8192cu-fixes - Realtek 8192 chipset driver, ported to kernel 3.11.
  • riolet/rix - Rix language combines the power of C language and the convenience of a high level language
  • systemd/casync - Content-Addressable Data Synchronization Tool
  • RRZE-HPC/likwid - Performance monitoring and benchmarking suite
  • kiibohd/controller - Kiibohd Controller
  • brendan-rius/c-jwt-cracker - JWT brute force cracker written in C
  • boyerjohn/rapidstring - Maybe the fastest string library ever.
  • ejurgensen/forked-daapd - Linux/FreeBSD DAAP (iTunes) and MPD media server with support for AirPlay devices (multiroom), Apple Remote (and compatibles), Chromecast, Spotify and internet radio.
  • vurtun/mmx - single header libraries for C/C++
  • nfc-tools/libnfc - Platform independent Near Field Communication (NFC) library
  • sahib/rmlint - Extremely fast tool to remove duplicates and other lint from your filesystem
  • balde/balde - A microframework for C based on GLib and bad intentions.
  • laruence/yac - A fast shared memory user data cache for PHP
  • richgel999/miniz - miniz: Single C source file zlib-replacement library, originally from
  • cnlohr/channel3 - ESP8266 Analog Broadcast Television Interface
  • moosefs/moosefs - MooseFS – Open Source, Petabyte, Fault-Tolerant, Highly Performing, Scalable Network Distributed File System
  • switchbrew/libnx - Library for Switch Homebrew
  • mempodippy/vlany - Linux LD_PRELOAD rootkit (x86 and x86_64 architectures)
  • tarcieri/ - Simple evented I/O for Ruby (but please check out Celluloid::IO instead)
  • hughsie/fwupd - A simple daemon to allow session software to update firmware
  • cztomczak/cef2go - Go lang bindings for the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF)
  • quickjs-zh/QuickJS - QuickJS是一个小型并且可嵌入的Javascript引擎,它支持ES2019规范,包括模块,异步生成器和代理器。
  • posva/catimg - Insanely fast image printing in your terminal
  • eleme/corvus - A fast and lightweight Redis Cluster Proxy for Redis 3.0
  • grimfang4/sdl-gpu - A library for high-performance, modern 2D graphics with SDL written in C.
  • uTox/uTox - µTox the lightest and fluffiest Tox client
  • gabriel/yajl-objc - Objective-C bindings for YAJL (Yet Another JSON Library) C library
  • wangkuiwu/datastructs_and_algorithm - Data struct and algorithm introduction and implementation in C/C++/Java.
  • riolet/WAFer - WAFer is a C language-based software platform for scalable server-side and networking applications. Think node.js for C programmers.
  • hfiref0x/TDL - Driver loader for bypassing Windows x64 Driver Signature Enforcement
  • charliegerard/Epoc.js - Node.js addon for the Emotiv C++ SDK
  • angband/angband - A free, single-player roguelike dungeon exploration game
  • jarikomppa/soloud - Free, easy, portable audio engine for games
  • citusdata/pg_cron - Run periodic jobs in PostgreSQL
  • rui314/minilisp - A readable lisp in less than 1k lines of C
  • CipherShed/CipherShed - Main CipherShed Development
  • mptre/pick - A fuzzy search tool for the command-line
  • nfs-ganesha/nfs-ganesha - NFS-Ganesha is an NFSv3,v4,v4.1 fileserver that runs in user mode on most UNIX/Linux systems
  • rustyrussell/ccan - The C Code Archive Network
  • solusipse/ureq - Micro C library for handling HTTP requests on low resource systems.
  • chocolate-doom/chocolate-doom - Chocolate Doom is a Doom source port that is minimalist and historically accurate.
  • asterisk/asterisk - Mirror of the official Asterisk( Project repository No pull requests here please. Use Gerrit:
  • Billy-Ellis/Exploit-Challenges - A collection of vulnerable ARM binaries for practicing exploit development
  • Eugnis/spectre-attack - Example of using revealed 'Spectre' exploit (CVE-2017-5753 and CVE-2017-5715)
  • oleganza/CoreBitcoin - Awesome Bitcoin toolkit for ObjC and Swift
  • RJ/ketama - C library for consistent hashing, and langauge bindings
  • mupen64plus/mupen64plus-core - Core module of the Mupen64Plus project
  • csound/csound - Main repository for Csound
  • ccache/ccache - ccache – a fast compiler cache
  • belangeo/pyo - Python DSP module -
  • tass-belgium/picotcp - PicoTCP is a free TCP/IP stack implementation
  • brenns10/lsh - Simple shell implementation. Tutorial here ->
  • swoole/php-cp - pdo and redis tcp connect proxy
  • SpenceKonde/ATTinyCore - Arduino core for ATtiny 1634, 828, x313, x4, x41, x5, x61, x7 and x8
  • letoram/arcan - Arcan - [Display Server, Multimedia Framework, Game Engine] -> 'Desktop Engine'
  • NMSSH/NMSSH - NMSSH is an Objective-C wrapper for libssh2, with a sweet API.
  • pbatard/libwdi - Windows Driver Installer library for USB devices
  • jgm/peg-markdown - An implementation of markdown in C, using a PEG grammar
  • willemt/raft - C implementation of the Raft Consensus protocol, BSD licensed
  • libretro/common-shaders - Collection of commonly used Cg shaders. These shaders are usable by either HLSL and/or Cg runtime compilers. The cg2glsl script will translate most of these into GLSL shaders.
  • ScottyBauer/Android_Kernel_CVE_POCs - A list of my CVE's with POCs
  • eclipse/paho.mqtt.c - paho.mqtt.c
  • joan2937/pigpio - pigpio is a C library for the Raspberry which allows control of the General Purpose Input Outputs (GPIO).
  • cbuchner1/CudaMiner - a CUDA accelerated litecoin mining application based on pooler's CPU miner
  • Blosc/c-blosc - A blocking, shuffling and loss-less compression library that can be faster than memcpy().
  • banister/binding_of_caller - Retrieve the binding of a method's caller in MRI 1.9.2+
  • mpx/lua-cjson - Lua CJSON is a fast JSON encoding/parsing module for Lua
  • CCareaga/heap_allocator - A simple heap memory allocator in ~200 lines.
  • zedshaw/learn-c-the-hard-way-lectures - All of the code from Learn C The Hard Way, each project, plus the presentation slides used in the videos.
  • HarveyHunt/howm - A lightweight, X11 tiling window manager that behaves like vim
  • virtio-win/kvm-guest-drivers-windows - Windows paravirtualized
  • Orc/discount - My C implementation of John Gruber's Markdown markup language
  • proot-me/proot - chroot, mount --bind, and binfmt_misc without privilege/setup for Linux
  • kroitor/gjk.c - Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi (GJK) collision detection algorithm in 200 lines of clean plain C
  • carld/micro-lisp - 🎄A very small Lisp programming language 😀that used to be under 200 lines of C🎄
  • tatsuhiro-t/spdylay - The experimental SPDY protocol version 2, 3 and 3.1 implementation in C
  • dariomanesku/cmft - Cross-platform open-source command-line cubemap filtering tool.
  • moonlight-stream/moonlight-chrome - GameStream client for ChromeOS
  • y123456yz/Reading-and-comprehense-linux-Kernel-network-protocol-stack - linux内核网络协议栈源码阅读分析注释--带详尽中文分析注释以及相关流程分析调用注释,对理解分析内核协议栈源码很有帮助(源码学习交流QQ群:568892619)
  • eclipse/paho.mqtt.embedded-c - paho.mqtt.embedded-c
  • vozlt/nginx-module-sysguard - Nginx sysguard module
  • lavoiesl/osx-cpu-temp - Outputs current CPU temperature for OSX
  • sheredom/utf8.h - single header utf8 string functions for C and C++
  • kovidgoyal/html5-parser - Fast C based HTML 5 parsing for python
  • jgarzik/cpuminer - CPU miner for bitcoin
  • scottcgi/Mojoc - A cross-platform, open-source, pure C game engine for mobile game.
  • vergoh/vnstat - vnStat - a network traffic monitor for Linux and BSD
  • zyearn/zaver - Yet another fast and efficient HTTP server
  • felixangell/mac - bytecode interpreter/virtual machine in c
  • esnme/ultramysql - A fast MySQL driver written in pure C/C++ for Python. Compatible with gevent through monkey patching.
  • cvxopt/cvxopt - CVXOPT -- Python Software for Convex Optimization
  • chrisjmccormick/word2vec_commented - Commented (but unaltered) version of original word2vec C implementation.
  • mltframework/mlt - MLT Multimedia Framework
  • jianfengye/nginx-1.0.14_comment - nginx源码中文注释版
  • erikd/libsndfile - A C library for reading and writing sound files containing sampled audio data.
  • bitcraze/crazyflie-firmware - The main firmware for the Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter.
  • stm32duino/Arduino_Core_STM32 - STM32 core support for Arduino
  • lpsantil/rt0 - A minimal C runtime for Linux i386 & x86_64
  • HerculesWS/Hercules - Hercules is a collaborative software development project revolving around the creation of a robust massively multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG) server package. Written in C, the program is very versatile and provides NPCs, warps and modifications. The project is jointly managed by a group of volunteers located around the world as well as a tremendous community providing QA and support. Hercules is a continuation of the original Athena project.
  • matthijskooijman/arduino-lmic - LoraWAN-in-C library, adapted to run under the Arduino environment
  • libtrading/libtrading - Libtrading, an ultra low-latency trading connectivity library for C and C++.
  • groonga/groonga - An embeddable fulltext search engine. Groonga is the successor project to Senna.
  • mapserver/mapserver - Source code of the MapServer project.
  • mongodb/mongo-c-driver - A high-performance MongoDB driver for C
  • libssh2/libssh2 - the SSH library
  • ionescu007/SpecuCheck - SpecuCheck is a Windows utility for checking the state of the software mitigations and hardware against CVE-2017-5754 (Meltdown), CVE-2017-5715 (Spectre v2), CVE-2018-3260 (Foreshadow), and CVE-2018-3639 (Spectre v4)
  • happyfish100/libfastcommon - c common functions library extracted from my open source project FastDFS. this library is very simple and stable. functions including: string, logger, chain, hash, socket, ini file reader, base64 encode / decode, url encode / decode, fast timer, skiplist, object pool etc. detail info please see the c header files.
  • aws/aws-iot-device-sdk-embedded-C - SDK for connecting to AWS IoT from a device using embedded C.
  • gentilkiwi/kekeo - A little toolbox to play with Microsoft Kerberos in C
  • adobe-flash/crossbridge - Welcome to visit the homepage!
  • neilalexander/sigmavpn - Light-weight, secure and modular VPN solution which makes use of NaCl encryption (also available for Android using jnacl in 'sigmavpn-android')
  • hyperrealm/libconfig - C/C++ library for processing configuration files
  • pfultz2/Cloak - A mini-preprocessor library to demostrate the recursive capabilites of the preprocessor
  • ninia/jep - Embed Python in Java
  • andysworkshop/stm32plus - The C++ library for the STM32 F0, F100, F103, F107 and F4 microcontrollers
  • zlib-ng/zlib-ng - zlib replacement with optimizations for 'next generation' systems.
  • MichaelJWelsh/cdsa - A library of generic intrusive data structures and algorithms in ANSI C
  • appneta/tcpreplay - Pcap editing and replay tools for *NIX and Windows - Users please download source from
  • RandyGaul/qu3e - Lightweight and Simple 3D Open Source Physics Engine in C++
  • hfiref0x/UPGDSED - Universal PatchGuard and Driver Signature Enforcement Disable
  • wmutils/core - Set of window manipulation tools
  • antirez/rax - A radix tree implementation in ANSI C
  • mbrossard/threadpool - A simple C Thread pool implementation
  • jserv/amacc - Small C Compiler generating ELF executable Arm architecture, supporting JIT execution
  • dinhviethoa/libetpan - Mail Framework for C Language
  • dr-soft/miniaudio - Single file audio playback and capture library written in C.
  • tanakh/cmdline - A Command Line Parser
  • yulingtianxia/BlockHook - Hook Objective-C blocks. A powerful AOP tool.
  • munificent/mark-sweep - A simple mark-sweep garbage collector in C
  • LibVNC/libvncserver - LibVNCServer/LibVNCClient are cross-platform C libraries that allow you to easily implement VNC server or client functionality in your program.
  • zmartzone/mod_auth_openidc - OpenID Connect Relying Party implementation for Apache HTTP Server 2.x
  • Stephane-D/SGDK - SGDK - A free and open development kit for the Sega Megadrive
  • oracle/python-cx_Oracle - Python interface to Oracle Database conforming to the Python DB API 2.0 specification.
  • vlm/asn1c - The ASN.1 Compiler
  • justinmeza/lci - A LOLCODE interpreter written in C.
  • libcheck/check - A unit testing framework for C
  • eduard-permyakov/permafrost-engine - An OpenGL 3.3 RTS game engine written in C
  • stawel/cheali-charger - cheap lipo charger
  • kangjianwei/Data-Structure - 《数据结构》-严蔚敏.吴伟民-教材源码与习题解析
  • JayDDee/cpuminer-opt - Optimized multi algo CPU miner
  • k-takata/Onigmo - Onigmo is a regular expressions library forked from Oniguruma.
  • armink/CmBacktrace - Advanced fault backtrace library for ARM Cortex-M series MCU ARM Cortex-M 系列 MCU 错误追踪库
  • prideout/par - single-file C libraries from Philip Allan Rideout
  • armon/libart - Adaptive Radix Trees implemented in C
  • gcesarmza/curl-android-ios - Static libcurl to be used in Android and iOS apps. Build scripts included. No Android source required
  • OpenCPN/OpenCPN - A concise ChartPlotter/Navigator. A cross-platform ship-borne GUI application supporting * GPS/GPDS Postition Input * BSB Raster Chart Display * S57 Vector ENChart Display * AIS Input Decoding * Waypoint Autopilot Navigation
  • MoarVM/MoarVM - A VM with adaptive optimization and JIT compilation, built for Rakudo Perl 6
  • m0nad/Diamorphine - LKM rootkit for Linux Kernels 2.6.x/3.x/4.x (x86 and x86_64)
  • etlegacy/etlegacy - ET: Legacy is based on the source code of the Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory which was released under the GPLv3 license. The main goal of this project is to fix bugs, remove old dependencies and make it playable on all major operating systems while still remaining compatible with the ET 2.60b version and as many of its mods as possible.
  • cxong/tinydir - Lightweight, portable and easy to integrate C directory and file reader
  • yourtion/LearningMasteringAlgorithms-C - Mastering Algorithms with C 《算法精解:C语言描述》源码及Xcode工程、Linux工程
  • recp/cglm - 📽 Highly Optimized Graphics Math (glm) for C
  • mattiasgustavsson/libs - Single-file public domain libraries for C/C++
  • lucasjones/cpuminer-multi - Multi-algo CPUMiner & Reference Cryptonote Miner (JSON-RPC 2.0)
  • laruence/taint - Taint is a PHP extension, used for detecting XSS codes
  • RoaringBitmap/CRoaring - Roaring bitmaps in C (and C++)
  • probablycorey/seriously - The Objective-C HTTP library that Apple should have created, seriously.
  • babelouest/ulfius - Web Framework to build REST APIs, Webservices or any HTTP endpoint in C language. Can stream large amount of data, integrate JSON data with Jansson, and create websocket services
  • pgbackrest/pgbackrest - Reliable PostgreSQL Backup & Restore
  • Fazecast/jSerialComm - Platform-independent serial port access for Java
  • wolkykim/qlibc - qLibc is a simple and powerful C library
  • n64dev/cen64 - Cycle-Accurate Nintendo 64 Emulator
  • cofyc/dnscrypt-wrapper - This is dnscrypt wrapper (server-side dnscrypt proxy), which helps to add dnscrypt support to any name resolver.
  • chobits/ngx_http_proxy_connect_module - A forward proxy module for CONNECT request handling
  • moqod/ios-qr-code-encoder - This is an Objective-C library that helps to easily convert a UIImage with a QR-code from NSString with just one line of code.
  • linux-nvme/nvme-cli - NVMe management command line interface.
  • spotify/NFHTTP - A cross platform C++ HTTP library that interfaces natively to other platforms.
  • JuliaStrings/utf8proc - a clean C library for processing UTF-8 Unicode data
  • cesanta/slre - Super Light Regexp engine for C/C++
  • ganglia/monitor-core - Ganglia Monitoring core
  • CongducPham/LowCostLoRaGw - Low-cost LoRa IoT & gateway with SX1272/76, Raspberry and Arduino
  • audiohacked/OpenCorsairLink - Linux and Mac OS support for the CorsairLink Devices
  • mobile-web-messaging/MQTTKit - MQTT Objective-C client for iOS
  • gnu-mcu-eclipse/eclipse-plugins - The GNU MCU Eclipse plug-ins for ARM & RISC-V C/C++ developers
  • gabomdq/SDL_GameControllerDB - A community sourced database of game controller mappings to be used with SDL2 Game Controller functionality
  • trezor/trezor-crypto - 🔒 Don't use this repo, use the new monorepo instead:
  • jserv/facebooc - Yet another Facebook clone written in C
  • Exim/exim - Exim Mail Transport Agent - source, testsuite and documentation
  • ruby/psych - A libyaml wrapper for Ruby
  • msteinbeck/tinyspline - ANSI C library for NURBS, B-Splines, and Bézier curves with interfaces for C++, C#, D, Go, Java, Lua, Octave, PHP, Python, R, and Ruby
  • HypoPG/hypopg - Hypothetical Indexes for PostgreSQL
  • armon/hlld - C network daemon for HyperLogLogs
  • igrr/esp32-cam-demo - Demo for working with a camera on ESP32
  • youzan/zan - 高效稳定、安全易用、线上实时验证的全异步高性能网络库,通过PHP扩展方式使用。
  • schweikert/fping - High performance ping tool
  • maxmind/libmaxminddb - C library for the MaxMind DB file format
  • jbruchon/jdupes - A powerful duplicate file finder and an enhanced fork of 'fdupes'.
  • znort987/blockparser - Simple C++ bitcoin blockchain parser
  • ustcwpz/USTC-CS-Courses-Resource - USTC计算机学院课程资源
  • hillegass/BNRPersistence - A set of classes which use Tokyo Cabinet to save and load Objective-C objects
  • galkahana/PDF-Writer - High performance library for creating, modiyfing and parsing PDF files in C++
  • hellerve/e - A dead simple editor
  • notandy/ympd - Standalone MPD Web GUI written in C, utilizing Websockets and Bootstrap/JS
  • intel/cc-oci-runtime - OCI (Open Containers Initiative) compatible runtime for Intel® Architecture
  • openglsuperbible/sb7code - Source code and supporting material for the 7th Edition of OpenGL SuperBible
  • lexborisov/Modest - Modest is a fast HTML renderer implemented as a pure C99 library with no outside dependencies.
  • bitlbee/bitlbee - An IRC to other chat networks gateway 🐝
  • linyiqun/Redis-Code - redis键值数据库源码分析
  • openglsuperbible/sb6code - Source code for OpenGL SupeBible 6th Edition examples
  • leonindy/camel - camel: soft load balance(slb) midware - control nginx servers by portal and api.
  • pusher/libPusher - An Objective-C interface to Pusher Channels owner=@TomKemp
  • jabberd2/jabberd2 - JabberD XMPP Server
  • dianping/camel - camel: soft load balance(slb) middle ware - control nginx servers by portal and api.
  • gianlucabertani/Objective-Zip - An object-oriented friendly wrapper library for ZLib and MiniZip, in Objective-C for iOS and OS X
  • samtools/htslib - C library for high-throughput sequencing data formats
  • DreamAndDead/CSAPP-3e-Solutions - CSAPP 3e Solutions gitbook
  • tronkko/dirent - C/C++ library for retrieving information on files and directories
  • lxc/lxcfs - FUSE filesystem for LXC
  • mvp/uhubctl - uhubctl - USB hub per-port power control
  • larmel/lacc - A simple, self-hosting C compiler
  • cirosantilli/cpp-cheat - MOVING TO: SEE README. C, C++, POSIX and Linux system programming minimal examples. Asserts used wherever possible. Hello worlds for cool third party libraries and build systems. Cheatsheets, tutorials and mini-projects.
  • redbo/cloudfuse - Filesystem (fuse) implemented on Mosso's Cloud Files
  • McGill-DMaS/Kam1n0-Community - The Kam1n0 Assembly Analysis Platform
  • cnlohr/colorchord - Chromatic Sound to Light Conversion System
  • ideawu/c1000k - A tool to test if you OS supports 1 million connections(c1000k)
  • symisc/PH7 - An Embedded Implementation of PHP (C Library)
  • OKCoin/rest - OKCoin Rest Api客户端示例 目前只提供C++、C# 、Java、PHP、Python
  • kbranigan/cJSON - I did not write this code, but I like it.
  • symisc/vedis - An Embedded Implementation of Redis
  • liudf0716/xkcptun - xkcptun is kcp tunnel for OpenWRT&LEDE, implemented in c language
  • TinyCC/tinycc - Mirror from mob branch
  • hroptatyr/dateutils - nifty command line date and time utilities; fast date calculations and conversion in the shell
  • xiph/flac - Free Lossless Audio Codec
  • allinurl/gwsocket - fast, standalone, language-agnostic WebSocket server RFC6455 compliant
  • aliyun/iotkit-embedded - 高速镜像:
  • ccxvii/mujs - An embeddable Javascript interpreter in C.
  • APE-Project/APE_Server - Ajax Push Engine : Lightweight HTTP Streaming server. Fully written in C language, it provides best performances, making it the faster Comet server to date. APE now support server-side javascript modules through spidermonkey
  • pysam-developers/pysam - Pysam is a Python module for reading and manipulating SAM/BAM/VCF/BCF files. It's a lightweight wrapper of the htslib C-API, the same one that powers samtools, bcftools, and tabix.
  • kwgoodman/bottleneck - Fast NumPy array functions written in C
  • FSX/misaka - A Python binding for Hoedown.
  • Wilfred/babyc - A toy C compiler
  • LeechanX/Data-Structures-and-Algorithms-in-C - 所有基础数据结构和算法的纯C语言实现,如各自排序、链表、栈、队列、各种树以及应用、图算法、字符串匹配算法、回溯、并查集等,献丑了
  • obgm/libcoap - A CoAP (RFC 7252) implementation in C
  • cesanta/fossa - Async non-blocking multi-protocol networking library for C/C++
  • vimfung/LuaScriptCore - 一款简单易用的多平台Lua桥接器,目前支持在iOS、Mac OS X、Android以及Unity3D中使用,让原生环境与Lua无障碍沟通。
  • rsta2/circle - A C++ bare metal environment for Raspberry Pi with USB (32 and 64 bit)
  • ANSSI-FR/AD-control-paths - Active Directory Control Paths auditing and graphing tools
  • coova/coova-chilli - CoovaChilli is an open-source software access controller for captive portal hotspots.
  • dovecot/core - Dovecot mail server
  • andrewchambers/c - small self hosting C compiler
  • WojciechMula/pyahocorasick - Python module (C extension and plain python) implementing Aho-Corasick algorithm
  • septag/sx - Portable base library for C programmers, designed for performance and simplicity.
  • doches/progressbar - An easy-to-use C library for displaying text progress bars.
  • attractivechaos/kann - A lightweight C library for artificial neural networks
  • aperezdc/ngx-fancyindex - Fancy indexes module for the Nginx web server
  • ant-media/LibRtmp-Client-for-Android - It is probably the smallest(~60KB, fat version ~300KB) rtmp client for android. It calls librtmp functions over JNI interface
  • pi-hole/FTL - The Pi-hole FTL engine
  • cesanta/frozen - JSON parser and generator for C/C++ with scanf/printf like interface. Targeting embedded systems.
  • FreedomBen/rtl8188ce-linux-driver - This modified version of the RealTek WiFi driver fixes some issues with RealTek cards on Linux.
  • libass/libass - libass is a portable subtitle renderer for the ASS/SSA (Advanced Substation Alpha/Substation Alpha) subtitle format.
  • ngtcp2/ngtcp2 - ngtcp2 project is an effort to implement IETF QUIC protocol
  • henrypp/chrlauncher - Small and very fast portable launcher and updater for Chromium.
  • alessandrofrancesconi/gimp-plugin-bimp - BIMP. Batch Image Manipulation Plugin for GIMP.
  • cloudflare/cloudflare-blog - Cloudflare Blog code samples
  • tatsuhiro-t/wslay - The WebSocket library in C
  • ridiculousfish/cdecl-blocks - The venerable cdecl, with Apple blocks support
  • orangeduck/tgc - A Tiny Garbage Collector for C
  • mevdschee/2048.c - Console version of the game '2048' for GNU/Linux
  • OpenEtherCATsociety/SOEM - Simple Open Source EtherCAT Master
  • loveveryday/linux0.11 - Linux内核0.11完全注释V3.0配套源代码
  • iscsi-osx/iSCSIInitiator - iSCSI Initiator for macOS
  • adtac/fssb - A filesystem sandbox for Linux using syscall intercepts.
  • remzi-arpacidusseau/ostep-code - Code from various chapters in OSTEP (
  • paulhoux/Cinder-Samples - Sample applications for the Cinder framework
  • hpjansson/chafa - 📺🗿 Terminal graphics for the 21st century.
  • analang/como-lang-ng - como-lang-ng is now ana-lang, located at
  • petewarden/c_hashmap - A simple string hashmap in C
  • open-io/oio-sds - High Performance Object Storage for Big Data and AI
  • CANopenNode/CANopenNode - CANopen stack base.
  • Keruspe/GPaste - Clipboard management system
  • dc42/RepRapFirmware - OO C++ RepRap Firmware
  • SilverRainZ/OS67 - An unix-like toy kernel.
  • skvadrik/re2c - lexer generator for C/C++
  • xorg62/tty-clock - Clock using lib ncurses
  • jmckaskill/luaffi - Standalone FFI library for calling C functions from lua. Compatible with the luajit FFI interface.
  • CauldronDevelopmentLLC/CAMotics - Open-Source Simulation & Computer Aided Machining - A 3-axis CNC GCode simulator
  • libexpat/libexpat - 🌿 Expat library: Fast streaming XML parser written in C; in the process of migrating from SourceForge to GitHub
  • vmprof/vmprof-python - vmprof - a statistical program profiler
  • yaml/libyaml - Canonical source repository for LibYAML
  • webcpp/hi-nginx - A fast and robust web server and application server for C++,Python,Lua ,Java, PHP7,Javascript and multiple jsr-223 JVM language
  • jdduke/three_cpp - A port of three.js to C++
  • skarnet/s6 - The s6 supervision suite.
  • CasterWx/AntzOS - 🌏 Develop an intelligent AI half terminal half graphical operating system Antz. 一个随心所欲制造的操作系统Antz。
  • apache/subversion - Mirror of Apache Subversion
  • hackgnar/ble_ctf - A Bluetooth low energy capture the flag
  • grobian/carbon-c-relay - Enhanced C implementation of Carbon relay, aggregator and rewriter
  • cfengine/core - CFEngine Community
  • readium/readium-sdk - A C++ ePub renderer SDK
  • cbsd/cbsd - Yet one more wrapper around jail, bhyve and XEN on FreeBSD platform. For more information please visit website
  • tpoechtrager/cctools-port - Apple cctools port for Linux, *BSD and Windows (Cygwin)
  • jserv/MazuCC - A minimalist C compiler with x86_64 code generation
  • earthquake/chw00t - chw00t - Unices chroot breaking tool
  • wengkai/ACLLib - ACLLib is a bunch of C functions covers Win32API and provides simpler API to beginners for programming Windows GUI applications. It compiles with MinGW and MS Visual Studio Express
  • ned14/nedmalloc - An EXTREMELY FAST portable thread caching malloc implementation written in C for multiple threads without lock contention based on dlmalloc. Optimised for x86 and x64. Compatible with C++. Can patch itself into existing binaries on Windows.
  • nbs-system/snuffleupagus - Security module for php7 - Killing bugclasses and virtual-patching the rest!
  • libtom/libtommath - LibTomMath is a free open source portable number theoretic multiple-precision integer library written entirely in C.
  • CTurt/Cinoop - Multiplatform Game Boy emulator
  • cos120/captcha_crack - 选字验证码破解,试验过网易和极验,破解率99
  • ChibiOS/ChibiOS - Read only mirror of SVN ChibiOS repository.
  • billiob/terminology - The best terminal emulator based on the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries
  • Macarse/50AH-code - 50 Android Hacks book source code
  • lukeweber/webrtc-jingle-client - Webrtc audio + jingle protocol brought to IOS and Android.
  • ccpalettes/the-c-programming-language-second-edition-solutions - Solutions for all exercises in the book 'The C Programming Language - Second Edition'(referred to as K&R, after its authors' initials) by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie.
  • aterrien/forp-PHP-profiler - A PHP profiler written in C. forp is a lightweight PHP extension which provides the full call stack of your script, with CPU and memory usage, in a plain PHP Array or JSON output.
  • simonhf/sharedhashfile - Share Hash Tables With Stable Key Hints Stored In Memory Mapped Files Between Arbitrary Processes
  • trailofbits/cb-multios - DARPA Challenges Sets for Linux, Windows, and macOS
  • steakknife/unsign - Remove code signatures from OSX Mach-O binaries (note: unsigned binaries cannot currently be re-codesign'ed. Patches welcome!)
  • Fedjmike/mini-c - Dr Strangehack, or: how to write a self-hosting C compiler in 10 hours
  • explosion/lightnet - 🌓 Bringing pjreddie's DarkNet out of the shadows #yolo
  • Steve132/uraster - Micro simple Rasterizer in a single C++11 header file.
  • faragon/libsrt - libsrt is a C library for writing fast and safe C code, faster. It provides string, vector, bit set, set, map, hash set, and hash map handling. Suitable for soft and hard real-time. Allows both heap and stack allocation. BETA (API still can change: suggestions are welcome)
  • randrew/layout - Single-file library for calculating 2D UI layouts using stacking boxes. Compiles as C99 or C++.
  • cloudwu/cstring - A simple C string lib
  • sdhand/x11fs - A tool for manipulating X windows
  • vladimirvivien/go-cshared-examples - Calling Go Functions from Other Languages using C Shared Libraries
  • Kreijstal/Random-C-stuff - For all Random C stuff
  • bus1/dbus-broker - Linux D-Bus Message Broker
  • Zeex/subhook - Simple hooking library for C/C++ (x86 only, 32/64-bit, no dependencies)
  • kosma/minmea - a lightweight GPS NMEA 0183 parser library in pure C
  • embox/embox - Modular and configurable OS for embedded applications
  • linleyh/liberation-circuit - Trapped in a hostile computer system, you must make a way out - RTS/coding game
  • martincohen/Punity - A tiny game engine in C.
  • caseyscarborough/keylogger - A no-frills keylogger for Mac OS X.
  • troglobit/inadyn - Dynamic DNS client with SSL/TLS support
  • LIJI32/SameBoy - Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulator written in C
  • KhronosGroup/OpenCL-Headers - Khronos OpenCL-Headers
  • nategri/nematoduino - Arduino UNO-compatible robotic simulation of the C. elegans nematode
  • floooh/chips - 8-bit chip and system emulators in standalone C headers
  • swenson/sort - Sorting routine implementations in 'template' C
  • mongodb/libbson - ARCHIVED - libbson has moved to
  • metacall/core - A library for providing inter-language foreign function interface calls.
  • eduardsui/tlse - Single C file TLS 1.2/1.3 implementation, using tomcrypt as crypto library
  • 10gen-archive/mongo-c-driver-legacy - C Driver for MongoDB
  • kuba--/zip - A portable, simple zip library written in C
  • frida/frida-core - Frida core library intended for static linking into bindings
  • deltachat/deltachat-core - Delta.Chat C-Library with e2e chat-over-email functionality & Python bindings
  • csete/gpredict - Gpredict satellite tracking application
  • mwarning/KadNode - P2P DNS with content key, crypto key and PKI support. DynDNS alternative.
  • mackron/dr_libs - A collection of public domain single-file libraries for C/C++.
  • dvidelabs/flatcc - FlatBuffers Compiler and Library in C for C
  • Overv/OOGL - Object-oriented C++ wrapper for OpenGL.
  • msgpack/msgpack-objectivec - MessagePack serializer implementation for Objective-C /[Objective-C]
  • diegocr/netcat - NetCat for Windows
  • dhuertas/AES - AES algorithm implementation in C
  • benoitc/http-parser - HTTP request/response parser for python in C
  • zsummer/breeze - 一个C++的轻量级的分布式服务器引擎, 架构思想为一切皆service.
  • sixstars/ctf - A writeup summary for CTF competitions, problems.
  • grz0zrg/fbg - Lightweight C 2D graphics API agnostic library with parallelism support
  • linux-rdma/rdma-core - RDMA core userspace libraries and daemons
  • Crazepony/crazepony-firmware-none - Crazepony flight control source code with no RTOS.
  • AudioNet/node-core-audio - Bindings for PortAudio giving JavaScript access to sound card samples (mostly unmaintained)
  • acidanthera/OpenCorePkg - OpenCore front end
  • gingerBill/gb - gb single-file public domain libraries for C & C++
  • frankmorgner/vsmartcard - umbrella project for emulation of smart card readers or smart cards
  • dyu/ffi-overhead - comparing the c ffi (foreign function interface) overhead on various programming languages
  • yaouser/C - linux下的C语言及关于kernel的介绍
  • luohaha/CSpider - A scalable and convenient crawler framework in C:).
  • igrr/esptool-ck - ESP8266 build/flash helper tool by Christian Klippel
  • miracl/MIRACL - MIRACL Cryptographic SDK: Multiprecision Integer and Rational Arithmetic Cryptographic Library is a C software library that is widely regarded by developers as the gold standard open source SDK for elliptic curve cryptography (ECC).
  • libgdx/fbx-conv - Command line utility using the FBX SDK to convert FBX/Collada/Obj files to a custom text/binary format for static, keyframed and skinned meshes.
  • lemire/simdcomp - A simple C library for compressing lists of integers using binary packing
  • jonasblixt/ufsm - UML Statechart library in C and XMI importer
  • contiki-ng/contiki-ng - Contiki-NG: The OS for Next Generation IoT Devices
  • zpl-c/zpl - 📐 Your C99 Powerkit
  • JHUISI/charm - Charm: A Framework for Rapidly Prototyping Cryptosystems
  • miohtama/python-Levenshtein - The Levenshtein Python C extension module contains functions for fast computation of Levenshtein distance and string similarity
  • limingth/NCCL - New Concept C Language
  • celluloid-player/celluloid - A simple GTK+ frontend for mpv
  • stevedekorte/vertexdb - C based graph db server using tokyocabinet & libevent
  • lemire/Code-used-on-Daniel-Lemire-s-blog - This is a repository for the code posted on my blog
  • jkuhlmann/cgltf - Single-file glTF 2.0 loader and writer written in C99
  • wenjun1055/c - C语言学习代码
  • facebookincubator/magma - Platform for building access networks and modular network services
  • pgbovine/CDE - CDE: Code, Data, and Environment packaging for Linux
  • maxmind/geoip-api-c - GeoIP Legacy C API
  • macmade/ClangKit - ClangKit provides an Objective-C frontend to LibClang. Source tokenization, diagnostics and fix-its are actually implemented.
  • cxong/cdogs-sdl - Classic overhead run-and-gun game
  • tiglabs/containerdns - a fast DNS for Kubernetes clusters
  • leaflabs/libmaple - [INACTIVE] C and C++ library for STM32 ARM Cortex-M3 development boards.
  • cgaebel/pipe - A simple thread-safe FIFO in C.
  • Yubico/libu2f-host - Yubico Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) Host C Library
  • vonzhou/CSAPP - CSAPP,《深入理解计算机系统结构》2nd ,阅读与实践!
  • kanaka/wac - WebAssembly interpreter in C
  • websupport-sk/pecl-memcache - PHP Extension - Memcache module with support of newer PHP 7.0-7.3
  • quartzjer/js0n - Flexible Zero-Footprint JSON Parser in C
  • iPlug2/iPlug2 - C++ Audio Plug-in Framework for desktop and web [PRE-RELEASE]
  • xant/libhl - Simple and fast C library implementing a thread-safe API to manage hash-tables, linked lists, lock-free ring buffers and queues
  • juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders - C, C++ headers and C# classes for icon fonts: Font Awesome, Fork Awesome, Material Design, Material Design icons, Kenney game icons and Ionicons
  • SVF-tools/SVF - Pointer Analysis and Program Dependence Analysis for C and C++ Programs
  • nlsandler/write_a_c_compiler - Test suite to help you write your own C compiler
  • myafer/OpenSSLApplication - iOS Object-C OC swift RSA加密
  • graphitemaster/incbin - Include binary files in C/C++
  • IAIK/CJAG - CJAG is an open-source implementation of our cache-based jamming agreement.
  • cs50/libcs50 - CS50 Library for C
  • Azure/azure-iot-sdk-c - A C99 SDK for connecting devices to Microsoft Azure IoT services
  • brackeen/glfm - OpenGL ES and input for iOS, tvOS, Android, and WebGL
  • zserge/partcl - ParTcl - a micro Tcl implementation
  • zedshaw/liblcthw - The library you create when you are done with Learn C The Hard Way
  • docopt/docopt.c - C-code generator for docopt language.
  • topameng/CsToLua - The fastest unity lua binding solution
  • saprykin/plibsys - Highly portable C system library: threads and synchronization primitives, sockets (TCP, UDP, SCTP), IPv4 and IPv6, IPC, hash functions (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2, SHA-3, GOST), binary trees (RB, AVL) and more. Native code performance.
  • soveran/clac - Command-line, stack-based calculator with postfix notation
  • skx/simple.vm - Simple virtual machine which inteprets bytecode.
  • x893/CMSIS-DAP - STM32 port for CMSIS-DAP with additional serial (CDC) support
  • ThingPulse/esp8266-weather-station-color - ESP8266 Weather Station in Color using ILI9341 TFT 240x320 display
  • ocornut/imgui_club - Nice things to use along dear imgui
  • intel/intel-cmt-cat - User space software for Intel(R) Resource Director Technology
  • atheme/atheme - Atheme IRC Services
  • erikkaashoek/Comskip - A free commercial detector
  • blankwall/MacDBG - Simple easy to use C and python debugging framework for OSX
  • armink/struct2json - A fast convert library between the JSON and C structure. Implement structure serialization and deserialization for C. C 结构体与 JSON 快速互转库,快速实现 C 结构体的序列化及反序列化
  • mortie/snow - A testing library for C.
  • keeshux/basic-blockchain-programming - Sample code from my blog series 'Basic blockchain programming'.
  • angel2d/angel2d - A cross-platform 2D game prototyping framework based on OpenGL and C++
  • kokke/tiny-regex-c - Small portable regex in C
  • tonyrog/cl - OpenCL binding for Erlang
  • losnoco/vgmstream - vgmstream - A library for playback of various streamed audio formats used in video games.
  • sisong/HDiffPatch - a CC++ library and command-line tools for Diff & Patch between binary files or directories(folder); fast and create small delta/differential; support large files and limit memory requires both diff & patch.
  • eclipse/wakaama - Eclipse Wakaama (formerly liblwm2m) is an implementation of the Open Mobile Alliance's LightWeight M2M protocol (LWM2M).
  • Crypto-toolbox/HFT-Orderbook - Limit Order Book for high-frequency trading (HFT), as described by WK Selph, implemented in Python3 and C
  • agl/critbit - Critbit trees in C
  • TulipCharts/tulipindicators - Technical Analysis Indicator Function Library in C
  • pornin/CTTK - Constant-Time Toolkit
  • PaulStoffregen/cores - Teensy Core Libraries for Arduino
  • lfittl/libpg_query - C library for accessing the PostgreSQL parser outside of the server environment
  • jwasham/practice-c - Part of my daily plan for studying C.
  • ufoym/recursive-bf - A lightweight C++ library for recursive bilateral filtering [Yang, Qingxiong. 'Recursive bilateral filtering'. European Conference on Computer Vision, 2012].
  • TOMB5/TOMB5 - Tomb Raider: Chronicles Disassembly translated to C source code.
  • tinyalsa/tinyalsa - Tiny library to interface with ALSA in the Linux kernel
  • eudoxia0/magma - Extending C with cmacro
  • cyrusimap/cyrus-imapd - Cyrus IMAP is an email, contacts and calendar server
  • yunnian/php-nsq - a php nsq client write by c extension,the fastest nsq client
  • simple2d/simple2d - 🎮 Simple, open-source 2D graphics for everyone
  • parallella/pal - An optimized C library for math, parallel processing and data movement
  • navit-gps/navit - The open source (GPL v2) turn-by-turn navigation software for many OS
  • duckythescientist/obfuscatedLife - Conway's Game of Life in 9 lines of C
  • thvdburgt/KnR-The-C-Programming-Language-Solutions - My solutions to the exercises in the book 'The C Programming Language' (2nd edition) by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, also referred to as K&R.
  • sonsongithub/CoreAR - AR(Augmented reality) framework for iOS, based on a visual code like ARToolKit
  • martinh/libconfuse - Small configuration file parser library for C.
  • siu/minunit - Minimal unit testing framework for C
  • shenfeng/tiny-web-server - a tiny web server in C, for daily use.
  • seenaburns/stag - Streaming bar graphs. For stats and stuff.
  • PeterScott/murmur3 - Murmur3 hash in C
  • screemerpl/cbleemsync - AutoBleem - Alternative to BleemSync/BootMenu, C++ based, GameScanner and Updater for Playstation Classic
  • marssaxman/startc - minimal freestanding C library for bare-metal i386 development
  • andreafabrizi/prism - PRISM is an user space stealth reverse shell backdoor, written in pure C.
  • yulonghu/asf - Simple, High performance PHP framework written in C
  • simonyiszk/csdr - A simple DSP library and command-line tool for Software Defined Radio.
  • koanlogic/libu - LibU is a multiplatform utility library written in C, with APIs for handling memory allocation, networking and URI parsing, string manipulation, debugging, and logging in a very compact way, plus many other miscellaneous tasks
  • CCExtractor/ccextractor - CCExtractor - Official version maintained by the core team
  • antirez/lua-cmsgpack - A self contained Lua MessagePack C implementation.
  • drh/cii - C Interfaces and Implementations
  • nurupo/vlc-pause-click-plugin - Plugin for VLC that pauses/plays video on mouse click
  • KingOfBrian/VocalKit - Objective-C shim layer for Speech Recognition
  • it4e/CHL - C Hypertext Library - A library for writing web applications in C
  • rxi/map - A type-safe hash map implementation for C
  • pbhogan/scrypt - A Ruby gem with native C extension for the scrypt password hashing algorithm.
  • CristianHenzel/ClipIt - ClipIt clipboard manager for GTK+
  • lacker/ikalman - An iPhone-friendly Kalman filter written in C.
  • kkkgo/vlmcsd - 🔑Portable open-source KMS Emulator in C
  • circonus-labs/fq - F@#$*&%Q (Message queue that is fast, brokered, in C and gets out of your way)
  • Ai-Thinker-Open/GPRS_C_SDK - Ai-Thinker A9/A9G GPRS (with GPS(A9G)) module C development SDK
  • yosefk/checkedthreads - checkedthreads: no race condition goes unnoticed! Simple API, automatic load balancing, Valgrind-based checking
  • trustwallet/wallet-core - Cross-platform, cross-blockchain wallet library.
  • google/clspv - Clspv is a prototype compiler for a subset of OpenCL C to Vulkan compute shaders
  • jpbruyere/vkvg - Vulkan vector drawing, try to stay close to cairo api
  • hfiref0x/CVE-2015-1701 - Win32k LPE vulnerability used in APT attack
  • adsr/mle - A flexible terminal-based text editor (C)
  • V-E-O/PoC - PoC of CVE/Exploit
  • criticalstack/libevhtp - Create extremely-fast and secure embedded HTTP servers with ease.
  • yindaz/DeepCompletionRelease - Deep Depth Completion of a Single RGB-D Image
  • xtacocorex/CHIP_IO - A CHIP IO library for Python: IO+PWM+SPWM+ADC+Utilities
  • lfos/calcurse - A text-based calendar and scheduling application
  • QuantumLeaps/qpc - QP/C real-time embedded framework/RTOS for embedded systems based on active objects (actors) and hierarchical state machines
  • bitlbee/bitlbee-facebook - Facebook protocol plugin for BitlBee
  • williame/hellepoll - A blazingly-fast async HTTP server written in C++
  • ngircd/ngircd - Free, portable and lightweight Internet Relay Chat server
  • elarity/data-structure-php-clanguage - 对于数据结构和算法类的东西,我工作有些年份了,大学也有所涉猎,积累了一些内容,不高产不母猪,打我自己脸
  • EIPStackGroup/OpENer - OpENer is an EtherNet/IP stack for I/O adapter devices. It supports multiple I/O and explicit connections and includes objects and services for making EtherNet/IP-compliant products as defined in the ODVA specification.
  • aurelian/ruby-stemmer - Expose libstemmer_c to Ruby
  • zsummer/zsummerX - zsummerX is a cross-platform C++ high performance lightweight network library. via IOCP/EPOLL/SELECT.
  • UnknownShadow200/ClassiCube - Custom Minecraft Classic / ClassiCube client written in C (formerly ClassicalSharp in C#) from scratch.
  • pez2001/razer_chroma_drivers - A collection of Linux drivers for Razer Chroma devices, it supports all lighting modes and includes a daemon for advanced effects + gui configuration app
  • orlp/ed25519 - Portable C implementation of Ed25519, a high-speed high-security public-key signature system.
  • go-goracle/goracle - Oracle driver for Go, using the ODPI-C driver
  • ginsweater/gif-h - Simple C++ one-header library for the creation of animated GIFs from image data.
  • fanchy/fflib - FFLib is a lightweight c++ framework.FFlib is mainly designed for game server developing. But some components in FFLib is in common use. For example socket&net module, log module, thread&lock, tools for performance & memory leak check.用于分布式程序的c++类库,封装了socket、rpc、lua、CQRS框架、算法等组件,适于SNS、WEBGAME、MMO后台程序, about C++,linux socket,lua,rpc,broker,cqrs,timer,log libary
  • chaoslawful/ccard-lib - C library for estimating cardinality in streams for which it is infeasible to store all events in memory
  • begeekmyfriend/CuckooFilter - Substitute for bloom filter.
  • nasa/XPlaneConnect - The X-Plane Communications Toolbox is a research tool used to interact with the X-Plane flight simulator
  • JuliaMath/openlibm - High quality system independent, portable, open source libm implementation
  • jgarzik/picocoin - A bitcoin library in C, SPV wallet & more.
  • H2CO3/Sparkling - Lightweight extension language
  • dcreager/libcork - A simple, easily embeddable cross-platform C library
  • wargio/r2dec-js - radare2 plugin - converts asm to pseudo-C code.
  • smackers/smack - SMACK Software Verifier and Verification Toolchain
  • parse-community/parse-embedded-sdks - The Embedded SDKs for the Parse Platform
  • dxjia/ffmpeg-compile-shared-library-for-android - 移植ffmpeg到android,编译可用于jni调用的so库.
  • calvinwilliams/cocker - Container Engine
  • cofyc/argparse - Command-line arguments parsing library.
  • PetteriAimonen/libfixmatrix - C library for fixed point matrix, quaternion and vector calculations
  • h2o/picotls - TLS 1.3 implementation in C (master supports RFC8446 as well as draft-26, -27, -28)
  • EliteQuant/EliteQuant_Cpp - C/C++ 11 High frequency quantitative trading platform. It follows modern design patterns such as event-driven, server/client architect, dependency injection and loosely-coupled robust distributed system. It is self-contained and can be used out of box. At the same time, it serves as server side for other EliteQuant projects.
  • troydhanson/tpl - tpl - a small binary serialization library for C
  • proftpd/proftpd - ProFTPD source code
  • jduck/asus-cmd - ASUS Router infosvr UDP Broadcast root Command Execution
  • dbro/csvquote - Enables common unix utlities like cut, awk, wc, head to work correctly with csv data containing delimiters and newlines
  • agl/curve25519-donna - Implementations of a fast Elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman primitive
  • taisei-project/taisei - A free and open-source Touhou Project clone and fangame
  • mkorenkov/ipad_charge - charge Apple devices under Ubuntu Linux
  • crash-utility/crash - Linux kernel crash utility
  • paladin-t/my_basic - Lightweight BASIC interpreter written in standard C in dual files. Aimed to be embeddable, extendable and portable.
  • Kurento/kms-core - Core library of Kurento Media Server
  • jeff-1amstudios/restful-doom - HTTP+JSON API hosted inside the 1993 DOOM engine!
  • cvxgrp/scs - C package that solves convex cone problems via operator splitting
  • b-k/21st-Century-Examples - Examples for 21st Century C by Ben Klemens
  • Themaister/libfmsynth - A C library which implements an FM synthesizer
  • stevedekorte/coroutine - C multiplatform coroutine implementation via ucontext, fibers or setjmp
  • m8rge/cwebsocket - cWebsocket is lightweight websocket server library
  • eggheads/eggdrop - The Eggdrop IRC Bot
  • abstrakraft/cwiid - Linux Nintendo Wiimote interface
  • licstar/compare - compare embedding
  • ARM-software/CMSIS - Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard
  • nemequ/portable-snippets - Collection of miscellaneous portable C snippets.
  • llvm-mirror/compiler-rt - Mirror of official compiler-rt git repository located at Updated every five minutes.
  • troglobit/finit - Fast init for Linux systems. Cookies included
  • sztupy/luadec51 - Lua Decompiler for Lua version 5.1
  • Leandros/WindowsHModular - A modular Windows.h Header. Licensed under Public Domain & MIT.
  • commonsguy/cwac-anddown - CWAC AndDown: Markdown Utility Library
  • angt/glorytun - A small, simple and secure VPN
  • rampantpixels/foundation_lib - Cross-platform public domain foundation library in C providing basic support data types and functions to write applications and games in a platform-independent fashion.
  • MauriceGit/Partikel_accelleration_on_GPU - Particle accelleration with OpenGL 4.3, using the compute shader to calculate particle movement on graphics hardware.
  • libfirm/libfirm - graph based intermediate representation and backend for optimising compilers
  • editorconfig/editorconfig-core-c - EditorConfig core library written in C (for use by plugins supporting EditorConfig parsing)
  • sheredom/json.h - json parser for C and C++
  • dhess/c-ringbuf - A ring buffer implemented in C
  • jarun/nnn - 🐬 Lean, fast, zero-config, full-featured file manager with batteries
  • Tribler/self-compile-Android - Autonomous smartphone app. Capable of self-compilation, mutation, and viral spreading. World-first proof-of-principle to bypass Internet kill switches.
  • triaquae/CrazyEye - OpenSource IT Automation Software
  • mintomic/mintomic - [deprecated] For native C atomics, see Turf instead
  • jmcnamara/libxlsxwriter - A C library for creating Excel XLSX files.
  • uclouvain/openjpeg - Official repository of the OpenJPEG project
  • DoubleSpout/ccap - node.js generate captcha using c++ library CImg without install any other lib or software
  • fabiensanglard/chocolate_duke3D - chocolate Duke Nukem,3D
  • hfiref0x/WinObjEx64 - Windows Object Explorer 64-bit
  • OpenGLInsights/OpenGLInsightsCode - Source code for OpenGL Insights
  • jnz/q3vm - Q3VM - Embeddable bytecode virtual machine/interpreter for C-language input
  • 100/Cranium - 🤖 A portable, header-only, artificial neural network library written in C99
  • MarilynDafa/Bulllord-Engine - lightspeed lightweight elegant game engine in pure c
  • cisco-system-traffic-generator/trex-core - trex-core site
  • smealum/ctrulib - C library for writing user mode arm11 code for the 3DS (CTR)
  • microsoft/SymCrypt - Cryptographic library
  • Kazade/kazmath - A C math library targeted at games
  • apache/mynewt-core - An OS to build, deploy and securely manage billions of devices
  • xroche/coffeecatch - CoffeeCatch, a tiny native POSIX signal catcher (especially useful for JNI code on Android/Dalvik)
  • everettjf/AppleTrace - Objective C message tracing tool for iOS
  • simondlevy/TinyEKF - Lightweight C/C++ Extended Kalman Filter with Python for prototyping
  • silentbicycle/theft - property-based testing for C: generate input to find obscure bugs, then reduce to minimal failing input
  • Yubico/yubico-pam - Yubico Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM)
  • rswier/swieros - A tiny hand crafted CPU emulator, C compiler, and Operating System
  • mikeryan/crackle - Crack and decrypt BLE encryption
  • i-rinat/apulse - PulseAudio emulation for ALSA
  • rxi/log.c - A simple logging library implemented in C99
  • dosgo/ngrok-c - ngrok client for c language,Due to the use of GO ngrok language development, porting to embedded devices some inconvenience, such as openwrt, so use C language rewrite a client. Very mini, the need to support polarssl library.
  • bettio/AtomVM - Tiny Erlang VM
  • jedisct1/libhydrogen - A lightweight, secure, easy-to-use crypto library suitable for constrained environments.
  • open-quantum-safe/liboqs - C library for quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms.
  • Ewenwan/ShiYanLou - 学习C & C++ & python&汇编语言 数据结构 算法 操作系统 单片机 linux 面试
  • tangledpath/ruby-fann - Ruby library for interfacing with FANN (Fast Artificial Neural Network)
  • openresty/lua-upstream-nginx-module - Nginx C module to expose Lua API to ngx_lua for Nginx upstreams
  • freifunk-gluon/gluon - a modular framework for creating OpenWrt-based firmwares for wireless mesh nodes
  • mjg59/mei-amt-check - Check whether AMT is enabled and provisioned under Linux
  • kablaa/CTF-Workshop - Challenges for Binary Exploitation Workshop
  • tcbrindle/raytracer.hpp - Simple compile-time raytracer using C++17
  • naev/naev - Naev is a 2d action/rpg space game that combines elements from the action, rpg and simulation genres.
  • mofaph/csapp - Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective
  • douban/greenify - Make blocking C library work with gevent
  • hfiref0x/VBoxHardenedLoader - VirtualBox VM detection mitigation loader
  • ObKo/stm32-cmake - CMake for stm32 developing.
  • felselva/mathc - Pure C math library for 2D and 3D programming. [[ Currently working on a major update ]]
  • newaetech/chipwhisperer - ChipWhisperer - the complete open-source toolchain for side-channel power analysis and glitching attacks
  • TrustWallet/wallet-core - Cross-platform, cross-blockchain wallet library.
  • chrismoos/hash-ring - C hash ring library
  • mozilla-services/ios-sync-client - A standalone iOS client for Firefox Sync
  • lionsoul2014/friso - High performance chinese tokenizer with both GBK and UTF-8 charset support developed by ANSI C
  • jtsiomb/kdtree - A simple C library for working with KD-Trees
  • esneider/debug - Debugging like a sir (in C)
  • r-lyeh/AVA - A tiny unlicensed 3D game engine in C; with C++ and Lua interfaces. Written in 32 random ̷d̷a̷y̷s̷ m̷o̷n̷t̷h̷s̷ years.
  • andwn/cave-story-md - A fan port of Cave Story for the Sega Mega Drive
  • kklis/proxy - TCP proxy in ANSI C
  • CANBus-Triple/CANBus-Triple - CANBus Triple – The car hacking platform
  • JFreegman/toxic - An ncurses-based Tox client
  • SharpAI/DeepCamera - Protect your privacy, open source AI-powered video surveillance on Android, featuring face recognition, human shape recognition(ReID), etc. The world's first AutoML Deep Learning edge AI platform. No programming exp needed to train a new model for your privacy.
  • NuxiNL/cloudlibc - CloudABI's standard C library
  • madhur/android-chat-starter - A starter project for Android chat application
  • gjedeer/tuntox - Tunnel TCP connections over the Tox protocol
  • HuoLanguage/huo - interpreted language written in C
  • abiggerhammer/hammer - Parser combinators for binary formats, in C. Yes, in C. What? Don't look at me like that.
  • google/google-ctf - Google CTF
  • rampantpixels/rpmalloc - Public domain cross platform lock free thread caching 32-byte aligned memory allocator implemented in C
  • jonpe960/ufsm - UML Statechart library in C and XMI importer
  • udp/lacewing - Cross-platform network I/O library for C/C++
  • skeeto/interactive-c-demo - Demonstration of interactive C programming
  • rgerganov/footswitch - Command-line utility for PCsensor foot switch
  • openworm/sibernetic - This is a C++/OpenCL implementation of the PCISPH algorithm supplemented with a set of biomechanics related features applied to C. elegans locomotion
  • lalongooo/VideoCompressor - Video compressor based in the Telegram for Android app source code.
  • unrealircd/unrealircd - Official UnrealIRCd repository. Downloads are available from our site
  • mrubyc/mrubyc - mruby/c is an another implementation of mruby.
  • vincenthz/libjson - a JSON parser and printer library in C. easy to integrate with any model.
  • Lokaltog/candybar - WebKit-based status bar for tiling window managers.
  • guaxiao/renderer.gua - Software 3D Renderer in C++ on Windows, OSX and Linux or other popular flavors of Unix that SDL supports
  • face/MongooseDaemon - An objective-c wrapper for embedding the mongoose http web server in iPhone apps
  • JCash/voronoi - A C implementation for creating 2D voronoi diagrams
  • JazzCore/ctrlp-cmatcher - CtrlP C matching extension
  • haldean/x6502 - Yet another 6502 emulator that one day dreams of being an Atari 2600.
  • emilk/wfc - A C++ port of Wave Function Collapse Tiling
  • watmough/jwHash - Simple hash table implementation for C.
  • lionsoul2014/ip2region - Ip2region is a offline IP location library with accuracy rate of 99.9% and 0.0x millseconds searching performance. DB file is less then 5Mb with all ip address stored. binding for Java,PHP,C,Python,Nodejs,Golang,C#,lua. Binary,B-tree,Memory searching algorithm
  • CameraKit/camerakit-android - Library for Android Camera 1 and 2 APIs. Massively increase stability and reliability of photo and video capture on all Android devices.
  • Microsoft/checkedc - Checked C is an extension to C that adds checking to detect or prevent common programming errors such as buffer overruns and out-of-bounds memory accesses. This repo has a wiki for Checked C, sample code, the specification, and test code.
  • boothj5/profanity - Ncurses based XMPP client
  • gwaldron/osgearth - A free open source C++ geospatial toolkit.
  • WickrInc/wickr-crypto-c - An implementation of the Wickr Secure Messaging Protocol in C
  • DNS-OARC/dnscap - Network capture utility designed specifically for DNS traffic
  • phonegap/phonegap-plugin-contentsync - Download and cache remotely hosted content
  • ctz/cifra - A collection of cryptographic primitives targeted at embedded use.
  • clibs/list - C doubly linked list
  • DaveDavenport/rofi - Rofi: A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement
  • proot-me/PRoot - chroot, mount --bind, and binfmt_misc without privilege/setup for Linux
  • u0u0/Quick-Cocos2dx-Community - Cocos2d-Lua 社区版
  • nccgroup/Cyber-Defence - Information released publicly by NCC Group's Cyber Defence team
  • lpan/viw - VI Worsened, a lightweight and fun VI clone.
  • couchbaselabs/Android-Couchbase - The android build for humans.
  • Paradoxis/PHP-Rootkit - Your interpreter isn’t safe anymore — The PHP module rootkit
  • limccn/Cocoa-Charts - Open-source iPhone/iPad graph/chart framework includes line chart,stick chart,candlestick chart,pie chart,spider-web chart etc. Based on iOS graph SDK, Using native Objective-c Codes
  • opsxcq/exploit-CVE-2017-7494 - SambaCry exploit and vulnerable container (CVE-2017-7494)
  • haakonnessjoen/MAC-Telnet - Open source MAC Telnet client and server for connecting to Microtik RouterOS routers and Posix machines via MAC address.
  • mm2/Little-CMS - A free, open source, CMM engine. It provides fast transforms between ICC profiles.
  • mkottman/acpi_call - A linux kernel module that enables calls to ACPI methods through /proc/acpi/call. Now with support for Integer, String and Buffer parameters.
  • camgunz/cmp - An implementation of the MessagePack serialization format in C /[C]
  • siddontang/libtnet - libtnet is a tiny high performance c++ network lib, like tornado
  • lucasb-eyer/heatmap - High performance C heatmap generation library. Supposed to be wrapped by higher-level languages.
  • kelly/node-i2c - Node.js native bindings for i2c-dev. Plays well with Raspberry Pi and Beaglebone.
  • HBehrens/obj2opengl - script to convert 3D models of OBJ files to C/C++ float arrays (vertices, faces, texture) compatible with OpenGL ES glDrawArrays compatible with iPhone/iPad
  • facebook/libphenom - An eventing framework for building high performance and high scalability systems in C.
  • google/upb - a small protobuf implementation in C
  • Lede-Inc/cetus - 专注于稳定、性能和分布式事务的MySQL数据库中间件
  • Y1ran/Free-VPN-for-Coursera - 🔑🔓免费开源的科学上网工具
  • CainKernel/CainCamera - CainCamera is an Android Project to learn about development of beauty camera, image and short video
  • anael-seghezzi/CToy - Interactive C coding environment
  • ultralight-ux/ultralight - Ultralight— a lightweight, pure-GPU, HTML UI renderer for C++
  • charybdis-ircd/charybdis - Scalable IRCv3.2 server for large, community-oriented networks
  • todbot/arduino-serial - Example C and Java host code to talking to an arduino or other 'serial' device
  • island-org/island - Lightweight and low-level creative coding toolkits in C.
  • cbuchner1/ccminer - Christian Buchner's & Christian H.'s CUDA miner project
  • phonegap/phonegap-plugin-fast-canvas - Fast, 2D, mostly-HTML5-canvas-compatible rendering surface for Android.
  • vim/vim - The official Vim repository
  • ufoym/RecursiveBF - A lightweight C++ library for recursive bilateral filtering [Yang, Qingxiong. 'Recursive bilateral filtering'. European Conference on Computer Vision, 2012].
  • gnome-mpv/gnome-mpv - A simple GTK+ frontend for mpv
  • triSYCL/triSYCL - Modern C++ for accelerators based on SYCL from Khronos Group
  • GHamrouni/Recommender - A C library for product recommendations/suggestions using collaborative filtering (CF)
  • atg/chocolat-public - Public bug tracker for the private chocolat project
  • ruby/curses - Ruby binding for curses, ncurses, and PDCurses. Formerly part of the ruby standard library.
  • burtonsamograd/sxc - sxc is an 'S-Expression C' transpiler for generating C code using macros written in Common Lisp
  • aidansteele/MagicKit - MagicKit is an Objective-C file identification framework based on libmagic.
  • particle-iot/firmware - Device OS (Firmware) for Particle Devices
  • vmg/clar - What tests are made of.
  • NetworkBlockDevice/nbd - Network Block Device
  • gilbo/cork - 3D Boolean / CSG Library
  • pkrumins/node-png - A nodejs C++ module that given a buffer with RGB or RGBA values creates a PNG image (in memory).
  • darius/ichbins - A tiny self-hosting Lisp-to-C compiler
  • crozone/SpectrePoC - Proof of concept code for the Spectre CPU exploit.
  • charleyw/cordova-plugin-alipay - Cordova支付宝插件,cordova alipay plugin
  • tj90241/cen64 - Cycle-Accurate Nintendo 64 Emulator
  • syoyo/tinygltfloader - Header only C++ Tiny glTF loader.
  • jbremer/darm - A light-weight and efficient disassembler written in C for the ARMv7 instruction set.
  • bg111/asterisk-chan-dongle - Automatically exported from
  • munificent/wren - The Wren Programming Language
  • Dead2/zlib-ng - zlib replacement with optimizations for 'next generation' systems.
  • Temptin/SkypeExport - Cross-platform Skype history exporter written in C++. Very fast. Spits out beautiful, completely self-contained HTML pages that don't require any extra files.
  • graphitemaster/lambdapp - Anonymous functions in C
  • bindecy/HugeDirtyCowPOC - A POC for the Huge Dirty Cow vulnerability (CVE-2017-1000405)
  • tyler/Bogart - It's like Sinatra.. in C.
  • sheredom/process.h - A simple one header solution to launching processes and interacting with them for C and C++.
  • kristapsdz/acme-client - secure ACME client
  • Juniper/contrail-vrouter - Contrail Virtual Router
  • wiiudev/libwiiu - Build system and examples for running C code on the Wii U
  • lthiery/SPI-Py - Hardware SPI as a C Extension for Python
  • sahib/glyr - Glyr is a music related metadata searchengine, both with commandline interface and C API
  • CoolerVoid/raptor_waf - Raptor - WAF - Web application firewall using DFA [ Current version ] - Beta
  • megous/megatools - Open-source command line tools and C library (libmega) for accessing cloud storage.
  • cirosantilli/linux-kernel-module-cheat - The perfect emulation setup to study and modify the Linux kernel, kernel modules, QEMU and gem5. Highly automated. Thoroughly documented. GDB and KGDB just work. Powered by Buildroot. 'Tested' in Ubuntu 18.04 host, x86 and ARM guests with kernel v4.18.
  • mobius3/tweeny - A modern C++ tweening library
  • wujunze/nginx-http-echo-module - A simple Nginx echo module
  • saelo/cve-2014-0038 - Linux local root exploit for CVE-2014-0038
  • josephg/librope - UTF-8 rope library for C
  • Tangent128/luasdl2 - A pure C binding of SDL 2.0 for Lua 5.1, Lua 5.2, and LuaJIT.
  • codebox/bitmeteros - BitMeter OS - a cross-platform bandwidth monitor
  • cornet/ccze - ccze
  • xtaci/libkcp - FEC enhanced KCP session library for iOS/Android in C++
  • PolygonTek/BlueshiftEngine - Blueshift is a cross-platform 3D game engine implemented in C++. it's free, open-source, and works on Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. The project is currently in an early stage of development.
  • BennyQBD/3DEngineCpp - It's like the 3D Game Engine, except in C++
  • google/capsicum-linux - Linux kernel with Capsicum support
  • dryman/opic - Fast serialization framework for C
  • neurodroid/cryptonite - EncFS and TrueCrypt on Android
  • citra-emu/citra - A Nintendo 3DS Emulator
  • nayuki/QR-Code-generator - High-quality QR Code generator library in Java, JavaScript, Python, C++, C.
  • ferreiradaselva/mathc - Pure C math library for 2D and 3D programming
  • DragonFlyBSD/DragonFlyBSD - DragonFly BSD System Source Repository (Read-Only)
  • clibs/commander - Commander option parser ported to C - simple API, auto-generated --help
  • wukezhan/air - a high performance, lightweight framework for php5 & php7 written in c
  • lennylxx/leetcode - Pure C solution for LeetCode
  • rmccullagh/como-lang-ng - A programming language prototype implemented in C with an AST, Compiler, and Virtual Machine @TODO Garbage Collection
  • payden/libwebsock - C library for easy WebSockets server.
  • thomasdenney/ObjectiveGumbo - An Objective-C wrapper with utility functions around Gumbo for easy HTML5 parsing in Cocoa and Cocoa Touch
  • imneme/pcg-c-basic - PCG — Minimal C Implementation
  • cyassl/cyassl - Please use wolfSSL now instead: . CyaSSL is a small, fast, portable implementation of TLS/SSL for embedded devices to the cloud.
  • lp/ObjCHiredis - Hiredis with Objective-C Interface
  • cioc/functionalC - Not because it is good, but because we can..
  • andikleen/snappy-c - C port of the snappy compressor
  • FuruyamaTakeshi/DLNA - DLNA sample code using CyberLink Objective-C Wrapper. This sample can browse contents from DMS and play content at DMR.
  • dxjia/ffmpeg-commands-executor-library - execute ffmpeg commands through a jni shared library.
  • zorgnax/libtap - Write tests in C
  • imneme/pcg-c - PCG — C Implementation
  • orangeduck/LuaAutoC - Automagically use C Functions and Structs with the Lua API
  • vstakhov/rspamd - Rapid spam filtering system.
  • 10gen/mongo-c-driver-legacy - C Driver for MongoDB
  • simondlevy/BreezySLAM - Simple, efficient, open-source package for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping in Python, Matlab, Java, and C++
  • benmills/robotskirt - A node wrapper for the awesome C markdown parser, sundown.
  • zhaojh329/libuwsc - A Lightweight and fully asynchronous WebSocket client C library based on libubox for Embedded Linux.
  • HaxeFoundation/hxcpp - Runtime files for c++ backend for haxe
  • Unidata/netcdf-c - Official GitHub repository for netCDF-C libraries and utilities.
  • powturbo/TurboRLE - Fastest Run Length Encoding
  • philburk/pforth - Portable Forth in C
  • grahamking/Key-Value-Polyglot - A basic key-value store, repeated in C, Go, Python (basic, gevent, and diesel), Ruby (event machine), Java, Scala, Haskell, and NodeJS.
  • a-nikolaev/curseofwar - A Real Time Strategy game for Linux.
  • nigma/pywt - We're moving. Please visit
  • grahamedgecombe/nginx-ct - Certificate Transparency module for nginx.
  • fabianishere/brainfuck - Brainfuck interpreter written in C
  • 0xmalloc/c-log - a fast ,stable and thread-safe log lib(logger) for C/C++ language
  • tizian/Cendric2 - 2D Game
  • sharvil/flingfd - A tiny library to send file descriptors across processes
  • rmitton/rjm - Various single-file C libraries.
  • felis/Arduino_Camera_Control - PTP, Camera-specific layers to work with Arduino USB Host Shield
  • zsaleeba/picoc - A very small C interpreter
  • facebookresearch/SparseConvNet - Submanifold sparse convolutional networks
  • JuliaLang/utf8proc - a clean C library for processing UTF-8 Unicode data
  • trezor/trezor-core - 🔒 TREZOR Core
  • roboterclubaachen/xpcc - The C++ microcontroller framework xpcc for AVR and Cortex-M
  • JuliaLang/openlibm - High quality system independent, portable, open source libm implementation
  • wkoszek/cpu60 - Example of CPU simulation in software
  • WizardMac/ReadStat - Command-line tool (+ C library) for converting SAS, Stata, and SPSS files
  • MobileChromeApps/cordova-plugin-zip - Zip plugin for Cordova apps
  • gdbinit/onyx-the-black-cat - Kernel extension to disable anti-debug tricks and other useful XNU 'features'
  • harbour/core - Portable, xBase compatible programming language and environment
  • dreamsxin/cphalcon7 - Phalcon7 - Web framework for PHP7.x 高性能PHP7框架
  • RandyGaul/tinyheaders - Collection of one-file C/C++ libraries with no dependencies, primarily used for games
  • meganz/sdk - MEGA C++ SDK
  • morhetz/gruvbox-contrib - Ports of the gruvbox colorscheme
  • zhaojh329/libumqtt - A Lightweight and fully asynchronous MQTT 3.1.1 client C library based on libubox for Embedded Linux. Support QoS 0, 1 and 2. Support ssl.
  • cypresssemiconductorco/PSoC-4-BLE - PSoC 4 BLE is an easy-to-use, ARM® Cortex™-M0 based, single-chip solution which integrates programmable analog front ends, programmable digital peripherals, CapSense® technology for touch-sensing, and a Bluetooth® LE (Low Energy) or Bluetooth Smart radio.
  • kitsune-dsu/kitsune-core - Kitsune runtime, driver, ktcc, xfgen, documentation, and test suite.
  • raphydaphy/Q-Operating-System - Q OS is a versatile operating system designed with the new features of 64 bit 'long mode' CPU's in mind that focuses on making everything as simple as possible for the end user
  • PhilZ-cwm6/philz_touch_cwm6 - PhilZ Touch (cwm based recovery)
  • mtodd/geoip - Ruby C binding to Maxmind GeoIP Library
  • deadbits/InsecureProgramming - mirror of gera's insecure programming examples
  • cinder/Cinder-Kinect - Kinect support for Cinder
  • willemt/cbuffer - A circular buffer written in C using Posix calls to create a contiguously mapped memory space. BSD Licensed.
  • gopro/cineform-sdk - The GoPro® CineForm video codec SDK.
  • bang590/JSPatch - JSPatch bridge Objective-C and Javascript using the Objective-C runtime. You can call any Objective-C class and method in JavaScript by just including a small engine. JSPatch is generally used to hotfix iOS App.
  • BernardoGiordano/Checkpoint - Fast and simple homebrew save manager for 3DS.
  • nspire-emus/firebird - Third-party multi-platform emulator of the ARM-based TI-Nspire™ calculators
  • radareorg/r2con - Radare Congress Stuff
  • TTimo/es_core - An experimental framework for low latency, high fps multiplayer games
  • openjudge/sandbox - The sandbox libraries (libsandbox & pysandbox) are an open-source suite of software components for C/C++ and Python developers to create automated profiling tools and watchdog programs. The API's are designed for executing and instrumenting simple (single process) tasks, featuring policy-based behavioral auditing, resource quota, and statistics collecting.
  • zupet/LuaTinker - LUA to C++ Binding Library
  • rayh/kvo-block-binding - Use blocks to observe Objective-C properties using KVO
  • cs3157/recitations - Recitation notes for cs3157, the C systems programming course with a narrative
  • xoreaxeaxeax/movfuscator - The single instruction C compiler
  • PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH - Win32 port of OpenSSH
  • MiCode/Xiaomi_Kernel_OpenSource - Xiaomi kernel OpenSource:cancro-kk-oss(contain MI 3W, MI 3C, MI 4 series, MI NOTE), armani-jb-oss(H1S), dior-kk-oss(HM-NOTE-LTE), ferrari-l-oss(Xiaomi 4i), thmoas-kk-oss(HM2 LTE),libra-l-oss(Xiaomi 4c,Xiaomi 4s and Xiaomi NotePro),kenzo-l-oss(HM Note3),ido-l-oss(Redme 3 and Redmi 2 android L),gucci-kk-oss(HM Note dual SIM version),pisces-kk-oss(MI 3TD),gemini-m-oss(Mi 5),hydrogen-m-oss(Mi Max),mocha-kk-oss(Mi Pad),latte-l-oss(Mi Pad2),land-m-oss(Redmi 3S),markw-m-oss(Redmi 4),scorpio-m-oss(Mi 5/5s/5s Plus/Note2 and MIX),mido-m-oss(Redmi Note4X),sagit-n-oss(Xiaomi 6 and MIX 2),jason-n-oss(MI Note 3),cancro-m-oss(Mi 3W/C, Mi 4, Mi Note),oxygen-n-oss(Mi Max2),tissot-n-oss(Mi A1),santoni-n-oss(Redmi 4/4X)
  • calleerlandsson/pick - A fuzzy search tool for the command-line
  • zhemao/libds - Simple, memory-safe fallback-src=''>🎭 A theme color extracting library implemented by C.
  • seanmiddleditch/libtelnet - Simple RFC-complient TELNET implementation as a C library.
  • facebook/360-Capture-SDK - A developer focused sample SDK that allows game and virtual Reality devs to be able to easily and quickly integrate 360 photo/video capture capability into their game apps.
  • deep011/redis-cluster-tool - A convenient and useful tool for redis cluster.
  • cznic/cc - Package CC is a C99 compiler front end.
  • mingzhao/dm-cache - Generic block-level cache utility based on Linux device mapper framework
  • stubma/WiEngine - C++ implemented, cocos2d like cross-platform game engine
  • ali-rantakari/peg-markdown-highlight - C library for Markdown syntax highlighting, using a recursive-descent parser.
  • aws/amazon-cognito-identity-js - Amazon Cognito Identity SDK for JavaScript
  • jacobdufault/cquery - Low-latency language server supporting multi-million line C++ code-bases, powered by libclang. Works in any editor with language server support (vscode, emacs, vim, etc).
  • spark/firmware - Firmware for Particle Devices
  • MauriceGit/XBox_Controller_Linux_Interface - An interface that interacts with an XBox One controller via the usb stream. With simple methods for object or camera control (i.e. for OpenGL contexts).
  • yotamr/traces - API tracing framework for Linux C/C++ applications
  • vmg/crustache - The templating engine which may explode right under your nose
  • stevedekorte/basekit - C based OO portable data structure library
  • WiringPi/WiringPi-Ruby-Legacy - Ruby gem of the Arduino wiring-like C library WiringPi
  • reagent/http - Simple HTTP client in C
  • hugsy/proxenet - The REAL^WONLY Hacker-Friendly proxy for web application pentests.
  • pyknite/catwm - catwm is a very simple tiling window manager
  • PaulStoffregen/teensy_loader_cli - Command line Teensy Loader
  • mirek/CoreWebSocket - Web Socket Server and Client Library for iOS and OSX. Follows Core Foundation API style.
  • HIPS/Probabilistic-Backpropagation - Implementation in C and Theano of the method Probabilistic Backpropagation for scalable Bayesian inference in deep neural networks.
  • sixstars/CTF - A writeup summary for CTF competitions, problems.
  • frobware/cmd-key-happy - Swap cmd and alt keys in Terminal (useful when running emacs over ssh)
  • jacob-carlborg/dstep - A tool for converting C and Objective-C headers to D modules
  • dake/openVP - Voice Print Recognition in C language.
  • bl0ckeduser/new-bpf-tools - subset-of-C compiler targeting 32-bit x86
  • H2CO3/libsprec - C library for speech recognition using the Google Speech API
  • b-k/apophenia - A C library for statistical and scientific computing
  • anrieff/libcpuid - a small C library for x86 CPU detection and feature extraction
  • joewalnes/tinytest - A tiny unit-testing framework for C
  • mhroth/tinyosc - A minimal Open Sound Control (OSC) library written in vanilla C.
  • compiler-dept/speck - A small unit testing framework for C
  • rathena/rathena - rAthena is an open-source cross-platform MMORPG server.
  • miao1007/Openwrt-NetKeeper - [C/C++] Run Netkeeper on OpenWrt Device
  • pornel/dssim - Image similarity comparison simulating human perception (multiscale SSIM in C)
  • freddiev4/DailyProgrammerChallenges - External Repo of Challenges from r/dailyprogrammer
  • emptyhua/baidu_pcs_cli - 百度个人云存储API命令行工具
  • dalerank/caesaria-game - Caesar III (Open source remake)
  • cuckoosandbox/cuckoomon - DEPRECATED - replaced with 'monitor'
  • celery/librabbitmq - Python bindings to librabbitmq-c
  • bananita/MBFaker - Objective-C fake data generator
  • methodmissing/rbczmq - Ruby extension that wraps the official high level ZeroMQ C API ( )
  • malbrain/Btree-source-code - A working project for High-concurrency B-tree source code in C
  • hit9/todo.c - Command line lightweight todo tool with readable storage , written in C.
  • fi01/CVE-2015-3636 - PoC code for 32 bit Android OS
  • aharren/LibComponentLogging-Core - A small logging library for Objective-C applications (Mac OS X and iPhone OS/iOS) which provides conditional logging based on log levels and log components. Additionally, different logging strategies can be used, e.g. writing log messages to a file or sending them to the system log, while using the same logging interface.
  • Vidvox/hap-qt-codec - A QuickTime codec for Hap video
  • Rinnegatamante/rinCheat - Multifunction plugin for PSVITA.
  • i-saint/DynamicPatcher - Runtime C++ Editing
  • OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 - An open source re-implementation of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 🎢
  • phalcon/zephir - Zephir is a compiled high level language aimed to the creation of C-extensions for PHP
  • FreddieV4/DailyProgrammerChallenges - External Repo of Challenges from r/dailyprogrammer
  • gregvirgin/libcork - A simple, easily embeddable cross-platform C library
  • lumpyzhu/nmscc - nmscc is a library of C++14 components designed for for scientific computation.
  • 01org/intel-cmt-cat - User space software for Intel(R) Resource Director Technology
  • stevedekorte/skipdb - C based ordered key-value ACID DB using skiplist datastructure.
  • sonyxperiadev/kernel-copyleft - Copyleft archives for Xperia kernels
  • lqez/npk - neat package system written in C
  • fragglet/yoctolisp - Tiny Scheme-like Lisp interpreter written in a weekend
  • DoubleSpout/ifile - High performance nodejs http/https static file handler,using c++ addon and libuv lib
  • grpc/grpc - The C based gRPC (C++, Node.js, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
  • xemul/criu - Checkpoint/Restore tool
  • redjack/libcork - A simple, easily embeddable cross-platform C library
  • nesbox/ - 🐛 Public TIC-80 issues tracker
  • JoeyDeVries/Cell - OpenGL C++ Graphics Engine
  • bitlbee/bitlbee-steam - Steam protocol plugin for BitlBee
  • wolkykim/libasyncd - Embeddable Event-based Asynchronous Message/HTTP Server library for C/C++
  • dimkr/szl - A lightweight, embeddable scripting language
  • xsawyerx/xs-fun - XS is fun: a simple and easy tutorial on writing Perl XS
  • libav/c99-to-c89 - Tool to convert C99 code to MSVC-compatible C89
  • gosexy/canvas - Image manipulation library based on ImageMagick's MagickWand, for Go.
  • cadwallion/spinel - A free and open source game engine using mruby and C/C++
  • Microsoft/react-native-code-push - React Native module for CodePush
  • pmq20/ruby-compiler - Ahead-of-time (AOT) Compiler designed for Ruby, that just works.
  • tpoindex/crobots - CROBOTS is a programming game, for programmers (or aspiring programmers.)
  • mabl/ChibiOS - Mirror of the ChibiOS SVN repository (updated every 10 minutes)
  • jonmarimba/OpenCV-iOS - OpenCV Xcode project for iOS build
  • Chadderz121/csud - Chadderz's Simple USB Driver for Raspberry Pi
  • kylemcdonald/ofxCcv - libccv addon for openFrameworks
  • happykevins/cocos2dx-ext - Extensions for Cocos2dx: Dynamic Font Management, HTML Widget, Powerful Asset Management..
  • encog/encog-c - The Encog project for C/C++
  • embedthis/appweb - Appweb Embedded Web Server
  • timwr/CVE-2014-3153 - CVE-2014-3153 aka towelroot
  • timburks/NuMongoDB - An Objective-C interface to MongoDB for use with Nu
  • teachop/FlexCAN_Library - Arduino library for CAN on Teensy 3.1
  • chneukirchen/cwm - portable version of OpenBSD's cwm(1) window manager
  • mpc-hc/mpc-hc - MPC-HC's main repository. For support use our Trac:
  • kokke/tiny-AES128-C - Small portable AES128/192/256 in C
  • jgm/cmark - CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C
  • freebsd/crochet - Build FreeBSD images for RaspberryPi, BeagleBone, PandaBoard, and others.
  • wdas/partio - C++ (with python bindings) library for easily reading/writing/manipulating common animation particle formats such as PDB, BGEO, PTC. See the discussion group @
  • cloudyourcar/minmea - a lightweight GPS NMEA 0183 parser library in pure C
  • dropbox/miniutf - A C++ library for basic Unicode manipulation.
  • davidsblog/rCPU - Remote CPU monitoring webserver
  • cloudflare/lua-resty-json - json lib for lua and C
  • tbuktu/libntru - C Implementation of NTRUEncrypt
  • jbaiter/jpegtran-cffi - Fast, (mostly) lossless JPEG transformations with Python
  • processone/oneteam - OneTeam XMPP multi-platform client. This is a Mozilla / XUL based platform, developed mostly in Javascript and C++ XPCOM.
  • noporpoise/BitArray - C bit array structs and methods
  • ands/seamoptimizer - A C/C++ single-file library that minimizes the hard transition errors of disjoint edges in lightmaps.
  • processhacker2/processhacker2 - A free, powerful, multi-purpose tool that helps you monitor system resources, debug software and detect malware.
  • xelatihy/yocto-gl - A collection of C/C++ single-file libraries for building physically-based graphics applications
  • TASVideos/BizHawk - BizHawk is a A multi-system emulator written in C#. BizHawk provides nice features for casual gamers such as full screen, and joypad support in addition to full rerecording and debugging tools for all system cores.
  • inspirit/CaptureDevice - Adobe Air Native Extension for video capturing from cameras
  • libfirm/cparser - C99 parser and frontend for libfirm
  • cyrus-and/prof - Self-contained C/C++ profiler library for Linux
  • m-schmoock/lcpp - A Lua C PreProcessor
  • jeremy-w/objc-zmq - Objective-C binding for ZeroMQ.
  • AtomicGameEngine/AtomicGameEngine - The Atomic Game Engine is a multi-platform 2D and 3D engine with a consistent API in C#, JavaScript, TypeScript, and C++ (
  • carp-lang/Carp - A statically typed lisp, without a GC, for high performance applications
  • naelstrof/slop - slop (Select Operation) is an application that queries for a selection from the user and prints the region to stdout.
  • boazsegev/iodine - Iodine - HTTP / Websocket Server & EventMachine alternative for Ruby MRI - a kqueue/epoll C extension
  • mattt/MsgPackSerialization - MsgPack Serialization for Objective-C
  • Amaury/FineDB - High-performance nosql database. Written in C, multi-threaded, based on LightningDB and nanomsg.
  • FRiCKLE/ngx_slowfs_cache - nginx module which adds ability to cache static files.
  • clibs/buffer - Tiny C string library
  • romanbsd/fast-stemmer - Fast Porter stemmer based on a C version of the algorithm
  • reprappro/RepRapFirmware - OO C++ RepRap Firmware
  • Manawyrm/FMBerry - Build an open source fm radio station with your raspberry pi
  • monkey/duda - Duda I/O is an event-driven and high performant web services framework which exposes a friendly C API
  • iafonov/multipart-parser-c - Http multipart parser implemented in C
  • githole/Live-Coder - Live Coder is a realtime GLSL editor/viewer mainly for demosceners.
  • cockpit-project/cockpit - There's code a goin' on
  • ideawu/icomet - A C1000K comet/push server built with C++, for web and mobile app
  • zhengshuxin/acl - One advanced C/C++ library for Linux/Mac/FreeBSD/Solaris(x86)/Windows/Android/IOS
  • blechschmidt/massdns - A high-performance DNS stub resolver for bulk lookups in C
  • apache/incubator-mynewt-core - Mirror of Apache MyNewt Core (Incubating)
  • propublica/simple-tiles - Simple tile generation for maps.
  • lemire/clhash - C library implementing the ridiculously fast CLHash hashing function
  • orsonwang/Taiwan_CDC_RI - Reference implementation of Taiwan's citizen digital certificate
  • open-mpi/hwloc - Hardware locality (hwloc)
  • moonpolysoft/cherly - Cherly (sher-lee) is an in-VM caching library for Erlang.
  • rackerlabs/ - Multiple Operating System Installer via iPXE
  • MatthewLM/cbitcoin - A low-level bitcoin library written in standard C.
  • dmw/caffeine - C Application Framework
  • digidotcom/xbee_ansic_library - A collection of portable ANSI C code for communicating with Digi International's XBee wireless radio modules in API mode.
  • BigZaphod/AStar - C Implementation of the A* Pathfinding Algorithm
  • ixty/xarch_shellcode - Cross Architecture Shellcode in C
  • ZipArchive/ZipArchive - ZipArchive is a simple utility class for zipping and unzipping files on iOS and Mac.
  • iiordanov/remote-desktop-clients - VNC, RDP, SPICE, and oVirt/RHEV/Proxmox Clients for Android and Blackberry 10
  • Librevault/librevault - Librevault - Peer-to-peer, decentralized and open source file sync.
  • huacnlee/rucaptcha - This is a Captcha gem for Rails Application. No dependencies. No ImageMagick, No RMagick.
  • moneymanagerex/moneymanagerex - Money Manager Ex is an easy to use, money management application built with wxWidgets
  • liudf0716/apfree_wifidog - Apfree WiFidog is an efficient captive portal solution for wireless router which with embeded linux(LEDE/Openwrt) system.
  • jlblancoc/suitesparse-metis-for-windows - CMake scripts for painless usage of SuiteSparse+METIS from Visual Studio and the rest of Windows/Linux/OSX IDEs supported by CMake
  • WhisperSystems/curve25519-java - Pure Java and JNI backed Curve25519 implementation.
  • Netsukuku/netsukuku - Revived C-code
  • mainroach/crabby - A texture compression algorithm for sprite sheets that allows decompression on the GPU during rendering.
  • adobkin/libcapn - A simple C Library for interact with the Apple Push Notification Service (APNs)
  • vjeux/jspp - C++ shaped into Javascript
  • UNINETT/mod_auth_mellon - An Apache module with a simple SAML 2.0 service provider
  • Stellarium/stellarium - Stellarium is a free GPL software which renders realistic skies in real time with OpenGL. It is available for Linux/Unix, Windows and MacOSX. With Stellarium, you really see what you can see with your eyes, binoculars or a small telescope.
  • roundsheep/rpp - RPP is a new programming language combined with C++ and LISP
  • R4stl1n/cAudio - 3D Audio Engine Based on Openal
  • lvzixun/Clang-Complete - a auto complete plugin for sublimetext3
  • learnopengles/airhockey - Repository for 'Developing a Simple Game of Air Hockey Using C++ and OpenGL ES 2 for Android, iOS, and the Web', located at
  • commoncrawl/commoncrawl - CommonCrawl Project Repository
  • burke/monkeysupport - [abandoned] C extensions monkeypatching ActiveSupport for improved perfomance
  • iskra/jsonx - JSONX is an Erlang library for efficient decode and encode JSON, written in C.
  • HdrHistogram/HdrHistogram_c - C port of the HdrHistogram
  • couchbase/couchbase-ruby-client - Couchbase Ruby client library (official) built atop libcouchbase
  • bagder/spindly - a portable C library for SPDY transport (DEAD project!)
  • xlar54/Commodore-Pi - A native Commodore 64 emulator and operating system for the Raspberry Pi
  • wahern/cqueues - Continuation Queues: Embeddable asynchronous networking, threading, and notification framework for Lua on Unix.
  • regehr/ub-canaries - collection of C/C++ programs that try to get compilers to exploit undefined behavior
  • psychs/cocoaoniguruma - Objective-C binding of Oniguruma regular expression engine
  • mzhaom/trunk - Make bazel an out of box solution for C++/Java developers
  • lopter/lightsd - A daemon with a JSON-RPC API to control your light bulbs
  • libtom/tomsfastmath - TomsFastMath is a fast public domain, open source, large integer arithmetic library written in portable ISO C.
  • browndeer/coprthr - The CO-PRocessing THReads (COPRTHR) SDK - latest release is v1.6.1 (Freewill)
  • verse/verse - Network protocol for real-time sharing between graphical applications
  • rxi/vec - A type-safe dynamic array implementation for C
  • jtauber/cleese - an operating system in Python
  • clibs/flag - Go-style flag parsing for C
  • gozfree/libraries - Basic libraries all written in c by gozfree, including network, event, config, log, hash, ipc, rpc, mem, and so on
  • samrushing/irken-compiler - Irken is a statically typed variant of Scheme. Or a lisp-like variant of ML.
  • wernerd/ZRTPCPP - C++ Implementation of ZRTP protocol - GNU ZRTP C++
  • yongboy/c_socket.io_server - The Linux C server
  • bedops/bedops - 🔬 BEDOPS: high-performance genomic feature operations
  • crosslife/OpenBird - Flappy Bird in cocos2dx
  • CE-Programming/CEmu - A developer-oriented emulator of the eZ80-based TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium CE calculators
  • ZECTBynmo/node-core-audio - Bindings for PortAudio giving JavaScript access to sound card samples (mostly unmaintained)
  • mhogomchungu/zuluCrypt - zuluCrypt is a front end to cryptsetup and tcplay and it allows easy management of encrypted block devices
  • ant-streaming/LibRtmp-Client-for-Android - It is probably the smallest(~60KB) rtmp client for android. It calls librtmp functions over JNI interface
  • Lichtso/CCWT - Complex Continuous Wavelet Transformation
  • jaseg/matelight - Show text and gifs on mate crates. Uses C code orchestrated from Python via ctypes.
  • geoffgarside/cocoagit - An Objective-C/Foundation implementation of the Git version control software.
  • willemt/pearldb - A Lightweight Durable HTTP Key-Value Pair Database in C
  • koron/cmigemo - C/Migemo
  • hdm/juniper-cve-2015-7755 - Notes, binaries, and related information from analysis of the CVE-2015-7755 & CVE-2015-7756 issues within Juniper ScreenOS
  • forhappy/cpy-leveldb - python bingding for leveldb using c api
  • zhicheng/db - A New DBM in Pure C
  • haiwen/ccnet - Ccnet is a framework for writing networked applications in C.
  • tsuna/contextswitch - Little micro-benchmark for Linux to test the cost of context switching and system calls
  • nst/BatteryChart - Drawing iPhone Battery Charge / Discharge
  • MakerLabMe/STM32_Arduino_Cores - STM M3 ARM Cores for Arduino IDE.Makes Arduino IDE supports stm32f103.
  • hyPiRion/c-rrb - RRB-tree implemented as a library in C.
  • corporateshark/Android-NDK-Game-Development-Cookbook - Android NDK Game Development Cookbook
  • clibs/hash - C hash implementation based on khash
  • agentzh/chunkin-nginx-module - HTTP 1.1 chunked-encoding request body support for Nginx
  • Cotix/cReddit - CLI Reddit client written in C. Oh, crossplatform too!
  • probablycorey/wax - Wax is now being maintained by alibaba
  • CastXML/CastXML - C-family Abstract Syntax Tree XML Output
  • Harha/MirageRender - a 3D renderer written in C++
  • aminroosta/sqlite_modern_cpp - The C++14 wrapper around sqlite library
  • ButterflyTV/LibRtmp-Client-for-Android - It is probably the smallest(~60KB) rtmp client for android. It calls librtmp functions over JNI interface
  • jtsiomb/c11threads - Trivial C11 threads.h implementation over POSIX threads.
  • shawnclovie/cocos2dx-LuaProxy - LuaProxy for cocos2d-x, include CocosBuilder support for lua, and other cocos2d-extension support for lua, and easy to use function.
  • h2non/semver.c - semantic version parser and serializer written in ANSI C
  • fiveruns/memcache-client - Seattle.rb's memcache-client 1.5.0 with fixes
  • ceph/ceph-client - Ceph kernel client
  • zfogg/ascii-chat - ASCII video chat.
  • naemon/naemon-core - Networks, Applications and Event Monitor
  • LnxPrgr3/crossfeed - Headphone crossfeed filter
  • docileninja/ctf_import - Run basic functions from stripped binaries cross platform
  • retme7/CVE-2014-4322_poc - Gain privileges:system -> root,as a part of
  • preshing/CompareIntegerMaps - Generates benchmark data for two different data structures, then renders some graphs.
  • nikki93/cgame - some ideas involving games and C
  • itkz/librtmp - RTMP server and client written by C
  • hackedteam/core-linux - RCS Agent for Linux
  • grrrwaaa/maxcpp - C++ templates for Max/MSP objects
  • beoran/chipmunk - Bindings to Chipmunk 5.3.4 with extra features for use with Ruby 1.8.x and 1.9.x. Version released on rubygems. Just a gem install chipmunk should work, even on windows! -- Developers wanted to take over this project!!!
  • Zeex/sampgdk - Writing SA-MP gamemodes in C/C++
  • theck01/offbrand_lib - A collecton of generic reference counted data structures, tools to create compatible C style classes, and demo applications
  • smistad/GPU-Marching-Cubes - A GPU implementation of the Marching Cubes algorithm for extracting surfaces from volumes using OpenCL and OpenGL
  • radfordneal/LDPC-codes - Software for Low Density Parity Check codes
  • pdpdds/CGSF - Online Game Server Platform
  • ileben/ShivaVG - OpenGL based ANSI C implementation of the OpenVG standard.
  • cloudflare/lua-upstream-cache-nginx-module - Nginx module for ngx_lua to provide Lua API to inspect upstream http cache meta-data
  • mono/libgdiplus - C-based implementation of the GDI+ API
  • arachsys/containers - Lightweight containers using Linux user namespaces
  • swatkat/twitcurl - twitcurl is a pure C++ library for twitter APIs.
  • supertunaman/cdl - Chicken Dance License! The official IANAL license.
  • rofl0r/libulz - a collection of useful functions and data structures to create C apps faster. focus on simplicity, ability to statically link and minimal binary size.
  • QuentinPerez/42-toolkit - 🌱 Useful structs written in C
  • niklasfrykholm/nflibs - A collection of interoperable minimalistic C libraries
  • hrydgard/native - NOTE: DEPRECATED! No longer used in PPSSPP! Various C++ utility code: OpenGL ES, JSON, etc, portable to Android.
  • greiman/ChibiOS-Arduino - ChibiOS/RT 3.0.3 for Arduino AVR, Due, and Teensy 3.x
  • rpm-software-management/hawkey - This is hawkey, library providing simplified C and Python API to libsolv. Hawkey project is obsoleted.
  • rockdaboot/mget - Multithreaded metalink/file/website downloader (like Wget) and C library
  • rg3/bcrypt - bcrypt password hash C library
  • openslide/openslide - C library for reading virtual slide images
  • mikewest/nginx-static-etags - Nginx doesn't generate etags for static content. I'd like it to. Let's see if I can remember some C from college.
  • kframework/c-semantics - Semantics of C in K
  • jimenezrick/patch-AuthenticAMD - Utility to patch binaries generated by the Intel C++ Compiler to get the maximum performance on AMD CPUs
  • intel-iot-devkit/how-to-code-samples - These applications are code sample exercises using the Intel IoT Developer Kit, Intel Edison board or Intel IoT Gateway, sensors, actuators, cloud platforms, and APIs.
  • ApertureLabsLtd/ChronIC - A wearable Sub-GHz RF hacking tool
  • yellows8/ctr-httpwn - 3DS HTTP-sysmodule exploit for bypassing required sysupdates.
  • radiofreejohn/cfastread - Implementation of the Spritz reading method for command line files
  • google/cronutils - utilities to assist running batch processing jobs
  • frodosens/fsnet - 一个c+ruby支持分布式部署开源的网络游戏库
  • daveho/EasySandbox - really simple sandboxing of untrusted C programs using Linux SECCOMP
  • clMathLibraries/clRNG - an OpenCL based software library containing random number generation functions
  • chaoslawful/tcc - track of Tiny C Compiler
  • iTyran/SushiCrush - SushiCrush
  • hmng/jsonrpc-c - JSON-RPC in C (server only for now)
  • catalinii/minisatip - minisatip is an SATIP server for linux using local DVB-S2, DVB-C, DVB-T or ATSC cards
  • agl/ctgrind - Checking that functions are constant time with Valgrind
  • LuaDist/toluapp - tolua++ is an extension of toLua, a tool to integrate C/Cpp code with Lua
  • Lua-cURL/Lua-cURLv3 - Lua binding to libcurl
  • liyuming1978/NativeLibCompression - The native library compression sdk is given to solve the apk size problem. It is easy to integrate and will get max 50% size decreasing. Not only sdk, a Java tool for package is provided to convert normal apk to compressed apk. MIT Licence, you can use any where
  • keenlabs/KeenClient-iOS - Official iOS client for the Keen IO API. Build analytics features directly into your iOS apps.
  • intellectualheaven/ceed - A tiny x86 compiler with ELF and PE target
  • breckinloggins/ngtemplate - ngtemplate - A template engine written in C designed to be syntax-compatible with Google CTemplate
  • adob/print-stmt - Convenient print statement for C++
  • zarya/esp8266_i2c_driver - ESP8266 I2C Driver
  • X0rg/CPU-X - CPU-X is a Free software that gathers information on CPU, motherboard and more.
  • vrogier/ocilib - OCILIB (C and C++ Drivers for Oracle) - Open source C and C++ library for accessing Oracle databases
  • Skulltrail192/One-Core-Api - A complete layer to get compatibility on XP/2003 for newer applications
  • rsta2/uspi - A bare metal USB driver for Raspberry Pi written in C
  • KitSprout/QCopterFlightControl - 飛控板 FlightController,使用 STM32F405R
  • falkTX/Cadence - Collection of tools useful for audio production
  • CoreData/cs50 - CS50 Rep
  • ConsoleKit2/ConsoleKit2 - ConsoleKit2 is a framework for defining and tracking users, login sessions, and seats.
  • cjac/cmusphinx - CMU Sphinx - Speech Recognition Toolkit
  • shannah/Java-Objective-C-Bridge - A thin bridge that allows for two-way communication from Java to Objective-C.
  • ryd/chaosvpn - Config generator for chaos vpn
  • realtalk/cve-2013-2094 - original cve-2013-2094 exploit and a rewritten version for educational purposes
  • njh/mqtt-sn-tools - Command line tools written in C for the MQTT-SN (MQTT For Sensor Networks) protocol
  • LuaDist/tcc - Small but fast C compiler. Supports ANSI C, most of the new ISO C99 standard, and many GNUC extensions, including inline assembly.
  • jbuchbinder/statsd-c - C port of Etsy's statsd
  • wahern/dns - dns.c: Single file non-blocking DNS C library without callbacks or external dependencies.
  • Siguza/cl0ver - tfp0 for iOS 9.0-9.3.4
  • mulle-nat/mulle-allocator - 🔄 Flexible C memory allocation scheme with leak checking
  • L1L1/cardpeek - Automatically exported from
  • kohsuke/com4j - Type-safe Java/COM binding
  • jeroenooms/curl - A Modern and Flexible Web Client for R
  • baruch/libwire - User space threading (aka coroutines) library for C resembling GoLang and goroutines
  • bartobri/bmenu - A generic terminal menu written in C.
  • andygock/avr-uart - AVR UART C Library
  • amd/Chromium-WebCL - WebCL implementation for Chromium
  • taf2/libebb - a lightweight high-performance HTTP server library for C
  • jackmitch/libsoc - libsoc: C library for interfacing with common SoC peripherals through generic kernel interfaces
  • guillermocalvo/exceptions4c - 💣 An exception handling framework for C
  • gallir/concurrencia - Códigos fuente del libro 'Principios y algoritmos de concurrencia'
  • emeau/itrace - hook objc_msgSend to trace Objective-C method callz
  • clMathLibraries/clBLAS - a software library containing BLAS functions written in OpenCL
  • retuxx/tinyspline - ANSI C library for NURBS, B-Splines, and Bézier curves with wrappers for C++11, C#, Java, Lua, PHP, Python, and Ruby
  • radif/SIPHON-SIP-Client-that-actually-compiles - SIPHON SIP VOIP Client that actually compiles and runs on ios5 non-jailbroken phones. Works on the device and simulator! (GPL). Here is the original repository:
  • mate-desktop/caja - Caja, the file manager for the MATE desktop
  • fredrik-johansson/arb - C library for arbitrary-precision interval arithmetic
  • torch/tds - Torch C data structures
  • tarequeh/DES - Implementation of Data Encryption Standard (DES) in C
  • redbrain/cython-book - Learning Cython code examples.
  • r0nk/corvus - Genetic BF programming
  • lyjdamzwf/chaos - c++ 网络事件库
  • Lupus/libevfibers - Small C fiber library that uses libev based event loop and libcoro based coroutine context switching.
  • ccore/ccore_rewrite - A cross platform low level game development library
  • beaups/SamsungCID - Change the CID in Samsung eMMC
  • tiehuis/2048-cli - The game 2048 for your Linux terminal (
  • stevedekorte/garbagecollector - Incrementall garbage collector library in C for use by high level language implementions.
  • jvirkki/libbloom - A simple and small bloom filter implementation in plain C.
  • jjgod/vim-cocoa - A compact Cocoa port for Vim.
  • chitika/cberl - NIF based Erlang bindings for Couchbase
  • Cairo-Dock/cairo-dock-core - Core part of Cairo-Dock project.
  • bbu/simple-interpreter - A hackable and extensible lexer, parser and interpreter for a minimalistic, imperative, C-like language.
  • alanwoolley/CorsixTH-Android - Port of CorsixTH to Android
  • replay/ngx_http_consistent_hash - a module which enables the nginx to use the same consistent hashing distribution for memcache servers as the php memcache module
  • jelathro/C - C Programming Projects
  • geertj/cgreenlet - Coroutines for C/C++
  • edorfaus/TEMPered - C library and program for reading the TEMPer family of thermometer and hygrometer devices.
  • coocox/cox - CoX is an peripherals library with a unified standard interface specially for ARM Cortex M.
  • bellbind/node-v4l2camera - node module for capturing an image from USB(UVC) webcam on linux.
  • AVbin/AVbin - AVbin is a C library that provides a thin, cross-platform wrapper around Libav’s video- and audio-decoding functionality, providing long-term binary compatibility for applications and languages that need it. See also: Pyglet, a python media framework that makes extensive use of AVbin.
  • anoek/ex-sdl-cairo-freetype-harfbuzz - Example code which uses SDL, cairo, freetype, and harfbuzz to do ttf/otf text layout and rendering
  • redxu/sihook - source insight 3.X tabs plugin in c language
  • ludocode/mpack - MPack - A C encoder/decoder for the MessagePack serialization format /[C]
  • taylor001/crown - The flexible game engine.
  • Ruslan-B/FFmpeg.AutoGen - FFmpeg auto generated unsafe bindings for C#/.NET and Mono.
  • asamy/ksm - A really simple and lightweight x64 hypervisor written in C. Supports VMFUNC, EPTP switching, #VE EPT Violation, VT-x nesting and IDT shadowing. VMFUNC backward compatibility also supported.
  • cahirwpz/amigaos-cross-toolchain - AmigaOS cross compiler for Linux / MacOSX / Windows
  • mikebmcl/N3888_RefImpl - Reference Implementations of ISO C++ P0267
  • jduck/challack - Proof-of-concept exploit code for CVE-2016-5696
  • ansilove/ansilove - ANSi / ASCII art to PNG converter in C
  • yuyuyu101/C-Buffered-tree - A buffered-tree implemented in dictionary type and more
  • wez/lemon-php - A PHP parser generator, based on the lemon parser generator tool. lemon-php requires a C compiler to build, and this will generate pure-PHP parsers.
  • TimAimee/-android-source-code - 这是我自己在学习安卓期间,在网上积累下来的源码 ,欢迎交流学习,很多源码已经不能提供具体出处,对作者抱歉,如果有发现自己的代码可以发邮件给我,我会立刻标注上的。
  • pebble-examples/cards-example - Pebble Draw Commands example with a cards based app
  • MauriceGit/Cloth_Simulation - Cloth-Visualization via particle-simulation.
  • adamcaudill/ccsrch - Cross-platform credit card (PAN) search tool for security assessments
  • sainteos/tmxparser - C++ library for parsing the maps generated by the Map Editor called Tiled.
  • goj/coreutils - fork of GNU coreutils package
  • FliPPeh/cNBT - An NBT file parser and manipulator library
  • amahule/CoolReader - An Android based open e-book reader
  • waruqi/tbox - A glib-like multi-platform c library
  • acmeism/RosettaCodeData - RosettaCode Data Project
  • MatzeB/cparser - C99 parser and frontend for libfirm
  • wc-duck/dbgtools - Small collection of debug-related drop-in c/c++-utils
  • Quarx2k/android_device_moto_jordan-common - common repo for MB520/MB525/MB526/
  • isislab/CSAW-CTF-2016-Quals - Repo for CSAW CTF 2016 Quals challenges
  • chengjiaming/JSPatch---comment - JSPatch 是一套牛逼的 hotfix 框架,可利用 js 脚本修复线上 bug,但是作者 bang 没写注释,阅读源代码后,我添加了部分注释,想快速理解源码的同学可以参考。
  • pkrumins/node-base64 - A base64 encoding and decoding C++ module for node.js that actually works! (node now has it's own base64 encoding, see docs!)
  • okbob/plpgsql_check - plpgsql_check is next generation of plpgsql_lint. It allows to check source code by explicit call plpgsql_check_function.
  • nickdesaulniers/bf_interpreter_jit_compiler - Teach myself about interpreters, JITs, and compilers using the Brainfuck language as the toy language
  • lqs/crabdb - CrabDB - a fast, flexible and space-effective database.
  • netmail-open/wjelement - advanced, flexible JSON manipulation in C
  • dizballanze/hashtable - Async hash table server in C
  • cudpp/cudpp - CUDA Data Parallel Primitives Library
  • yomoncada/C-Language - First steps of my C Language programing.
  • anoek/android-cairo - Android NDK build files to build libcairo
  • toymachine/libredis - A C based general low-level PHP extension and client library for Redis, focusing on performance, generality and efficient parallel communication with multiple Redis servers. As a bonus, a Ketama Consistent Hashing implementation is provided as well.
  • tang3w/CocoaSugar - Some Cocoa Touch improvements can make developing apps easier
  • mcandre/qc - qc - A C port of the QuickCheck unit test framework
  • efelix/lua-cjson - Fast JSON parsing and encoding support for Lua
  • Cpasjuste/CtrBootManager - A 3ds 'bootloader' like app
  • rcr/rirc - A terminal IRC client in C
  • armon/statsite - C implementation of statsd
  • SkillCollege/QrCodeScan - Android手机客户端二维码扫描
  • ketoo/NoahGameFrame - A fast, scalable, distributed game server framework for C++, include actor library, network library,can be used as a real time multiplayer game engine ( MMO RPG ), which support C#/Lua script/ Unity3d, and plan to support Cocos2dx, FlashAir client access.
  • joyent/v8plus - Node.js native add-ons in C
  • programmingthomas/ObjectiveGumbo - An Objective-C wrapper with utility functions around Gumbo for easy HTML5 parsing in Cocoa and Cocoa Touch
  • pritambaral/hostapd-rtl871xdrv - Hostapd driver for RTL8188{C CU CUS} wifi chips.
  • boazsegev/c-server-tools - Write network services in C using dynamic protocols such as HTTP and Websockets
  • ccore/ccore - A cross platform low level game development library
  • clawoo/AsteroidsCocos2D-x - An Asteroids game implemented in Cocos2D-x
  • InfiniteSearchSpace/PyCl-Convergence - Python/OpenCl Cellular Automata design & manipulation tool
  • verement/cellminer - Bitcoin miner for the Cell Broadband Engine Architecture
  • stevestreza/CrashReporter - Send iOS crash reports by email
  • Stanko/ThinkPad-Fan-Control - App for managing fan speeds on ThinkPad laptops on Linux
  • sshirokov/csgtool - 3D CSG Tool
  • simplegeo/libgeohash - A pure C implementation of the Geohash algorithm.
  • sharelatex/clsi-sharelatex - A web api for compiling LaTeX documents in the cloud
  • petermichaux/royal-scheme - Royal Scheme will eventually grow to be a real, usable, embeddable Scheme implemented in ANSI C.
  • microbuilder/LPC1343CodeBase - Generic GCC-based library for the ARM Cortex-M3 LPC1343
  • kdeforche/wt - Wt, C++ Web Toolkit
  • mbedmicro/CMSIS-DAP - Interface Firmware providing USB CMSIS-DAP for debugging, USB MSD for programming, USB Serial for communication.
  • Screetsec/TheFatRat - Easy tool for generate backdoor with msfvenom ( part of metasploit framework ) and program compiles a C program with a meterpreter reverse_tcp payload In it that can then be executed on a windows host Program to create a C program after it is compiled that will bypass most AV ( Antivirus )
  • rweichler/cylinder - iOS homescreen page transitions in Lua
  • phalcon/cphalcon - Web framework delivered as a C-extension for PHP
  • DanielWaterworth/Raphters - [DEPRECATED] A web framework for C.
  • cgdb/cgdb - Console front-end to the GNU debugger
  • canboat/canboat - CAN Boat provides NMEA 2000 and NMEA 0183 utilities. It contains a NMEA 2000 PGN decoder, can read and write N2K messages.
  • QCopter/QCopterFlightControl - 飛控板 FlightController,使用 STM32F446R
  • billhsu/cashew - Freestyle 3D sketching app.
  • microbuilder/LPC810_CodeBase - Open source code base for the ARM Cortex M0+ LPC810 family from NXP
  • MacRuby/ControlTower - Rack-based Web Application Server for MacRuby
  • spark/core-common-lib - Common library for projects that use the Spark Core with the CC3000
  • nickbjohnson4224/rhombus - a hobby operating system written in C
  • wesleyd/charade - Ssh-agent clone for cygwin that proxies to pageant
  • openfaux/openfaux-client - Browser add-on for encrypting and masking internet traffic.
  • metadave/erln8 - A sneaky Erlang version manager, v1 (C version)
  • m0wfo/cups - Ruby bridge to CUPS API
  • DarthMike/indielib-crossplatform - Project to port IndieLib to other platforms aside from Windows and DirectX. Main focus is OpenGL ES 2.0 for mobile iOS operating system, and OpenGL desktop
  • couchbaselabs/couchstore - couchbase storage file library
  • welefen/SetCard - a brain & puzzle game by cocos2d-html5
  • vivekannan/calc - Simple command-line based calculator.
  • ottypes/libot - A minimal C library for operational transform
  • Lua-cURL/Lua-cURLv2 - Lua-cURL is aiming for a full-fledged libcurl binding (easy/multi/share interface) to the functionality of Lua
  • lpabon/cmockery2 - Reviving cmockery unit test framework from Google
  • kev009/craftd - kev009 development repo. Canonical repo @ craftd/craftd (see project URL)
  • jrfoell/campfire-libpurple - A Campfire protocol plugin for libpurple (Pidgin)
  • joyent/illumos-kvm-cmd - qemu-kvm for illumos-kvm
  • dogriffiths/HeadFirstC - Source code for the book Head First C, by O'Reilly Media
  • Yalir/sfeMovie - sfeMovie is a simple C++ library that lets you play movies in SFML based applications. It relies on FFmpeg to read medias and remains consistent with SFML's naming conventions. Forum at
  • stephenmathieson/describe.h - Simple BDD describe test thingy for C
  • remis-thoughts/native-hdfs-fuse - C HDFS FUSE implementation, no libhdfs
  • nrj/objective-curl - Curl bindings for Objective-C.
  • kev009/cii - libcii ported to Autotools/libtool - D. R. Hanson's C Interfaces and Implementations
  • jalvesaq/VimCom - Deprecated package used to intermediate the communication between Vim and R
  • ivansafrin/CS3113 - NYU CS3113 [Intro To Game Programming]
  • ipa320/cob_extern - The cob_extern stack contains third party libraries needed for operating Care-O-bot. The packages are downloaded from the manufactorers website and not changed in any way.
  • chaelim/HAMT - Hash Array Mapped Trie (C++ Templates)
  • TheWeatherChannel/dClass - Device Classification Engine
  • taogogo/geohash-php-extention - a php extension for geohash,geohash is writen in c,very fast to convert geohash and coord.(一个转换经纬度和geohash的PHP扩展)
  • sch3m4/libntoh - User-friendly C Library to perform TCP streams reassembly and IPv4/6 defragmentation
  • paulfitz/coopy - distributed spreadsheets with intelligent merges
  • ndreynolds/flathead - A toy JavaScript interpreter written in C
  • jstasiak/asterisk-chan-dongle - Mirror of SVN-based 'asterisk's huawei 3g dongle channel driver' project with my Asterisk 10 and 11 compatibility patches (asterisk10 and asterisk11 branches)
  • abael/amysql - High performance( 2.5 times to MySQLDb ) Python Mysql Driver, using Python native socket layer. pure C implemented.
  • sbinet/go-clang - CGo bindings to the C-api of libclang.
  • saghul/pycares - Python interface for c-ares
  • pkrumins/bithacks.h - bithacks.h is a C header file containing useful bit manipulation macros
  • ntpeters/SimpleLogger - Basic logger for C and C++ projects
  • indrajithi/Audio-Visualizer - Audio Visualizer in C++ using OpenGL
  • facebook/css-layout - A subset of CSS (specifically flex-box) re-implemented as a stand alone project for use primarily on mobile. Used by react-native
  • haskell-crypto/cryptonite - lowlevel set of cryptographic primitives for haskell
  • lcastelli/chdb - A fast read-only memory mapped hash-table for PHP
  • Kalroth/cgminer-3.7.2-kalroth - Kalroth's personal cgminer 3.7.2 branch
  • brong/cyrus-imapd - My git clone of the Cyrus CVS repository
  • binchewer/power_fixer - OSX command line utility that attempts to restore pre-Mavericks power button behavior. Written in C.
  • Yubico/yubico-c-client - Yubico C client library
  • valr/cbatticon - A lightweight and fast battery icon that sits in your system tray
  • pgbovine/opt-cpp-backend - C and C++ visualizer backend for Online Python Tutor
  • freaklabs/chibiArduino - A lightweight 802.15.4 wireless protocol stack for Arduino
  • eriksvedang/Carp - a statically typed lisp, without a GC, for high performance applications
  • ansiboy/ChiTuStore - 开源的电商前端混合 APP
  • juanmirocks/Levenshtein-MySQL-UDF - General Levenshtein algorithm and k-bounded levenshtein distance in linear time and constant space. Implementation in C as a MySQL UDF
  • mongodb/mongo-c-driver-legacy - C Driver for MongoDB
  • bitcoin/secp256k1 - Optimized C library for EC operations on curve secp256k1
  • olevole/cbsd - Yet one more wrapper around FreeBSD jail and bhyve. For more information please visit website
  • jrosdahl/ccache - ccache - a fast compiler cache
  • pimoroni/unicorn-hat - C library, C example and Python wrapper for driving ws2812 pixels from the Raspberry Pi
  • TheErk/CMake-tutorial - CMake tutorial: beamer presentation and sample code
  • axoltl/HubCap - ChromeCast HubCap exploit
  • xobs/ax2xx-code - Some code for the AX211 or AX215 8051-based CPU
  • xnko/libapi - libapi is a cross platform high performance io library written in c. It provides ability to write event driven servers and applications with continous code
  • RJ/playdar - Abandoned C++ codebase, see playdar-core repo!
  • robotpy/robotpy-crio - Obsolete. Python 3 port for cRIO for use in the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC)
  • robertdavidgraham/cve-2015-5477 - PoC exploit for CVE-2015-5477 BIND9 TKEY assertion failure
  • orangeduck/json2c - Convert JSON to C data literals
  • Ramblurr/PietCreator - GUI for developing and debugging programs written in the Piet language
  • varnish/libvmod-cookie - A Varnish module for simpler use of the cookie header.
  • pixelnerve/BlockOpenNI - A c++ wrapper for OpenNI.
  • osxfuse/fuse - C-based FUSE for OS X API
  • jwr/msp430_usi_i2c - I2C for the MSP430 using the USI module
  • jssjr/collectd-write_graphite - Graphite output plugin for collectd
  • bvdberg/ctest - ctest is a unit test framework for software written in C.
  • acg/lwpb - Lightweight Protocol Buffers for C and Python
  • dmage/co2mon - CLI for MasterKit CO2 Monitor
  • cybergarage/mupnp - mUPnP for C is a development package for UPnP™ developers. CyberLink controls these protocols automatically, and supports to create your devices and control points quickly.
  • chokepoint/CryptHook - TCP/UDP symmetric encryption tunnel wrapper
  • RandyGaul/AsciiEngine - Game engine written in C to create Ascii art games within the Windows console.
  • LemonCake/JsCoreEngineiOS - Singleton wrapper class to process javascript in the background via JavascriptCore.
  • HalosGhost/shaman - A small, native C library and utility to fetch weather
  • syuhari/cocos2dx_recipe - Cocos2d-x 開発のレシピのサンプルコード
  • ryanb/rmov - Ruby wrapper for the QuickTime C API.
  • ramonza/libcoro - Lightweight C coroutines (derived from
  • mischasan/aho-corasick - A-C implementation in 'C'. Tight-packed (interleaved) state-transition matrix -- as fast as it gets, as small as it gets.
  • microbuilder/LPC1114CodeBase - Open Source SW Library for NXP's LPC1114 ARM Cortex M0 MCU
  • lyosha/ctags-go - Go support for exuberant ctags
  • jwerle/progress.c - Progress display lib for c
  • hibara/AttacheCase - file/folder encryption software for Windows ( C++Builder2010 Project Files )
  • geon/gloss - A bidirectional path tracer written in C.
  • Microsoft/WinObjC - Objective-C for Windows
  • bagder/curl - Curl is a tool and libcurl is a library for transferring data with URL syntax, supporting FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, GOPHER, TFTP, SCP, SFTP, TELNET, DICT, LDAP, LDAPS, FILE, IMAP, SMTP, POP3, RTSP and RTMP. libcurl offers a myriad of powerful features
  • cesanta/mongoose - Embedded web server for C/C++
  • litehelpers/Cordova-sqlite-storage - A Cordova/PhoneGap plugin to open and use sqlite databases on Android/iOS/Windows Universal(8.1)/Amazon Fire-OS/WP(7/8) with HTML5/Web SQL API
  • simtr/The-Powder-Toy - Written in C++ and using SDL, The Powder Toy is a desktop version of the classic 'falling sand' physics sandbox, it simulates air pressure and velocity as well as heat.
  • couchbase/couchbase-lite-android - Lightweight, embedded, syncable NoSQL database engine for Android.
  • kellabyte/Haywire - Haywire is an asynchronous HTTP server framework written in C that's built using the event loop based libuv platform layer that node.js is built on top of.
  • riolet/nope.c - nope.c is a C language-based software platform for scalable server-side and networking applications. Think node.js for C programmers.
  • evan/memcached - A Ruby interface to the libmemcached C client
  • lukeredpath/libPusher - An Objective-C interface to Pusher (
  • fletcher/MultiMarkdown-4 - C implementation of MultiMarkdown; almost complete rewrite of MMD 3 (which was aka 'peg-multimarkdown').
  • bagder/c-ares - c-ares is a C library for asynchronous DNS requests
  • cesanta/smart.js - Embedded Javascript engine for C/C++ with networking, file, database and device interfaces
  • vurtun/zahnrad - A small ANSI C gui toolkit
  • fileability/chocolat-public - Public bug tracker for the private chocolat project
  • couchbase/Android-Couchbase - The android build for humans.
  • mirek/YAML.framework - Proper YAML support for Objective-C. Based on recommended libyaml.
  • monitoringartist/Zabbix-Docker-Monitoring - 🐳 Monitoring of Docker containers (LXC/systemd Docker supported) - Zabbix template and Zabbix C module
  • torvalds/linux - Linux kernel source tree
  • antirez/redis - Redis is an in-memory database that persists on disk. The data model is key-value, but many different kind of values are supported: Strings, Lists, Sets, Sorted Sets, Hashes, HyperLogLogs, Bitmaps.
  • kripken/emscripten - Emscripten: An LLVM-to-JavaScript Compiler
  • irungentoo/toxcore - The future of online communications.
  • julycoding/The-Art-Of-Programming-By-July - 此为《编程之法:面试和算法心得》一书2014年6月老版本的原型,最新完整纸质版于2015年9月上市!
  • php/php-src - The PHP Interpreter
  • wg/wrk - Modern HTTP benchmarking tool
  • stedolan/jq - Command-line JSON processor
  • libgit2/libgit2 - The Library
  • b4winckler/macvim - Vim - the text editor - for Mac OS X
  • h2o/h2o - H2O - the optimized HTTP/1, HTTP/2 server
  • sdegutis/mjolnir - Lightweight automation and productivity app for OS X
  • okamstudio/godot - Godot Game Engine
  • twitter/twemproxy - A fast, light-weight proxy for memcached and redis
  • octalmage/robotjs - Node.js Desktop Automation.
  • memcached/memcached - memcached development tree
  • antirez/disque - Disque is a distributed message broker
  • robertdavidgraham/masscan - TCP port scanner, spews SYN packets asynchronously, scanning entire Internet in under 5 minutes.
  • mozilla/firefox-ios - Firefox for iOS
  • matz/streem - prototype of stream based programming language
  • joyent/libuv - Go to
  • coolwanglu/vim.js - JavaScript port of Vim
  • alibaba/tengine - A distribution of Nginx with some advanced features
  • haiwen/seafile - Open source cloud storage with file encryption and group sharing, and emphasis on reliability and high performance.
  • mruby/mruby - Lightweight Ruby
  • vmg/redcarpet - The safe Markdown parser, reloaded.
  • facebook/watchman - Watches files and records, or triggers actions, when they change.
  • yyuu/pyenv - Simple Python version management
  • DrKLO/Telegram - Telegram for Android source
  • wishstudio/flinux - Foreign LINUX - Run unmodified Linux applications inside Windows.
  • fastos/fastsocket - Fastsocket is a highly scalable socket and its underlying networking implementation of Linux kernel. With the straight linear scalability, Fastsocket can provide extremely good performance in multicore machines. In addition, it is very easy to use and maintain. As a result, it has been deployed in the production environment of SINA.
  • tmux/tmux - tmux source code
  • cloudwu/skynet - A lightweight online game framework
  • kr/beanstalkd - Beanstalk is a simple, fast work queue.
  • Xfennec/progress - Linux tool to show progress for cp, rm, dd, ..
  • mofarrell/p2pvc - A point to point color terminal video chat.
  • swoole/swoole-src - Asynchronous & concurrent & distributed networking framework for PHP.
  • philipl/pifs - πfs - the fallback-src=''>🔐
  • jp9000/obs-studio - OBS
  • huangz1990/annotated_redis_source - 带有详细注释的 Redis 2.6 源码
  • id-Software/Quake-III-Arena - Quake III Arena GPL Source Release
  • robotmedia/RMStore - A lightweight iOS library for In-App Purchases
  • stevedekorte/io - Io programming language
  • zmap/zmap - ZMap Internet Scanner
  • MarlinFirmware/Marlin - Reprap FW with look ahead. SDcard and LCD support. It works on Gen6, Ultimaker, RAMPS and Sanguinololu
  • google/eddystone - Specification for Eddystone, an open beacon format from Google
  • bumptech/stud - The Scalable TLS Unwrapping Daemon
  • freebsd/freebsd - FreeBSD src tree
  • facebook/flashcache - A general purpose, write-back block cache for Linux.
  • ryanmjacobs/c - Compile and execute C 'scripts' in one go!
  • Qihoo360/Atlas - A high-performance and stable proxy for MySQL
  • wandenberg/nginx-push-stream-module - A pure stream http push technology for your Nginx setup. Comet made easy and really scalable.
  • id-Software/DOOM - DOOM Open Source Release
  • glock45/iOS-Hierarchy-Viewer - iOS Hierarchy viewer - View and Coredata debugging made easy
  • nodemcu/nodemcu-firmware - lua based interactive firmware for mcu like esp8266
  • offensive-security/exploit-database - The official Exploit Database repository
  • mongrel2/mongrel2 - The Mongrel2 Web Server Project
  • cuber/ngx_http_google_filter_module - Nginx Module for Google Mirror
  • WhisperSystems/Signal-iOS - Free, world-wide, private messaging and phone calls for iPhone.
  • sqlcipher/sqlcipher - SQLCipher is an SQLite extension that provides 256 bit AES encryption of database files.
  • shoes/shoes - a tiny graphical app kit for ruby
  • ChrisJohnsen/tmux-MacOSX-pasteboard - Notes and workarounds for accessing the Mac OS X pasteboard in tmux sessions. Note: The pu branch (“Proposed Updates”) may be rewound without notice.
  • yusugomori/DeepLearning - Deep Learning (Python, C/C++, Java, Scala, Go)
  • session-replay-tools/tcpcopy - An online request replication tool, also a tcp stream replay tool, fit for real testing, performance testing, stability testing, stress testing, load testing, smoke testing, etc
  • huangz1990/redis-3.0-annotated - 带有详细注释的 Redis 3.0 代码(annotated Redis 3.0 source code)。
  • unbit/uwsgi - uWSGI application server container
  • antirez/linenoise - A small self-contained alternative to readline and libedit
  • mbebenita/Broadway - A JavaScript H.264 decoder.
  • ejoy/ejoy2d - A 2D Graphics Engine for Mobile Game
  • nviennot/tmate - Instant Terminal Sharing
  • c9s/Pux - A High Performance PHP Router. PHP Router re-design
  • phoboslab/jsmpeg-vnc - A low latency, high framerate screen sharing server for Windows and client for browsers
  • clowwindy/ShadowVPN - Removed according to regulations.
  • pmwkaa/sophia - modern emeddable key-value database
  • gentilkiwi/mimikatz - A little tool to play with Windows security
  • ffi/ffi - Ruby FFI
  • apache/httpd - Mirror of Apache HTTP Server
  • twitter/fatcache - Memcache on SSD
  • yarrick/iodine - Official git repo for iodine dns tunnel
  • jonls/redshift - Redshift adjusts the color temperature of your screen according to your surroundings. This may help your eyes hurt less if you are working in front of the screen at night.
  • rhomobile/rhodes - The Rhodes framework is a platform for building locally executing, device-optimized mobile applications for all major smartphone devices.
  • seL4/seL4 - The seL4 microkernel
  • aerospike/aerospike-server - Aerospike Database Server – flash-optimized, in-memory, nosql database
  • alibaba/tsar - Taobao System Activity Reporter
  • tmm1/perftools.rb - gperftools for ruby code
  • pornel/pngquant - Lossy PNG compressor — pngquant command and libimagequant library
  • GarageGames/Torque2D - MIT Licensed Open Source version of Torque 2D from GarageGames
  • kennytm/iphone-private-frameworks - Headers for private frameworks or undocumented interfaces of iPhoneOS 3.x or before (4.x is not supported yet).
  • tcurdt/iProxy - Let's you connect your laptop to the iPhone to surf the web.
  • id-Software/Quake - Quake GPL Source Release
  • slact/nginx_http_push_module - Turn NGiNX into an adept HTTP push server.
  • irssi/irssi - The client of the future
  • htacg/tidy-html5 - The granddaddy of HTML tools, with support for modern standards
  • joyent/smartos-live - For more information, please see For any questions that aren't answered there, please join the SmartOS discussion list:
  • memononen/nanovg - Antialiased 2D vector drawing library on top of OpenGL for UI and visualizations.
  • mattn/go-sqlite3 - sqlite3 driver for go that using database/sql
  • LubosD/darling - Darwin/OS X emulation layer for Linux
  • citusdata/pg_shard - PostgreSQL extension to scale out real-time reads and writes. Check out the mailing list at or read the docs at
  • DNSPod/dnspod-sr - A faster recursive dns server from DNSPod
  • RPISEC/MBE - Course materials for Modern Binary Exploitation by RPISEC
  • rmtheis/tess-two - Fork of Tesseract Tools for Android.
  • baskerville/bspwm - A tiling window manager based on binary space partitioning
  • madeye/gaeproxy - GAEProxy for Android
  • facebook/fishhook - A library that enables dynamically rebinding symbols in Mach-O binaries running on iOS.
  • yaoweibin/nginx_tcp_proxy_module - add the feature of tcp proxy with nginx, with health check and status monitor
  • rmagick-temp/rmagick - An interface to the ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick image processing libraries.
  • defuse/swatd - Run a script when one or more sensors fail.
  • ging/licode - Open Source Communication Provider based on WebRTC and Cloud technologies
  • codahale/bcrypt-ruby - bcrypt-ruby is a Ruby binding for the OpenBSD bcrypt() password hashing algorithm, allowing you to easily store a secure hash of your users' passwords.
  • mamedev/mame - MAME - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator
  • jedisct1/dnscrypt-proxy - A tool for securing communications between a client and a DNS resolver
  • raspberrypi/userland - Source code for ARM side libraries for interfacing to Raspberry Pi GPU.
  • seppo0010/rlite - self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional redis-compatible database engine. rlite is to Redis what SQLite is to SQL.
  • github/brubeck - A Statsd-compatible metrics aggregator
  • ashima/webgl-noise - Procedural Noise Shader Routines compatible with WebGL
  • Uncodin/bypass - Skip the HTML, Bypass takes markdown and renders it directly on Android and iOS.
  • EtchedPixels/FUZIX - FuzixOS: Because Small Is Beautiful
  • tmk/tmk_keyboard - keyboard controller firmware for Atmel AVR USB family
  • ardagnir/athame - Full vim for readline (bash, gdb, python, etc)
  • davidfstr/rdiscount - Discount (For Ruby) Implementation of John Gruber's Markdown
  • libgit2/pygit2 - Python bindings for libgit2
  • cuberite/cuberite - A performant C++ Minecraft compatible game server
  • bitly/dablooms - scaling, counting, bloom filter library
  • erikfrey/bashreduce - mapreduce in bash
  • centaurean/density - Superfast compression library
  • twitter/twemcache - Twemcache is the Twitter Memcached
  • libimobiledevice/libimobiledevice - A cross-platform protocol library to communicate with iOS devices
  • xiehuc/pidgin-lwqq - a pidgin plugin based on lwqq, a excellent safe useful library for webqq protocol
  • vk-com/kphp-kdb - VK-KittenPHP/DB/Engine suite
  • tmm1/rblineprof - line-profiler for ruby
  • mdirolf/nginx-gridfs - Nginx module for serving files from MongoDB's GridFS
  • cundong/SmartAppUpdates - Android应用增量更新
  • SpiderLabs/ModSecurity - ModSecurity is an open source, cross platform web application firewall (WAF) engine for Apache, IIS and Nginx that is developed by Trustwave's SpiderLabs. It has a robust event-based programming language which provides protection from a range of attacks against web applications and allows for HTTP traffic monitoring, logging and real-time analysis. With over 10,000 deployments world-wide, ModSecurity is the most widely deployed WAF in existence.
  • EricssonResearch/openwebrtc - A mobile-first WebRTC client framework for building native apps
  • ossec/ossec-hids - OSSEC is an Open Source Host-based Intrusion Detection System that performs log analysis, file integrity checking, policy monitoring, rootkit detection, real-time alerting and active response.
  • rofl0r/proxychains-ng - proxychains ng (new generation) - a preloader which hooks calls to sockets in dynamically linked programs and redirects it through one or more socks/http proxies. continuation of the unmaintained proxychains project.
  • texane/stlink - stm32 discovery line linux programmer
  • Qihoo360/phptrace - A tracing and troubleshooting tool for PHP scripts.
  • glyptodon/guacamole-server - The server-side, native components that form the Guacamole proxy.
  • tj/histo - beautiful charts in the terminal for static or streaming data
  • Cyan4973/lz4 - Extremely Fast Compression algorithm
  • nsf/termbox - Library for writing text-based user interfaces
  • plusvic/yara - The pattern matching swiss knife
  • facebook/fb-adb - A better shell for Android devices
  • geany/geany - A fast and lightweight IDE
  • fontforge/fontforge - Free (libre) font editor for Windows, Mac OS X and GNU+Linux
  • EyalAr/lwip - Light Weight Image Processor for NodeJS
  • stefanesser/dumpdecrypted - Dumps decrypted mach-o files from encrypted iPhone applications from memory to disk. This tool is necessary for security researchers to be able to look under the hood of encryption.
  • spotify/sparkey - Simple constant key/value storage library, for read-heavy systems with infrequent large bulk inserts.
  • pipelinedb/pipelinedb - The Streaming SQL Database
  • Tox/toxic - CLI Tox client
  • LuaDist/lua - The Lua programming language with CMake based build
  • charliesome/jsos - An operating system written in JavaScript
  • iMoreApps/ffmpeg-avplayer-for-ios - A tiny but powerful video player framework for iOS developers.
  • kripken/BananaBread - BananaBread is a C++ 3D game engine that runs on the web using JavaScript+WebGL+HTML
  • i3/i3 - A better tiling and dynamic window manager
  • Cyan4973/zstd - Zstandard - Fast and efficient compression algorithm
  • SOHUDBA/SOHU-DBProxy - 搜狐公司强大的数据库中间件
  • havlenapetr/FFMpeg - this is port of ffmpeg for android (this is app, but in future i will do android lib from it and then system will be able to convert videos automatically)
  • OculusVR/RiftDK1 - Firmware, Schematics, and Mechanicals for the Oculus Rift Development Kit 1
  • naelstrof/maim - maim (make image) takes screenshots of your desktop. It has options to take only a region, and relies on slop to query for regions. maim is supposed to be an improved scrot.
  • rebol/rebol - Source code for the Rebol interpreter
  • alols/xcape - Linux utility to configure modifier keys to act as other keys when pressed and released on their own.
  • gluster/glusterfs - Gluster Filesystem - (this is only a public mirror)
  • jlamarche/iOS-OpenGLES-Stuff - Various scripts, utils, and code examples for OpenGL ES programming for iOS
  • notsecure/uTox - Lightweight Tox client
  • cloudwu/mptun - Multi-path Tunnel
  • ice799/memprof - A Ruby gem for memory profiling
  • uzbl/uzbl - A web browser that adheres to the unix philosophy.
  • robertdavidgraham/heartleech - Demonstrates the 'heartbleed' problem using full OpenSSL stack
  • BohuTANG/nessDB - A very fast transactional key-value, embedded database storage engine.
  • coolstar/RecordMyScreen - Record the display even on non-jailbroken iPhones.
  • mdaines/viz.js - A hack to put GraphViz on the web.
  • OpenVPN/openvpn - OpenVPN is an open source VPN daemon
  • krakjoe/phpdbg - The Interactive PHP Debugger
  • varnish/hitch - A scalable TLS proxy.
  • wiredtiger/wiredtiger - WiredTiger's source tree
  • fileability/Ingredients - A Cocoa documentation viewer.
  • yrutschle/sslh - Applicative Protocol Multiplexer (e.g. share SSH and HTTPS on the same port)
  • tarantool/tarantool - Get your data in RAM. Get compute close to data. Enjoy the performance.
  • jwiegley/git-scripts - A bunch of random scripts I've either written, downloaded or clipped from #git.
  • siemens/jailhouse - Linux-based partitioning hypervisor
  • jcupitt/libvips - A fast image processing library with low memory needs.
  • cisco/thor - Thor Video Codec
  • msanders/autopy - A simple, cross-platform GUI automation toolkit for Python.
  • dtrace4linux/linux - dtrace for linux - kernel driver and userland tools
  • vlfeat/vlfeat - An open library of computer vision algorithms
  • darktable-org/darktable - darktable main repository
  • kevinlawler/kona - Open-source implementation of the K programming language
  • adoxa/ansicon - Process ANSI escape sequences for Windows console programs.
  • mattconnolly/ZipArchive - zip archive processing for Cocoa - iPhone and OS X
  • moyix/panda - Platform for Architecture-Neutral Dynamic Analysis
  • i-rinat/freshplayerplugin - ppapi2npapi compatibility layer
  • python-greenlet/greenlet - Lightweight in-process concurrent programming
  • nmathewson/Libevent - Nick's public libevent repository. The official repository is at git://
  • openvswitch/ovs - Open vSwitch
  • Teaonly/android-eye - Change your android phone to surveillance camera
  • irtimmer/moonlight-embedded - Gamestream client for embedded systems
  • vstakhov/libucl - Universal configuration library parser
  • qemu/qemu - Official QEMU mirror
  • antirez/dump1090 - Dump1090 is a simple Mode S decoder for RTLSDR devices
  • appunite/AndroidFFmpeg - FFmpeg build for android random architectures with example jni
  • patjak/bcwc_pcie - Reverse engineered Linux driver for the Broadcom 1570 PCIe webcam
  • douban/beansdb - Yet anonther distributed key-value storage system from Douban Inc.
  • HunterHillegas/iOS-BetaBuilder - MacOS X tool designed to simplify creating and distributing beta releases of iOS apps.
  • notro/fbtft - Linux Framebuffer drivers for small TFT LCD display modules
  • gamelinux/passivedns - A network sniffer that logs all DNS server replies for use in a passive DNS setup
  • c9s/r3 - libr3 is a high-performance path dispatching library. It compiles your route paths into a prefix tree (trie). By using the constructed prefix trie in the start-up time, you may dispatch your routes with efficiency
  • signal11/hidapi - A Simple library for communicating with USB and Bluetooth HID devices on Linux, Mac, and Windows.
  • ofTheo/ofxKinect - legacy openFrameworks wrapper for the xbox kinect (OF pre-0.8.0+ only) - ofxKinect is now included and is being maintained in OF releases
  • vmg/houdini - The Escapist
  • espruino/Espruino - The Espruino JavaScript interpreter - Official Repo
  • sleuthkit/sleuthkit - The Sleuth Kit® (TSK) is a library and collection of command line digital forensics tools that allow you to investigate volume and file system data. The library can be incorporated into larger digital forensics tools and the command line tools can be directly used to find evidence.
  • karthick18/inception - Inception movie explained programmatically
  • stefanhafeneger/PushMeBaby - iOS Push Notification Debug App
  • hpricot/hpricot - Hpricot has ended. Please consider an alternative like nokogiri.
  • nikhilm/uvbook - An Introduction to libuv
  • jbangert/trapcc - Computing with traps
  • tiancaiamao/go-internals - dig into implemention of the go programming language
  • machinezone/tcpkali - Fast multi-core TCP and WebSockets load generator.
  • zsh-users/zsh - Mirror of the Z shell source code repository.
  • saghul/pyuv - Python interface for libuv
  • mbedmicro/mbed - mbed libraries and tools
  • ktap/ktap - A lightweight script-based dynamic tracing tool for Linux
  • brianmario/escape_utils - Faster string escaping routines for your ruby apps
  • Ettercap/ettercap - Ettercap Project
  • vanhauser-thc/thc-hydra - hydra
  • robertdavidgraham/robdns - A fast DNS server based on C10M principles
  • libpd/libpd - Pure Data embeddable audio synthesis library
  • johnkerl/miller - Miller is like sed, awk, cut, join, and sort for name-indexed data such as CSV
  • id-Software/Quake-2 - Quake 2 GPL Source Release
  • darkk/redsocks - transparent redirector of any TCP connection to proxy
  • rentzsch/markdownlive - Purpose-built Markdown Editor for Mac OS X with Live Preview
  • knopwob/dunst - lightweight and customizable notification daemon
  • tmm1/pygments.rb - pygments syntax highlighting in ruby
  • mtoyoda/sl - SL(1): Cure your bad habit of mistyping
  • kohler/gifsicle - Gifsicle is a suite of programs for manipulating GIF images and animations.
  • applidium/Vim - Port of the Vim text editor to the iOS
  • douglascrockford/JSMin - JavaScript Minification Filter
  • minix3/minix - MINIX 3 (mirror)
  • jklmnn/imagejs - Small tool to package javascript into a valid image file.
  • mmin18/WaxPatch - Dynamically load a lua script to change the behavior of your iOS application.
  • jech/polipo - The Polipo caching HTTP proxy
  • TouchCode/TouchXML - Official 'clone' of TouchXML from TouchCode
  • paparazzi/paparazzi - Paparazzi is a free and open-source hardware and software project for unmanned (air) vehicles. This is the main software repository.
  • kripken/lua.vm.js - The Lua VM, on the Web
  • cloudozer/ling - Erlang on Xen
  • bonzini/qboot - Minimal x86 firmware for booting Linux kernels
  • alibaba/LVS - A distribution of Linux Virtual Server with some advanced features. It introduces a new packet forwarding method - FULLNAT other than NAT/Tunneling/DirectRouting, and defense mechanism against synflooding attack - SYNPROXY.
  • ZBar/ZBar - Clone of the mercurial repository
  • toland/patron - Ruby HTTP client based on libcurl
  • libgit2/php-git - PHP bindings for libgit2
  • klange/nyancat - Nyancat in your terminal, rendered through ANSI escape sequences. This is the source for the Debian package nyancat.
  • bwalex/tc-play - Free and simple TrueCrypt Implementation based on dm-crypt
  • djcb/mu - maildir indexer/searcher + emacs mail client + guile bindings
  • sufficientlysecure/ad-away - AdAway is an open source ad blocker for Android using the hosts file.
  • matsumoto-r/ngx_mruby - ngx_mruby - A Fast and Memory-Efficient Web Server Extension Mechanism Using Scripting Language mruby for nginx
  • sickill/stderred - stderr in red
  • perl11/potion - _why the lucky stiff's little language (the official repo.. until _why returns)
  • 0intro/plan9 - Plan 9 from Bell Labs
  • axiak/pybloomfiltermmap - Fast Python Bloom Filter using Mmap
  • Rdatatable/data.table - R's data.table package extends data.frame. More info:
  • openzfsonosx/zfs - OpenZFS on OS X
  • Olde-Skuul/doom3do - The complete archive for DOOM for the 3DO
  • hyperic/sigar - System Information Gatherer And Reporter
  • TeamWin/Team-Win-Recovery-Project - Core recovery files for the Team Win Recovery Project (T.W.R.P)
  • answer-huang/dSYMTools - dSYM analyze
  • awesomeWM/awesome - awesome window manager
  • sass/sassc - libsass command line driver
  • haad/proxychains - proxychains - a tool that forces any TCP connection made by any given application to follow through proxy like TOR or any other SOCKS4, SOCKS5 or HTTP(S) proxy. Supported auth-types: 'user/pass' for SOCKS4/5, 'basic' for HTTP.
  • atgreen/libffi - A portable foreign-function interface library.
  • krakjoe/apcu - APCu - APC User Cache
  • brho/plan9 - UC Berkeley release of Plan 9 under the GPLv2
  • simpl/ngx_devel_kit - Nginx Development Kit - an Nginx module that adds additional generic tools that module developers can use in their own modules
  • oneoo/alilua - epoll/kqueue+lua based web server
  • dlundquist/sniproxy - Proxies incoming HTTP and TLS connections based on the hostname contained in the initial request of the TCP session.
  • LemonBoy/bar - A featherweight, lemon-scented, bar based on xcb
  • ohler55/ox - Ruby Optimized XML Parser
  • FFTW/fftw3 - This is the official repository for the FFTW Fourier transform library, version 3.x
  • FauxFaux/PuTTYTray - A continuation of Barry Haanstra ('s PuTTYTray
  • lsalzman/enet - ENet reliable UDP networking library
  • Phildo/pixQL - SQL for image processing
  • ConradIrwin/showterm - The rubygem to upload to
  • slash-lang/slash - A new language for the web
  • fukuchi/libqrencode - QR Code encoding library
  • freebsd/pkg - Package management tool for FreeBSD. Help at #pkgng on Freenode or
  • google/latency-benchmark - Tests web browser input latency and jank
  • mattgodbolt/zindex - Create an index on a compressed text file
  • 2ndQuadrant/repmgr - PostgreSQL Replication Manager
  • ARMmbed/mbedtls - An open source, portable, easy to use, readable and flexible SSL library
  • bither/bither-android-lib - Bither Android Library
  • quantcast/qfs - Quantcast File System
  • openresty/redis2-nginx-module - Nginx upstream module for the Redis 2.0 protocol
  • madler/zlib - A massively spiffy yet delicately unobtrusive compression library.
  • oNaiPs/droidVncServer - VNC server for Android devices.
  • confluentinc/bottledwater-pg - Change data capture from PostgreSQL into Kafka
  • antirez/smaz - Small strings compression library
  • gittup/tup - Tup is a file-based build system.
  • madeye/proxydroid - Global Proxy for Android
  • id-Software/DOOM-iOS - DOOM Classic for iOS Source Release
  • vkholodkov/nginx-upload-module - A module for nginx web server for handling file uploads using multipart/form-data encoding (RFC 1867).
  • macournoyer/tinyrb - The tiny and fast (subset of) Ruby VM that loves you like you are
  • SirCmpwn/sway - i3-compatible window manager for Wayland (WIP)
  • tsgates/mbox - A lightweight sandbox tool for non-root users
  • libarchive/libarchive - Multi-format archive and compression library
  • alonho/pytrace - pytrace is a fast python tracer. it records function calls, arguments and return values. can be used for debugging and profiling.
  • mopemope/meinheld - meinheld is a high performance asynchronous WSGI Web Server (based on picoev)
  • ldc-developers/ldc - The LLVM-based D compiler.
  • AlexDenisov/iActiveRecord - ActiveRecord for iOS without CoreData, only SQLite
  • ghughes/fruitstrap - Install and debug iPhone apps from the command line, without using Xcode
  • dorimanx/exfat-nofuse - Android ARM Linux non-fuse read/write kernel driver for exFat and VFat Android file systems
  • shaunlebron/blinky - Exploring peripheral vision in games (using Quake)
  • daoluan/decode-memcached - memcached 源码剖析注释
  • samdmarshall/SDMMobileDevice - MobileDevice Implementation
  • psgroove/psgroove - PSGroove
  • msgpack/msgpack-ruby - MessagePack implementation for Ruby /[Ruby]
  • mariadb-corporation/MaxScale - A content aware, plug-able proxy server. Discuss @:
  • WiringPi/WiringPi - Gordon's Arduino wiring-like WiringPi Library for the Raspberry Pi
  • darwin-on-arm/xnu - Porting the Darwin kernel to the AArch64/ARMv7/ARMv6-A architectures.
  • rflynn/imgmin - Lossy image optimization
  • lwfinger/rtl8188eu - Repository for stand-alone RTL8188EU driver.
  • libharu/libharu - libharu - free PDF library
  • muennich/sxiv - Simple X Image Viewer
  • happyfish100/fastdfs - FastDFS is an open source high performance distributed file system (DFS). It's major functions include: file storing, file syncing and file accessing, and design for high capacity and load balance.
  • geocommons/geocoder - Modular Street Address Geocoder
  • douglascrockford/DEC64 - Decimal floating point
  • pfq/PFQ - Functional Networking Framework for Multi-Core Architectures
  • danielfrg/word2vec - Python interface to Google word2vec
  • crmulliner/adbi - Android Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Toolkit
  • RT-Thread/rt-thread - RT-Thread is an open source real-time operating system for embedded devices from China.
  • indutny/bud - Bud - The TLS Terminator
  • cherokee/webserver - Cherokee Web Server
  • st3fan/ios-openssl - Port of OpenSSL for iOS
  • planetbeing/iphonelinux - Port Linux to the iPhone
  • SamyPesse/devos - (Very) basic UNIX-like operating system built when I was younger
  • rxi/lovedos - A framework for making 2D DOS games in Lua
  • feeley/gambit - Gambit is an efficient implementation of the Scheme programming language.
  • urbit/archaeology - An Operating Function
  • parrot/parrot - Parrot Virtual Machine
  • zenovich/runkit - Runkit that works!
  • carlosgs/Cyclone-PCB-Factory - Cyclone (Circuit Cloner) is a CNC mill intended for PCB manufacturing.
  • bitly/simplehttp - a family of libraries and daemons for building scalable web infrastructure
  • emgram769/lighthouse - A simple scriptable popup dialog to run on X.
  • elua/elua - eLua Project on GitHub
  • snavely/bundler_sfm - Bundler Structure from Motion Toolkit
  • FreeRDP/Remmina - The GTK+ Remmina Remote Desktop Client
  • chelyaev/ffmpeg-tutorial - A set of tutorials that demonstrates how to write a video player based on FFmpeg
  • benblazak/ergodox-firmware - firmware for the ergoDOX keyboard
  • Microsoft/Windows-driver-samples - This repo contains driver samples prepared for use with Microsoft Visual Studio and the Windows Driver Kit (WDK). It contains both Universal Windows Driver and desktop-only driver samples.
  • McNopper/OpenGL - OpenGL 3 and 4 with GLSL
  • vmg/rinku - Autolinking. Ruby. Yes, that's pretty much it.
  • halfninja/android-ffmpeg-x264 - INACTIVE, UNSUPPORTED - Android Videokit - basic FFMPEG+X264 build for Android. Pull requests gratefully accepted.
  • priitj/whitedb - WhiteDB memory database
  • papplampe/virgo - Virtual desktops for Windows
  • jyr/MNPP - Mac + Nginx + Percona + PHP a high performance web server in a one-click installer
  • GNOME/gimp - GIMP
  • tj/watch - watch(1) periodically executes the given command - useful for auto-testing, auto-building, auto-anything
  • micronucleus/micronucleus - ATTiny usb bootloader with a strong emphasis on bootloader compactness.
  • Hexxeh/rpi-firmware - Firmware files for the Raspberry Pi
  • seanooi/iOS-WebP - Google's WebP image format decoder and encoder for iOS
  • dynup/kpatch - kpatch - dynamic kernel patching
  • libopencm3/libopencm3 - Open Source ARM cortex m microcontroller library
  • lefcha/imapfilter - IMAP mail filtering utility
  • php-memcached-dev/php-memcached - memcached extension based on libmemcached library
  • monome/libmonome - makes writing applications for Monomes easy.
  • michaeltyson/TPCircularBuffer - A simple, fast circular buffer implementation
  • stefanesser/suhosin - Suhosin Extension
  • mkoppanen/php-zmq - ZeroMQ for PHP
  • thunisoft/unispim - 华宇拼音输入法核心源码(source code of unispim)
  • puffnfresh/toggle-osx-shadows - Tiny tool to toggle window shadows on OS X
  • moonlight-stream/moonlight-pc - GameStream client for Windows/OS X/Linux
  • bsdphk/Ntimed - Network time synchronization software, NTPD replacement.
  • antirez/shapeme - Evolve images using simulated annealing
  • jbush001/NyuziProcessor - GPGPU processor core, implemented in SystemVerilog.
  • mkottman/AndroLua - Lua and LuaJava ported to Android
  • session-replay-tools/tcpburn - The most powerful tool for stress testing of Internet server applications
  • offensive-security/kali-nethunter - Kali Linux NetHunter
  • celluloid/nio4r - New IO for Ruby
  • snooda/net-speeder - net-speeder 在高延迟不稳定链路上优化单线程下载速度
  • meetecho/janus-gateway - Janus WebRTC Gateway
  • oggy/looksee - Supercharged method introspection in IRB
  • PrimeSense/Sensor - PrimeSensor Modules for OpenNI
  • lericson/pylibmc - A Python wrapper around the libmemcached interface from TangentOrg.
  • eatnumber1/goal - g()()()()('al') → 'gooooal'
  • traviscross/mtr - Official repository for mtr, a network diagnostic tool
  • arjun024/mkernel - a minimalistic kernel
  • GrahamDumpleton/mod_wsgi - Source code for Apache/mod_wsgi.
  • wiire/pixiewps - An offline WPS bruteforce utility
  • masterzen/nginx-upload-progress-module - Nginx module implementing an upload progress system, that monitors RFC1867 POST uploads as they are transmitted to upstream servers.
  • jasonmc/forked-daapd - A re-write of the firefly media server (mt-daapd). It's released under GPLv2+. Please note that this git repository is a mirror of the official one at git://
  • chokepoint/azazel - Azazel is a userland rootkit based off of the original LD_PRELOAD technique from Jynx rootkit. It is more robust and has additional features, and focuses heavily around anti-debugging and anti-detection.
  • shinh/maloader - mach-o loader for linux
  • samyk/pwnat - pwnat punches holes in firewalls and NATs allowing any numbers of clients behind NATs to directly connect to a server behind a different NAT with no 3rd party, port forwarding, DMZ or spoofing involved
  • aggregateknowledge/postgresql-hll - PostgreSQL extension adding HyperLogLog data structures as a native data type
  • illumos/illumos-gate - Community developed and maintained version of the OS/Net consolidation
  • guardianproject/libsqlfs - a library that implements a POSIX style filesystem on top of an SQLite database
  • LuaDist/luajit - LuaJIT is JIT compiler for the Lua language.
  • etolabo/kumofs - kumofs is a scalable and highly available distributed key-value store.
  • ellson/graphviz - Graph Visualization Tools
  • tjko/jpegoptim - jpegoptim - utility to optimize/compress JPEG files
  • netsniff-ng/netsniff-ng - A Swiss army knife for your daily Linux network plumbing.
  • libressl-portable/portable - LibreSSL Portable itself. This includes the build scaffold and compatibility layer that builds portable LibreSSL from the OpenBSD source code.
  • thoughtbot/pick - fuzzy select anything.
  • tenderlove/psych - A libyaml wrapper for Ruby
  • fcitx/fcitx - A Flexible Input Method Framework
  • google/snappy-start - Tool for launching a Linux process from a snapshot
  • yasm/yasm - Yasm Assembler mainline development tree
  • openlink/virtuoso-opensource - Virtuoso is a scalable cross-platform server that combines Relational, Graph, and Document Data Management with Web Application Server and Web Services Platform functionality.
  • libav/libav - Libav github mirror, clone of git://
  • vivien/i3blocks - A flexible scheduler for i3bar
  • Gnucash/gnucash - Public Mirror of
  • damellis/attiny - ATtiny microcontroller support for the Arduino IDE
  • sgminer-dev/sgminer - Scrypt GPU miner
  • aardappel/lobster - The Lobster Programming Language
  • rentzsch/mach_inject - interprocess code injection for Mac OS X
  • jwilberding/bcp - Broadcast Copy
  • jcloudpub/speedy - a distributed docker image storage
  • b4winckler/vim - Mirror of the Vim Mercurial repository
  • openresty/echo-nginx-module - An Nginx module for bringing the power of 'echo', 'sleep', 'time' and more to Nginx's config file
  • garrynewman/GWEN - GWEN - GUI Without Extravagant Nonsense
  • f9micro/f9-kernel - An efficient and secure microkernel built for ARM Cortex-M cores, inspired by L4
  • cbsheng/tinyhttpd - tinyhttpd的详细注释版,十分适合入门者学习的一个项目
  • reicast/reicast-emulator - Reicast is a multiplatform Sega Dreamcast emulator
  • karelzak/mutt-kz - mutt with notmuch support and another improvements..
  • stepmania/stepmania - Advanced rhythm game for Windows, Linux and OS X. Designed for both home and arcade use.
  • fancycode/MemoryModule - Library to load a DLL from memory.
  • eaccelerator/eaccelerator - eAccelerator PHP opcode cache
  • obdev/v-usb - A Firmware-Only USB implementation for Atmel's AVR Microcontrollers
  • michaeldv/pit - The project manager from hell (integrates with Git)
  • yarrick/pingfs - Stores your data in ICMP ping packets
  • mreiferson/php-wkhtmltox - PHP bindings for libwkhtmltox
  • mariusae/heapster - production heap profiling for the JVM. compatible with google-perftools.
  • facebook/liblogfaf - A library that logs messages using non-blocking UDP datagrams.
  • binaryage/asepsis - a solution for .DS_Store pollution
  • rsms/sol - A sunny little virtual machine
  • FRiCKLE/ngx_postgres - upstream module that allows nginx to communicate directly with PostgreSQL database.
  • gnosek/nginx-upstream-fair - The fair load balancer module for nginx
  • mubix/post-exploitation - Post Exploitation Collection
  • zeromq/zyre - Zyre - an open-source framework for proximity-based peer-to-peer applications
  • tuanpmt/esp_mqtt - MQTT client library for ESP8266 Soc
  • SS-archive/salt-states - Collection of salt state files for use and testing
  • rwos/gti - a git launcher :-)
  • mgba-emu/mgba - mGBA Game Boy Advance Emulator
  • id-Software/Wolf3D-iOS - Wolfenstein 3D for iOS Source Release
  • fnordware/AdobeWebM - WebM plug-ins for Adobe programs
  • fanglingsu/vimb - Vimb - the vim like browser is a webkit based web browser that behaves like the vimperator plugin for the firefox and usage paradigms from the great editor vim. The goal of vimb is to build a completely keyboard-driven, efficient and pleasurable browsing-experience.
  • limpkin/mooltipass - Github repository dedicated to the mooltipass project
  • zaphire/Monocle-Engine - Open source game engine for lush 2D. Inspired by Aquaria, FlashPunk and Unity.
  • pepe2k/u-boot_mod - U-Boot 1.1.4 modification for routers
  • chameco/Solid - A minimalist interpreted language, with a clean object model and a tiny VM.
  • jpountz/lz4-java - LZ4 compression for Java
  • unbit/spockfs - SpockFS is an HTTP based network filesystem
  • robm/dzen - Dzen is a general purpose messaging, notification and menuing program for X11.
  • citusdata/postgres_vectorization_test - Vectorized executor to speed up PostgreSQL
  • PaulBatchelor/Soundpipe - A lightweight music DSP library.
  • antirez/load81 - SDL based Lua programming environment for kids similar to Codea
  • Laurelai/decompile-dump - Partial stuxnet source decompiled with hexrays, if anyone has better decompile tools feel free to contribute better versions.
  • zebrafishlabs/nginx-statsd - An nginx module for sending stats to statsd.
  • giltene/wrk2 - A constant throughput, correct latency recording variant of wrk
  • vmt/udis86 - Disassembler Library for x86 and x86-64
  • projectNe10/Ne10 - An open optimized software library project for the ARM® Architecture
  • adrianlopezroche/fdupes - FDUPES is a program for identifying or deleting duplicate files residing within specified directories.
  • twitter/jvmgcprof - A simple utility for profile allocation and garbage collection activity in the JVM
  • openwrt-mirror/openwrt - Mirror of the OpenWRT repository
  • dbalmain/ferret - Ferret: the extensible information retrieval library for ruby.
  • baiduwearable/duband - duband1.0 对应的公版版本为 1.0
  • jcline/fuse-google-drive - A fuse filesystem wrapper for Google Drive.
  • LuaJIT/LuaJIT - Mirror of the LuaJIT git repository
  • BinaryAnalysisPlatform/qira - QEMU Interactive Runtime Analyser
  • synthetos/TinyG - Affordable Industrial Grade Motion Control
  • dhoerl/PhotoScrollerNetwork - Awesomely fast enhanced version of Apple's PhotoScroller, also pulls images from network.
  • atomicobject/heatshrink - data compression library for embedded/real-time systems
  • moonlight-stream/moonlight-android - GameStream client for Android
  • mindboards/ev3sources - LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 source code
  • AeroQuad/AeroQuad - AeroQuad Flight Software
  • linuxmint/nemo - File browser for Cinnamon
  • Lejdborg/NMSSH - NMSSH is an Objective-C wrapper for libssh2, with a sweet API.
  • planetbeing/xpwn - A cross-platform custom NOR firmware loader and custom IPSW generator for the iPhone
  • baskerville/sxhkd - Simple X hotkey daemon
  • stec-inc/EnhanceIO - EnhanceIO Open Source for Linux
  • raspberrypi/maynard - Desktop environment for Wayland
  • ko1/allocation_tracer - Add ObjectSpace::AllocationTracer module.
  • hoytech/vmtouch - Portable file system cache diagnostics and control
  • robwhess/opensift - Open-Source SIFT Library
  • augustl/halt - OS where everything is immutable! (Experimental)
  • ClusterLabs/pacemaker - Pacemaker is an advanced, scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager
  • x2on/libssh2-for-iOS - A script for compiling libssh2 for iOS Devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch). The example app can connect to an server with SSH and execute commands.
  • pgRouting/pgrouting - Repository contains pgRouting library. Development branch is 'develop', stable branch is 'master'
  • ntruchsess/arduino_uip - UIPEthernet: A plugin-replacement of the stock Arduino Ethernet library for ENC28J60 shields and breakout boards. Full support for persistent (streaming) TCP-connections and UDP (Client and Server each), ARP, ICMP, DHCP and DNS. Build around Adam Dunkels uIP Stack.
  • juuso/keychaindump - A proof-of-concept tool for reading OS X keychain passwords
  • ThomasAdam/tmux - Clone of the tmux Git repository. The master branch contains the latest unreleased code. There are topic branches which may be subject to rebasing, so don't base changes off them. DO NOT SEND me pull-requests, send patches to tmux-users mailing list instead.
  • NVIDIAGameWorks/OpenGLSamples - Cross-platform OpenGL and OpenGL ES samples (for Windows, Android, and Linux)
  • AyrA/ExcelStuff - Various Tools in Excel
  • zardus/preeny - Some helpful preload libraries for pwning stuff.
  • majn/telegram-purple - Adds support for Telegram to Pidgin, Adium, Finch and other Libpurple based messengers.
  • bluesmoon/pngtocss - Read in a gradient from a png file and spit out CSS for it
  • multiwii/baseflight - 32 bit fork of the MultiWii RC flight controller firmware
  • jgeboski/purple-facebook - Facebook protocol plugin for libpurple
  • MoSync/MoSync - Cross-Platform SDK for mobile phones
  • guilleiguaran/xv6 - mirror of the source code of the Xv6 operating system
  • git-mirror/nginx - A mirror of the nginx SVN repository.
  • multipath-tcp/mptcp - Linux Kernel implementation of MultiPath TCP
  • mchck/mchck - MC HCK, the small and cheap microcontroller board!
  • jordansissel/xdotool - fake keyboard/mouse input, window management, and more
  • OpenNI/OpenNI2 - OpenNI2
  • Byzantium/Byzantium - Configs and code for Project Byzantium.
  • marforic/imagemagick_lib_iphone - Scripts and instructions to compile ImageMagick as a static library to use in any iOS project
  • flori/amatch - Approximate String Matching library
  • MidnightCommander/mc - Midnight Commander's repository
  • selkhateeb/hardlink - a simple command-line utility that implements hardlinks on Mac OsX
  • mackyle/sqlite - Unofficial git mirror of SQLite sources (see link for build instructions)
  • comex/frash - yeah I'm getting tired of the long description
  • FRiCKLE/ngx_zeromq - ZeroMQ transport for nginx
  • kholia/dedrop - Looking inside the (Drop) box. Security Analysis of Dropbox. Updated WOOT '13 paper and other goodies.
  • Airblader/i3 - i3-gaps – i3 with more features
  • torch/DEPRECEATED-torch7-distro - Torch7: state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms
  • rentzsch/mach_star - code injection and function overriding for Mac OS X
  • UWNetworksLab/arrakis - Arrakis public repository.
  • haproxy/haproxy - Mirror of haproxy repository
  • wdas/ptex - Per-Face Texture Mapping for Production Rendering
  • seastorm/PuttyRider - Hijack Putty sessions in order to sniff conversation and inject Linux commands.
  • sackmotion/motion - Motion, a software motion detector
  • sevenler/Uninstall_Statics - Android 统计 应用 自身被 卸载 Android Statistics application is uninstalled
  • gsliepen/tinc - a VPN daemon
  • oetiker/rrdtool-1.x - RRDtool 1.x - Round Robin Database
  • lwfinger/rtlwifi_new - A repo for the newest Realtek rtlwifi codes.
  • liamoc/learn-you-an-agda - Learn you an Agda (and achieve enlightenment)
  • FrictionalGames/HPL1Engine - A real time 3D engine.
  • micahpearlman/MonkVG - MonkVG is an OpenVG 1.1 like vector graphics API implementation optimized for game use currently using an OpenGL ES backend that should be compatible with any HW that supports OpenGL ES 2.0 which includes most iOS and Android devices.
  • hzeller/gmrender-resurrect - Resource efficient UPnP/DLNA renderer, optimal for Raspberry Pi, CuBox or a general MediaServer. Fork of GMediaRenderer to add some features to make it usable.
  • bitrig/bitrig - Bitrig base system repository.
  • tailhook/zerogw - A fast HTTP/WebSocket to zeromq gateway
  • gentoo/eudev - Repository for eudev development
  • tmm1/gctools - profiler/logger/oobgc for rgengc in ruby 2.1
  • devsisters/libquic - QUIC, a multiplexed stream transport over UDP
  • adafruit/adafruit-beaglebone-io-python - Adafruit's BeagleBone IO Python Library
  • zeromq/rbzmq - Ruby binding for 0MQ
  • xxorde/librekinect - Depth data from a kinect sensor! Small and fast kernel driver. Also for embedded devices like the raspberry pi!
  • the-tcpdump-group/tcpdump - the TCPdump network dissector
  • the-tcpdump-group/libpcap - the LIBpcap interface to various kernel packet capture mechanism
  • phadej/igbinary - Igbinary is a drop in replacement for the standard php serializer. Check for the freshest version
  • jkramer/shell-fm - Lightweight console-based radio player for Last.FM radio streams.
  • strazzere/android-unpacker - Android Unpacker presented at Defcon 22: Android Hacker Protection Level 0
  • robertdavidgraham/isowall - This is a mini-firewall that completely isolates a target device from the local network.
  • revolutionary/zergRush - Android 2.2 / 2.3 local root
  • pyca/pynacl - Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library
  • kmike/datrie - Fast, efficiently stored Trie for Python. Uses libdatrie.
  • zfsonlinux/spl - Solaris Porting Layer
  • snielsen/DeathToDSStore - .DS_Store is an abomination and must be stopped.
  • pornel/giflossy - Lossy GIF compressor
  • Learn-Algorithm/Learn-Algorithm - 拖延症患者学习算法小分队
  • a0rtega/pafish - Pafish is a demonstration tool that employs several techniques to detect sandboxes and analysis environments in the same way as malware families do.
  • Blosc/bcolz - A columnar data container that can be compressed.
  • osxfuse/sshfs - File system based on the SSH File Transfer Protocol
  • lua/lua - Unofficial git history of Lua releases
  • ioerror/tlsdate - secure parasitic rdate replacement
  • gkaindl/ambi-tv - a flexible ambilight clone for embedded linux
  • cloudwu/sproto - Yet another protocol library like google protocol buffers , but simple and fast.
  • studio-ousia/mprpc - A fast MessagePack RPC library
  • matricks/teeworlds - A retro multiplayer shooter
  • immobiliare/sfs - Asynchronous Filesystem Replication
  • ghosert/VimProject - All about my vim projects
  • djhworld/gomeboycolor - Gameboy Color emulator
  • thlorenz/learnuv - Learn uv for fun and profit, a self guided workshop to the library that powers Node.js.
  • reorg/pg_repack - Reorganize tables in PostgreSQL databases with minimal locks
  • guokr/gkseg - Yet another Chinese word segmentation package based on character-based tagging heuristics and CRF algorithm
  • mist64/hvdos - hvdos, a simple DOS emulator based on the OS X Hypervisor.framework
  • lh3/bwa - Burrow-Wheeler Aligner for pairwise alignment between DNA sequences
  • gameoverhack/ofxOpenNI - Wrapper for OpenNI, NITE and SensorKinect
  • xbmc/android - OBSOLETE Android port. Now merged into mainline!
  • swetland/dcpu16 - Virtual Machine and Assembler for Notch's DCPU-16 Architecture
  • servalproject/batphone - The Serval Mesh app for Android. EXPERIMENTAL SOFTWARE.
  • openresty/sregex - A non-backtracking NFA/DFA-based Perl-compatible regex engine matching on large data streams
  • martinezjavier/ldd3 - Linux Device Drivers 3 examples updated to work in recent kernels
  • davisp/python-spidermonkey - Python/JavaScript bridge module, making use of Mozilla's spidermonkey JavaScript implementation.
  • rafael-santiago/pig - A Linux packet crafting tool
  • postgis/postgis - PostGIS spatial database extension to PostgreSQL
  • performancecopilot/pcp - Performance Co-Pilot
  • bwhite/hadoopy - Python MapReduce library written in Cython. Visit us in #hadoopy on freenode. See the link below for documentation and tutorials.
  • versatica/OverSIP - OverSIP: the SIP framework you dreamed about
  • openresty/drizzle-nginx-module - an nginx upstream module that talks to mysql and drizzle by libdrizzle
  • monkey/monkey - Monkey HTTP Server
  • keenerd/jshon - Jshon is a JSON parser designed for maximum convenience within the shell.
  • benhoyt/scandir - Better directory iterator and faster os.walk(), now in the Python 3.5 stdlib
  • carljv/Will_it_Python - Translating R Data Analyses to Python
  • JakSprats/Alchemy-Database - Hybrid Relational-Database/NOSQL-Datastore
  • ericfischer/datamaps - Indexes points and lines and generates map tiles to display them
  • jedisct1/Pincaster - A fast persistent nosql database with a HTTP/JSON interface, not only for geographical data.
  • moinakg/pcompress - A Parallelized Data Deduplication and Compression utility
  • x86-64/frozen - Data management and processing library
  • citusdata/mongo_fdw - PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper for MongoDB
  • danomatika/ofxPd - (maintained) a Pure Data addon for OpenFrameworks using libpd
  • franckverrot/holycorn - PostgreSQL multi-purpose Ruby data wrapper
  • clarkgrubb/data-tools - File format conversion tools
  • amadvance/snapraid - A backup program for disk arrays. It stores parity information of your data and it recovers from up to six disk failures
  • naftaliharris/lazysort - A partially and lazily sorted list data structure for Python
  • johnj/llds - Low-Level Data Structure - efficient data structures, and fast data access in the 2.6/3.0 kernel
  • lh3/bioawk - BWK awk modified for biological data
  • Cr4sh/WindowsRegistryRootkit - Kernel rootkit, that lives inside the Windows registry values data
  • EnterpriseDB/mysql_fdw - PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper for MySQL
  • reverbrain/eblob - Eblob is an append-only low-level IO library, which saves data in blob files. Created as low-level backend for elliptics
  • mjording/ttyrec - ttyrec is a tty recorder. Recorded data can be played back with the included ttyplay command. ttyrec is just a derivative of script command for recording timing information with microsecond accuracy as well. It can record emacs -nw, vi, lynx, or any programs running on tty.
  • siganakis/tny - Tiny data structures that pack a punch!
  • xjdrew/lua-zset - lua data structure same as redis sorted set
  • searchdaimon/enterprise-search - An open source search engine for corporate data and websites.
  • citusdata/json_fdw - PostgreSQL extension which implements a Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) for JSON files.
  • opendp/dpdk-odp - Open data plane on dpdk, TCP/IP stack for dpdk.
  • ebassi/graphene - A thin layer of graphic data types
  • dpage/redis_fdw - A PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper for Redis
  • danomatika/PdParty - (work-in-progress) Run your Pure Data patches on iOS with native GUIs emulated
  • fluent/nginx-fluentd-module - Nginx module for Fluentd data collector
  • ericfischer/geotools - Tools for working with geographic data
  • drotiro/postpic - PostPic is an extension for the open source dbms PostgreSQL that enables image processing inside the database, like PostGIS does for spatial data. It adds the new 'image' type to the SQL, and several functions to process images and to extract their attributes.
  • rfk/tnetstring - data serialization using typed netstrings
  • mysqludf/lib_mysqludf_json - A UDF library of functions to map relational data to the JSON format.
  • cloudwu/lua-db - A database shared data among multi-states .
  • pod2g/sendrawpdu - CLI tool to send raw SMS PDU data to the iPhone 4 baseband
  • dawnbreaks/mysql2redis - A high performance mysql udf to sync the newly modified/inserted data from mysql to redis cache.
  • applidium/ADZipURLProtocol - Open static website or access data from a zip archive
  • IlyaGrebnov/libbsc - High performance block-sorting data compression library
  • rentzsch/stressdrive - tool to completely fill a drive with random data and ensure it can be entirely correctly read back
  • ComputerNerd/ov7670-no-ram-arduino-uno - Allows you to use a non fifo ov7670 on the arudino uno without external spi ram like other examples. Sends the data to UART.
  • openyou/libomron - Libraries for accessing data from Omron medical devices
  • Broadcom-Switch/of-dpa - OpenFlow Data Plane Abstraction
  • pramsey/pgsql-ogr-fdw - PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper for OGR
  • krieger-od/whdd - HDD diagnostic and data recovery tool for Linux
  • cmatsuoka/libxmp - Libxmp is a library that renders module files to PCM data.
  • mozilla-services/lua_sandbox - Generic Lua sandbox for dynamic data analysis
  • laurenz/oracle_fdw - PostgreSQL extension that provides a Foreign Data Wrapper for easy and efficient access to Oracle databases, including pushdown of WHERE conditions as well as comprehensive EXPLAIN and ANALYZE support.
  • bahbka/pebble-my-data - Pebble watches application to show only your own data, prepared on your own server.
  • snaga/xlogdump - A tool for extracting data from the PostgreSQL's write ahead logs.
  • MeetMe/dump_fdw - Foreign Data Wrapper for Postgres Dump Files
  • pd-l2ork/pd - L2Ork version of Pure-Data real-time digital signal processing language developed and maintained at DISIS, Virginia Tech
  • nec-postgres/tdeforpg - PostgreSQL Transparent Data Encryption tool development
  • fmela/libdict - C library of key-value data structures with an object-oriented interface.
  • cloudwu/atomdict - A data structure for data exchange between multi lua states.
  • atks/vt - A tool set for short variant discovery in genetic sequence data.
  • shadeslayer/libnice - Libnice is an implementation of the IETF's Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) standard (RFC 5245) and the Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) standard (RFC 5389). It provides a GLib-based library, libnice and a Glib-free library, libstun as well as GStreamer elements. ICE is useful for applications that want to establish peer-to-peer UDP data streams. It automates the process of traversing NATs and provides security against some attacks. It also allows applications to create reliable streams using a TCP over UDP layer. Existing standards that use ICE include Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and XMPP Jingle.
  • urcu/userspace-rcu - This repo is a mirror of the official lttng-tools git found at git:// liburcu is a LGPLv2.1 userspace RCU (read-copy-update) library. This data synchronization library provides read-side access which scales linearly with the number of cores.
  • ggasoftware/indigo - Indigo: a cheminformatics toolkit. Bingo: RDBMS data cartridge for Oracle, MS SQL Server, and PostgreSQL
  • pure-data/pure-data - Pure Data - tracking Miller's SourceForge git repository (also used by libpd)
  • dcjones/quip - Compressing next-generation sequencing data with extreme prejudice.
  • Parsely/python-pds - Toy Implementation of Probabilistic Data Structures in Python (PyData 2013)
  • BurntSushi/clibs - A smattering of miscellaneous C libraries. Includes sane argument parsing, a thread-safe multi-producer/multi-consumer queue, and implementation of common data structures (hashmaps, vectors and linked lists).
  • ricardo-rendoncepeda/mtl2opengl - A perl script for converting .obj and .mtl data files into arrays compatible with OpenGL ES on iOS devices
  • google/ktsan - ThreadSanitizer for Linux kernel, a fast data race detector
  • gdbinit/ExtractMachO - IDA plugin to extract Mach-O binaries located in the disassembly or data
  • alibaba/tsar2db - used to store tsar data to mysql
  • raspofabs/dodsrc - Source for the, a tool for downloading data off certain Garmin Edge and Forerunner devices. 'garmin-ant-downloader' is the name given to this project by Debian and Ubuntu
  • 51Degrees/Device-Detection - THE Fastest and most Accurate device detection for C / PHP / Perl / Python and Node.js - professionally maintained device data
  • umitanuki/tinyint-postgresql - A tiny int implementation as a data type of PostgreSQL
  • ufo-kit/ufo-core - GLib-based framework for GPU-based data processing
  • sdiehl/pycraig - Python library for scraping data from Craigslist
  • rustyrussell/bitcoin-iterate - Simple fast iterator to extract data from bitcoind's blockchain files.
  • rpetrich/untrackerd - Continuously clean up locationd's history data
  • psobot/ipsumcrypt - A small C program to embed binary data into the whitespace between words.
  • pkmital/StickFigureOSC - Streams PrimeSense NITE's Skeleton Data via OSC (XCode Project)
  • niftylight/niftyled - library designed to provide an abstract interface for LED/lighting hardware to easily control it using pixel data.
  • mfragkoulis/PiCO_QL - SQL query interface to C++ collections and C data structures. Also configurable as a loadable Linux kernel module and an extension to Valgrind tools.
  • memo/ofxMSAInterpolator - C++ openFrameworks addon with a set of template classes for doing various types of interpolations on data with any number of dimensions. You can feed the system an arbitrary number of data, then resample at any resolution, or ask for the value at any percentage along the data. Input data can be floats (for 1D splines, Vec2f (for 2D splines), Vec3f (for 3D splines), or even matrices, or custom data types (e.g. biped pose). Demo at
  • matildah/fastcat - netcat-like thing that uses the linux syscall splice(2) to avoid overhead from copying data from kernelspace/userspace
  • marcelloceschia/chan-datacard - clone of with asterisk 11 branch
  • kroki/XProbes - Explicit probes (XProbes) - static user space probes with natural data access.
  • jwise/ndfslave - Tools to pull data off of a NAND flash chip using a Digilent Nexys-2 board.
  • hhetter/smbtatools - Tools to query the SMB traffic analyzer data base
  • heewa/pipestats - Stats about data being piped.
  • gnemoug/data_structure - 关于各种数据结构和算法的一些收录
  • ericmandel/funtools - A 'minimal buy-in' FITS library and utility package for astronomical data analysis
  • crass/lessfs - lessfs - An inline data deduplicating filesystem
  • chucknthem/Data-structures-algorithms - Collection of Data structures, algorithms and interesting bits of code.
  • careermonk/DataStructuresAndAlgorithmsMadeEasy - Data Structures And Algorithms Made Easy
  • bwlewis/lazy.frame - Lazy person's file-backed data frame
  • bauerca/gridfloat - Slice and dice USGS elevation data from the command line.
  • autosportlabs/RaceCapture-Pro_firmware - Firmware for RaceCapture-Pro Data Acquisition, control and Telemetry system for motorsports
  • argv0/nbds - C implementations of several scalable non-blocking data structures for x86 and x86-64.
  • StefanKarpinski/odb - ODB: On-Disk Binary Data Tool
  • NDN-Routing/NDNLP - Named Data Networking Link Protocol
  • MDSplus/mdsplus - The MDSplus data management system
  • Frans-Willem/EspLightNode - ESP8266 firmware to receive lighting data over TPM2, Art-Net and drive a WS2801 addressable LED strip.
  • ComputerNerd/ov7670-simple - This is a simple sample code of the ov7670 on the arduino uno sends data over serial.
  • ComputerNerd/RawCamera-data-converter - This program was made to convert raw data from the ov7670 to a png file. It may also work with other cameras.
  • AC-2015-Sem2/DSA-lab - Data Structures and Algorithms lab repository
  • xiao70/X70FSD - Windows file system filter drivers(minifilter) to encrypt, compress, or otherwise modify file-based data require some of the most complex kernel software developed for Windows.
  • sustrik/msg_control - Helper functions for dealing with socket ancillary data
  • sp4cerat/RLE-based-Voxel-Raycasting - CUDA based Voxel Raycasting - Paper: Efficient, High-Quality, GPU-Based Visualization of Voxelized Surface Data
  • scottransom/psrfits2psrfits - Convert 16-bit PSRFITS search-mode data to 4- or 8-bit PSRFITS data
  • rxin/db-benchmarks - Collection of some database benchmarks, along with tools to parallelize the data generation.
  • mogenson/USBTempLogger - A two component USB temperature data logger made from a PIC16F1455
  • markjasonanderson/wiegand-linux - Linux driver for reading wiegand data from GPIO. Tested for ARM 9G20 (linux stamp)
  • lp/puredis - Pure-Data Redis External
  • locasto/libdisorder - A simple C library for entropy measurement of byte streams and other data.
  • lh3/naivepca - Naive PCA for genotype data
  • lgfischer/dcel - A DCEL implementation, described in details in
  • justjkk/gtfs2pgrouting - Import GTFS data into Postgresql database for use by pgrouting
  • jonstewart/foremost - Foremost is a console program to recover files based on their headers, footers, and internal data structures. c.f.,
  • jobovy/extreme-deconvolution - Density estimation using Gaussian mixtures in the presence of noisy, heterogeneous and incomplete data
  • jeromekelleher/msprime - A reimplementation of Hudson's classical ms simulator for modern data sets.
  • iunderstand/SWE - SWE Toolkit. Learning Semantic Word Embeddings based on Ordinal Knowledge Constraints. A general framework to incorporate semantic knowledge into the popular fallback-src=''>💾
  • louiswins/RB-Tree - An implementation of the Red-Black Tree data structure.
  • laijs/userspace-rcu - Laijs-maintained Userspace-RCU tree for concurrent data struct(cds) changes
  • kronihias/espeak - pure data external to synthesize text to an array with espeak library
  • jwmatthys/kalman-pd - Simple control rate Kalman filter for Pure Data
  • jlapeyre/PDL-IO-Matlab - Reading and writing matlab format data files for the perl data language.
  • hvdieren/swan -, was created by Thingsquare using Spirit1 radio transceiver (STEVAL-IKR001V8D, We converted the system calls from the original platform to the target platform. We have adapted Spirit1 radio driver in order to work properly on STM32F4. Then, we created a Wireless Sensor Network and collected several communication and performance data. I worked on it with Daniele Saitta. To manage the entire work, we used IAR Embedded Workbench (
  • addy689/DataStructuresLab - Graph Traversal (BFS & DFS), Single Source Shortest Path, Minimum Spanning Tree, RB Trees, B-Trees
  • ZSShen/C-Common-Data-Structures - Uniform C APIs for data structure manipulation
  • XenonofArcticus/DynamicTrack - Access sources of dynamically-updated data about discrete entities like GPSes, INSes, ADS-B sources.
  • TPSully/SRTM2STL - Create STL files from SRTM data for the purpose of creating 3D relief maps.
  • SCIInstitute/fluorender - FluoRender is an interactive rendering tool for confocal microscopy data visualization.
  • RobertABT/heightmap - OS data to STL for a 3d printer (Work in Progress)
  • Remi-C/Pointcloud_in_db - This is a short project using , and to store efficentlly large point clouds in a data base
  • GROX13/BitTorrent - BitTorrent is a protocol for the practice of peer-to-peer file sharing that is used to distribute large amounts of data over the Internet. BitTorrent is one of the most common protocols for transferring large files, and peer-to-peer networks have been estimated to collectively account for approximately 43% to 70% of all Internet traffic (depending on geographical location) as of February 2009. In November 2004, BitTorrent was responsible for 35% of all Internet traffic. As of February 2013, BitTorrent was responsible for 3.35% of all worldwide bandwidth, more than half of the 6% of total bandwidth dedicated to file sharing.
  • Cthutu/Krull - Data definition language
  • CGNS/CGNS - The CFD General Notation System (CGNS) provides a standard for recording and recovering computer data associated with the numerical solution of fluid dynamics equations.
  • winton/redis_parse - Reads huge amounts of pipe-delimited data from Redis, filters it, and returns counts by occurence
  • wellsie1116/Darxen - Downloader, parser, and renderer for NEXRAD data
  • wankdanker/node-unixodbc-isql-json - A hacky solution for querying ODBC data sources (including MS SQL) with nodejs.
  • vndmtrx/libadt - 🚦libadt - an abstract data types library
  • ufjf-dcc/dsgraph - DSGraph is an C/C++ library for visualizing data structures.
  • tsznxx/wLib - Python Modules for High-throughput Sequencing Data Analysis
  • takev/mod_okioki - An apache module that offers a RESTful data service with a PostgresQL server.
  • suprgyabhushan/Data-Structures-And-Algorithms - All my codes done in the Course DSA during the second semester at IIIT Bangalore
  • sounos/hidbase - Distributed Data Storage System
  • sipcapture/hepipe - HEP-PIPE: Pipe arbitrary data (logs, events, cdrs, etc) to HEP server (HOMER)
  • siddhant3s/cs215 - My Third Semester, Data Structure Lab programs
  • sean-/postgresql-varint - Data type for PostgreSQL that encodes integers using variable width encoding in order to save space
  • sdroege/snippets - Some algorithms and data structures
  • samuellab/InterProcess - A compact C library to share data between processes on Windows. Fast. Simple
  • rjsikarwar/gpu_compression - Nine Light weight Schemes to Compress and Decompress the data of Database Using GPU and also a planer
  • richox/comprox - An experimental lossless data compression program with high compression ratio.
  • r-medina/ll - Thread safe linked list data structure for C
  • popoffka/i3lock - i3lock is a simple screen locker like slock. This repo contains a patched version of i3lock which displays additional data on the lock screen, such as current time (like this:
  • pforemski/libpjf - A C library of data structures with tools (based on libasn)
  • pd-projects/pd-double - a dev fork of pure-data.git for working on 64-bit double-precision support
  • ossc-db/pg_bulkload - High speed data loading utility for PostgreSQL
  • osdba/qpipe - Across the network of pipe tools, data sent through a pipe to another host, providing a reliable transmission function.
  • noporpoise/seq_file - Library for Reading Bioinformatic Sequence Data in C
  • nebneuron/clique-top - Topological data analysis tools for cross correlation matrices
  • ncbi/osiris - OSIRIS is a public domain quality assurance software package that facilitates the assessment of multiplex short tandem repeat (STR) DNA profiles based on laboratory-specific protocols. OSIRIS evaluates the raw electrophoresis data contained in .fsa or .hid files using an independently derived mathematically-based sizing algorithm. OSIRIS currently supports ABI capillary analytical platforms and numerous commercially available marker kits including all CODIS-compliant kits as well as those favored by biomedical laboratories.
  • nathanleclaire/algorithms_and_data_structures - Want to learn more fundamentals of Comp Sci and get some practice writing C, C++, and Java.
  • mw55309/c_fast5 - C code to extract data from fast5 files
  • muvarov/daq-odp - (ODP) Data Acquisition module for Snort.
  • mikedlowis/data-structures - A collection of data structures implemented in C to be included in multiple projects.
  • miezuit/php-base85 - A PHP extension to encode/decode data with base85.
  • messense/data-structure-learning - 数据结构学习,作业代码
  • mattfoster/matlab-interpolation-toolkit - A matlab toolkit for interpolating scattered data in interesting ways.
  • mariokonrad/grib - GRIB data access
  • mar-file-system/marfs - MarFS provides a scalable near-POSIX file system by using one or more POSIX file systems as a scalable metadata component and one ore more data stores (object, file, etc) as a scalable data component. Our initial implementation will use GPFS file systems as the metadata component and Scality and EMC ECS ViPR object stores as the data component.
  • lgsonic/mysqlIncSync - A mysql incremental synchronization tool which can parse mysql row-format binlog and process the incremental data
  • leecbaker/datareftool - Dataref Tool for X-Plane plugin development
  • kyle-github/libplctag - This library provides a portable and simple API for accessing PLC data over Ethernet and serial links.
  • ksheedlo/kmdata - Data structures for C programmers, by C programmers.
  • kscz/n_stress - Linux network stress tester - attempts to send and receive data over a network as fast as possible and confirm integrity of the data
  • krakjoe/SIMD - Simple Instructions, Multiple Data
  • kljensen/Gemoda - A generic motif discovery algorithm for sequential data
  • kbranigan/pow - C datastore/cache for MySQL data
  • k7f/PureData - branching clone of git://
  • jmasters/gbt-pipeline - The Green Bank Telescope data analysis pipeline
  • jkff/scrunch - Stream cruncher - data stream algorithms
  • japeq/bencode-tools - bencode-tools is a collection of tools for manipulating bencoded data.
  • ibarwick/firebird_fdw - A PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper (FDW) for Firebird
  • hroptatyr/glod - Grokking lots of data
  • guomeizhou/data_structure - 数据结构
  • gokhankici/orc_fdw - PostgreSQL extension which implements a Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) for ORC files.
  • gnudennis/ds_c - Data Structure In C
  • garthz/pdwiringPi - Pure Data (pd) external for hardware I/O on a Raspberry Pi using wiringPi.
  • fygrave/moloch_zmq - ZMQ data explort plugin for Moloch
  • fmahnke/orxCraft - Experimental data configuration editor for the Orx/Scroll game engine. C++
  • elvismt/slope - A library to create charts from raw data using cairo. Can be shown in GtkDrawingArea
  • eeertekin/bbcp - Securely and quickly copy data from source to target.
  • edussx/database - B+tree database
  • easydatawarehousing/easy2oracle - Easy-To-Oracle is a data integration tool. It can pull data from databases like Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Sybase, SQLite, Presto (Hadoop) and Excel directly into your Oracle 10g/11g/12c database
  • eam/libcrange - Range parsing library for managing sets of hostnames, ips, clusters, roles and other operational data.
  • dolaameng/pysax - python implementation of SAX (Symbolic Aggregate Approximation) for time series data
  • deactivated/collectd-write-zmq - a collectd plugin that writes data via zeromq
  • darkstalker/dbc_browser - quick and dirty web DBC browser for WoW spell data
  • chadjoan/sleep-waffle - A reimplementation of the Zeo Raw Data Library with less restrictive (Boost) licensing and written in C with a non-threaded polling-event model. And a silly name.
  • calvinwilliams/tcpdaemon - Tcpdaemon is similar to the xinetd TCP daemon, which is under the particular process model of TCP connection management, docking with the customer communication data protocol layer and application processing module on runtime or compile linking, construct TCP server quickly.
  • caius/fio - Mirror of git://
  • bryansum/ijam - A collaborative music application for the iPhone utilizing Pure Data.
  • bl0b/tinyap - One build to parse them all. A GLR-like parsing engine where the grammar is actually data. And you can augment the grammar at runtime. Also provides a framework to walk the resulting ASTs. C API and commandline frontend available.
  • bigclean/structure - Several languages of data structure practice
  • beave/nfdump-1.6.10p1-sagan - Modified version of Nfdump which allows Sagan to analyze netflow data in real time
  • atduskgreg/Head-Puppet - Open Frameworks app for distorting a 3D model of my head based on Kinect skeleton tracking data over OSC
  • arnimarj/py-pointless - A fast and efficient read-only relocatable data structure for JSON like data, with C and Python APIs
  • armink/EasyDataManager - A c language advanced framework of data manager. Support static data and dynamic data. Supply easy and simple interface for app.
  • alexbirkett/GPSBabel - Free software for GPS data conversion and transfer
  • alandekok/recli - A re-imagined CLI. Customizable syntax, help, permissions, data types.
  • ZhengYang/dc_fdw - PostgreSQL - Document Collection Foreign-data Wrapper (works with 9.1 to 9.3)
  • NDN-Routing/NLSR0.0 - Named Data Link State Routing
  • LeechanX/data_struct_and_algorithms_using_C - 所有基础数据结构和算法的纯C语言实现,如各自排序、链表、栈、队列、各种树以及应用、图算法、字符串匹配算法、回溯、并查集等,献丑了
  • Krakonos/cutils - C utilities and data structures
  • Kevincav/Radix-Sort - Radix Sort with different data types.
  • CAIDA/corsaro - Corsaro is a software suite for performing large-scale analysis of trace data. It was specifically designed to be used with passive traces captured by darknets, but the overall structure is generic enough to be used with any type of passive trace data.
  • BuildItNow/BIN_LuaBind - BIN_LuaBind是一个和luabind、tolua++类似的库,提供了简洁的C/C++到lua的绑定机制,但与之不同的是BIN_LuaBind比他们更安全:lua层不在直接依赖于C/C++层指针,避免野指针引起宕机。除此之外,BIN_LuaBind对Lua提供了对lua_state,user data和table的抽象类,在C++端能方便的操作lua
  • BlackLight/fkmeans - A tiny library in C for managing kmeans clusterization algorithm over arbitrary data sets, both by manually specifying the number k of clusters and computing it automatically using Schwarz criterion
  • BlackBears/CCFNumberPickerView - A scaled, slick slider-type view for numerical data entry on iOS devices
  • Akira-Hayasaka/ofxOnsetDetection - Audio onset detection addon using ofSoundGetSpectrum (or any frequency-domain data. e.g. FFT on the input audio)
  • AaronJackson/sage-in-c - Simple library written in C for accessing invoices and company data created by Sage Accounts 50.
  • yuya-takeyama/hashtable_dump - A Zend Extension to dump HashTable data structure on Zend Engine.
  • yarikoptic/NiPy-OLD - Analysis of structural and functional neuroimaging data in Python (yet not stabilized -- fork on your risk)
  • webglearth/gdaldem_web - Utility for encoding elevation data (DEM) for use on the web (with WebGL Earth). Elevation value is encoded into RGB.
  • vi/chaoticfs - Encrypting FUSE filesystem with 'false bottom' allowing exposing the data only partially
  • vhmth/Lego-Box - Write up all the data structures!
  • verzhak/sfire - Quantum GIS plugin for mapping of burnt forest areas using Landsat 5 data sets
  • v92/libiorouter - libiorouter is LD_PRELOAD library for caching data and metadata requests from backend directory to local directory transparently to application.
  • ubixum/UXN1212_firmware - Firmware for the Ubixum UXN1212 USB data acquisition board
  • tokuhirom/shirokaned - simple cache server for small binary data, feed contents with http protocol, master-master support.
  • tianyaqu/mongodb-in-financial-market - mongodb solution for financial market data
  • theKeithD/thmj3g-tools - Collection of tools to unpack and repack data used by the D.N.A.Softwares doujin game, Touhou Unreal Mahjong 3rd Generation.
  • tedluo/rs485 - This is a simple drive for rs485 to translate data between two arm 6410 openboard
  • teamBICYCLE/libdatac - a collection of data library
  • tailhook/objpath - A library that allows to traverse data structures by path
  • tai/ruby-p-for-c - Data dumper macro for C, which dumps content of any data/structure/expression without prior knowledge of actual format. Works just like 'p' or 'pp' in Ruby.
  • svanderburg/libamivideo - Conversion library for Amiga planar graphics data and EHB, HAM screen modes
  • strands-project/data_compression - Video encoding for 8 bit RGB images, 16 bit grayscale depth images and possibly more.
  • starnight/simple-data-structure - Simple Data Structure library
  • ssfrr/HearThereOSC - A small program to receive some IMU orientation data from the HearThere Head Tracker
  • slim-curve/slim-curve - SLIM Curve: a package for exponential curve fitting of combined spectral lifetime image data
  • shuLhan/vos - Vos is a program to process formatted data, i.e. CSV data. Vos is designed to process a large input file, a file where their size is larger than the size of memory, and can be tuned to adapt with your machine environment.
  • semmerson/NOAAPORT - The Unidata NOAAPORT package captures broadcast UDP packets from a DVB-S or DVB-S2 receiver listening to the NOAAPORT satellite broadcast, creates. In ICRA, 2014 (Download:
  • mlongob/Linux-Kernel-Hack - Minimal Hacks to the Linux Kernel to gather data about machine utilization
  • mlin/ocaml-bgzf - OCaml library for BGZF, a gunzip-compatible format allowing random access to the uncompressed data
  • mklong/libngx - static library about nginx core data structure include array,buf,hash,list,queue ,tree,string and memory pool
  • mist64/pucrunch - pucrunch, an Optimizing Hybrid LZ77 RLE Data Compression Program for C64/C128/VIC-20/Plus4
  • mikelhernaez/qvz - A Lossy compressor for Quality Scores in Genomic Data
  • mgp/redis-types - Library of the Redis data types
  • mchochlov/Gnucash - Data model unit testing - GSoC 2011
  • mbrazeau/Morphy - Phylogenetic analysis of morphological data
  • mbornet-hl/hl - Highlight (colorize) text data using regular expressions
  • mattjr/structured - Tools for the Generation and Visualization of Large-scale Three-dimensional Reconstructions from Image Data.
  • mattbornski/cdf - A Python package which handles files in NASA Common Data Format
  • makefu/skytraq-datalogger - configuration and download tool for GPS data loggers based on Skytraq Venus 5 and 6 chipsets
  • lyda/tz - Historical archive of the zoneinfo project. Generated from the original data with the tz-history-scripts.
  • ljmocic/PJISP - Programming Languages and Data Structures
  • liuluheng/levmu - Based on redis protocol, storing data in leveldb, using muduo for communication
  • liuliu/ndqi - Non-structural Data Query Interface
  • libertyernie/goombasav - Extract/replace Game Boy SRAM data stored in Goomba/Goomba Color SRAM
  • leecarraher/CardinalityShiftClustering - MOVED -- -- Ongoing research into communication minimizing parallel data clustering for an LSH accelerated random projection mean-shift algorithm.
  • kronihias/smpte- - Pure Data/Max (flext) external for generating or decoding ltc audio timecode.
  • kevinbirch/kanabo - query JSON/YAML data with JSONPath
  • jvirtanen/dada - Generate tabular text data
  • jvimal/perfiso_10g - Network Performance Isolation for Data Centres. WIP: stay tuned!
  • jsvennevid/filearchive - File archive library allowing for easy creation and access to data stored inside a container through a simple API.
  • jpmens/mqtt-chronos - Periodically submit time/date-related data to an MQTT broker
  • jenswilly/AVR-enc28j60-pachube - AVR Libc-based project for ATmega328/-168 sending data to Pachube using an ENC28J60 with the Tuxgraphics TCP library.
  • irvined1982/loguino - Logiuno, an arduino based data aquisition tool
  • hroptatyr/gandalf - serve time series from rolled-out text data, part of the army of unserding services
  • hp09d/SAE-Baja-Data-Acquisition - Senior Design project year 2014-2015
  • hoxnox/rawsock_recv_example - SOCK_RAW IPPROTO_UDP socket data transmission example
  • horchi/linux-p4d - Deamon which fetch sensor data of the 'Lambdatronic s3200' and store to a MySQL database
  • heimir-sverrisson/jdbc2_fdw - JDBC Foreign Data Wrapper for PostgreSQL
  • harnold/generic-c - A library of generic data structures and algorithms for C, in the spirit of the STL
  • haf/System.Data.SQLite - A mirror to the official site which uses Fossil for their SCM, and configured to be buildable on mono.
  • hacatu/haclib - A utility library providing data types C should have been made with such as vectors and sequences, mostly as macros.
  • grundprinzip/bitcompressedvector - Provide a container for integral data types that applies light-weight bit compression
  • gleicon/leveldb_engine - memcached leveldb engine - stores data on leveldb
  • ggounot/BnfData - Android Application: Auteurs et œuvres
  • ggobi/ggobi - High dimensional data vis
  • fritz0705/libf - Library to make programming simpler and cleaner (and slower, because I was too lazy to implement usable data structures)
  • freels/ruby_trie - Native C implementation of a trie data structure.
  • foldedtoad/PebblePointer - Sending Pebble Watch accelerometer data to an Android app -- See wiki
  • fictorial/logstore - experimental data storage engine for arbitrary data for POSIX systems with spinning hard disks
  • farsightsec/dnstable - encoding format, library, and utilities for passive DNS data
  • esheldon/meds - Python and C libraries to work with Multi Epoch Data Structures
  • eos-org/datastructures - PHP extensions for classes supporting common datastructures
  • energinet/datalogger-client - Energinet Datalogger
  • elliotwoods/ARDrone-GStreamer-test - Test of reading video data from ARDrone using GStreamer (cross-platform code, win32 project)
  • einsteinx2/libSub - Internal library used by iSub, encapsulates the data model and audio engine. Licensed under the GPL3.
  • draco2003/freebsd-database-riak - FreeBSD port for riak support
  • domoran/DriveDOORS - An efficient data Interface to IBM Rational DOORS
  • debrouxl/tilp-linkguide - TILP (formerly GtkTiLink) can transfer data between Texas Instruments scientific calculators and a computer. It works with all link cables (parallel, serial, Black/Gray/Silver/Direct Link) and it supports the TI-Z80 series (73.86), the TI-68k series (89, 92+, V200, 89T) and the Nspire series (Nspire Clickpad / Touchpad / CX, both CAS and non-CAS)
  • czarrar/cwas-paper - Scripts to analyze data and generate figures for the CWAS paper
  • corks/corc.ds - A data structure library written in C.
  • codinghead/nmea-module - Module to enable decoding of NMEA data from GPS receivers.
  • chutsu/cog - C common library containing common data structures, sorting algorithms and utility functions
  • chenlonggang/Adaptive-CSA - Adaptive CSA, is fallback-src=''>📄 Modelica library for reading data from INI, JSON, XML and Excel XLS files
  • tallsam/DAFWAWeatherWatch - Pebble watch face using dafwa weather api data.
  • suzukiplan/Touhou-VGS-MML-data - 東方BGM on VGSのMMLデータ公開&サポート用のレポジトリです
  • stellarscience/xdm - An Extensible Data Model
  • srijs/udp-stats-redis-adapter - Small performant frontend to redis, receiving minimal statistics data via udp messaging.
  • smtlaissezfaire/c_type_sizes - show the sizes of C data types
  • shtrom/xkeyboard-config - Mirror of's XKB data with local branches
  • shiziwen/nagios-status2txt - nagios enhancement to get service data as plain text
  • seth/rdict - R dictionary data type
  • seth/crio - Prototype R package providing C-level utils for streaming data processing
  • scottellis/snapx - Stream data from a v4l2 camera and periodically save image. Testing app.
  • scallopedllama/nerorip - Rips data out of nero archives
  • ryandotsmith/queue_lkls - A lock-free, non-blocking queue data structure.
  • rubenspessoa/LocData-P1 - Projeto de Programação 1.
  • rgantt/compsci.c - data structures, algorithms, and musings in C
  • rahpaere/dc - Power grid data collector.
  • radarsat1/plhm - A library and command-line front-end for acquiring data from Polhemus motion tracking devices.
  • r03ert0/ - Interactive viewer for the Brain Coactivation Map data
  • questor/ringbuffer - simple ringbuffer with possibility to get all data and/or only updates
  • qubodup/freedink-data - freedink-data sound additions. see (not my project)
  • qiq/Czech-morphology - Czech morphology library, using data files compatible with PDT 2.0
  • q3k/gm_datapack - A binary Lua module for Garry's Mod to tell when a datapack is created.
  • plashchynski/str2hex - Data formats convertion utility
  • pkieltyka/stash - Steganography application that hides data within a bitmap image
  • perfaram/xLine - Getting OSX hardware data/params through command line
  • pcostesi/c-data-structures - Simple Data Structures
  • orangejulius/cs_fundamentals - simple implementations of common data structures/algorithms
  • opencb/hpg-variant - A complete suite of tools to work with genomic variation data, from VCF tools to variant profiling or genomic statistics
  • openantz/antz - immersive data visualization
  • olso4539/HSDMPi - High Speed Data Monitor for Raspberry Pi
  • ngwese/AF_MacTypeUtil - Utility functions for interacting with Mac OS X Carbon data types.
  • neiljpeterson/Data-Structures-II-Assignments-COSC-3100 - Just a repo for me to share homework with classmates. Nothing interesting here.
  • natehardison/data-structures - A bunch of data structure implementations, just for fun.
  • naraing/dsLib - An algorithm library with core) or a XOR linked list.
  • lip6-lisp/data-plane - OpenLISP data plane
  • lidaof/methylQA - methylation sequence data quality assessment tool
  • lbrito1/cstuff - Algorithms & data structures in C
  • kurtisthompson/Algorithms - Random assortment of Interesting data structures and/or algorithms and academic work
  • krutin/psoc_data_acquisition - Data Acquisition using usbuart of Cypress PSoC. Developed using Tinychip Axios 1.0
  • kronihias/dbap - Distance Based Amplitude Panning externals for Pure Data
  • kinect-team-3/unifying-sensor-api - Sensor API for data transport
  • kehribar/usbSerial_benchmark - Usb serial data transfer speed calculator & integrity checker
  • kbranigan/tubes - A series of programs intended for manipulating and handling various data
  • kaitanie/ruby-cernlib - Ruby interface to the legacy CERNLIB data analysis libraries
  • jrudolph/java-direct-data-store - An experiment to dump Java objects into a memory-mapped data store accessible without (de)serialization
  • jrd730/WordFinder - a data structure that specializes in rapidly finding valid anagrams of strings
  • jpmens/powerdns-datacheck - MySQL UDF to check data in PowerDNS tables
  • joshdk/libmap - A map (data structure) library written in c
  • jknotzke/GoldenEmbedGPS - Embedded Firmware for the Sparkfun Package Tracker which will log ANT+ data
  • jdp/ephemeron - where transient data makes itself useful
  • jbenjore/Internals-GraphArenas - Chart a map of where perl locates data
  • jbenjore/Clone-Data - Simple and fast data cloning
  • jb55/hearthstone-cardxml - Hearthstone xml card data extractor
  • jasonmaclafferty/String - A dynamic string data type implementation for C.
  • jarun/dslib - A library of handy data structures
  • jaimz/core_ds - Simple C data structure library
  • isti757/DataNetwork - Data network project. This was a project at Saarland University of the Course Data Networks. The project implements some ideas of OSI protocol stack. The code runs using the CNET network simulator (, however the project is easily separable and can run on real networks as well. Please see the design folder for tex file and generate a pdf with the entire desciption of the project. The project is written in C and is portable.
  • io7m/coreland-lua-ada-load - Load data from Lua into Ada data structures
  • imankulov/wav2rtp - wav2rtp is a simple tool intended to convert speech data from wav files to RTP data stream
  • igorsobreira/iclib - Library with useful C data structures
  • ifsnop/reader_network - A package of utilities to record and work with multicast radar data in ASTERIX format. (radar as in air navigation surveillance).
  • iem-projects/pd-iemrtp - RTP support for Pure Data
  • hyPiRion/persistencia - Repository with implementations to understand persistent data structures.
  • hpc/dtcmp - Datatype Compare (DTCMP) Library for sorting and ranking distributed data using MPI
  • hdevalence/wordgen - let's play with google ngrams data
  • happypeter/tata - tinylion data
  • hach-que/configd - Generates configuration files in /etc based on YAML data and XSLT transformations.
  • h5md/VMD-h5mdplugin - This plugin enables VMD to display data stored in h5 files that are structured according to the H5MD specifications (
  • guodong/dbd - Distributed block device, used for cloud computing environment or big data storage base.
  • grizzlin/sylvanas - Data Aggregation Girl.
  • gogotanc/DataStructures - Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C
  • fw42/nfportscan - Tool for analyzing Cisco netflow data in order to automatically detect portscans
  • fubarwrangler/datastruct - A silly project to code some data structures to help brush up on my C
  • franko/regress-pro - Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and Reflectometry data analysis
  • flightcrank/ratio-boost - This program spoofs or fakes the amount of data torrent clients report to private torrent trackers in order to maintain a good ratio of data uploads to downloads, which they require.
  • ext/datapack - Testing compression and storage of data inside executable
  • exosite-garage/arduino_http_post - Demo of Arduino hardware sending data to the cloud. It is a simple web based monitoring example for Arduino - really easy to put values captured by Arduino online .
  • energinet/datalogger-server - rpserver.cgi
  • dtb/algorithms-and-data-structures - Wherein I fill in the gaps in my programming knowledge
  • dpryan79/MethIndelRealigner - A local realigner around InDels for MethylSeq data
  • dpfau/quagga - Library for automated ROI extraction from calcium imaging data
  • douzzer/megaqueue - lightweight high performance streaming data kernel
  • dhbikoff/Generic-C-Library - A library of generic data structures in C
  • dgvncsz0f/lift - Implementation of some data structures in C
  • dewoods/greenplum-json-formatter - Greenplum extension for reading and writing JSON data
  • deepwater82/bismark_data_transmit - data transmit using cURL
  • dasuxullebt/tddp - Trivial Data Deduplication
  • cstavish/c_data_structs - singly/doubly linked list and hash table implementations..more to come
  • conch/disco - Automatic perspective DIStortion COrrection using accelerometer data
  • coins11/data-structures-and-algorithms - Data Structures and Algorithms
  • coderaven/B-Tree - B-Tree Implementation in C. A project in Data Structures.
  • codeprepper/data-structures - arrays, linked lists, stacks and queues
  • cni/pdr - CNI Peripheral Data Reader (PDR)
  • clibs/dumpasn1 - Display the contents of ASN.1 encoded data
  • clarkds/Benchmark-Results - this is benchmarking data for arm cortex A8 and A9's
  • citiususc/BigBWA - Approaching the Burrows-Wheeler Aligner to Big Data Technologies
  • chronomex/1600bpi-tape - Tool to recover data from analog recordings of 1970s data tape
  • chneukirchen/rs - rs(1) — reshape a data array (from OpenBSD)
  • chmduquesne/xmppipe - This program allows to pipe data through an xmpp tunnel
  • chenkovsky/ngram - efficient data structure for storing ngram.
  • cengek/CKDatastruct - The using of data structure in C from our class
  • bingmann/disk-filltest - Simple program to detect bad disks by filling them with random data.
  • beave/barnyard2-extra - Barnyard2 with 'Extra Data' support and other enhancements.
  • bcmpinc/dagdb - small database for storing semi-structured data
  • baupetit/VisuScaterredData - projet de visualisation
  • ashinkarov/trie - Simple implementation of trie data structure in C
  • asadzia/Algorithms-and-Data-Structures - A list of implementations of various algorithms and data structures.
  • anjos/arithmetic_coding - Library to perform arithmetic coding and decoding of text or binary data
  • angelortega/mpdm - Minimum Profit Data Manager
  • anatoo/cons - This PHP Extension import cons cell data structure from scheme.
  • amaurigabriel/CAD - C Algorithms and fallback-src=''>🐳 Monitoring of Docker containers (LXC/systemd Docker supported) - Zabbix template and Zabbix C module
  • carlj/CJAMacros - Macro collection for daily usage
  • LinkLayer/cantact-fw - Firmware source files for the CANtact tool
  • CertiVox/MIRACL - MIRACL Cryptographic SDK: Multiprecision Integer and Rational Arithmetic Cryptographic Library is a C software library that is widely regarded by developers as the gold standard open source SDK for elliptic curve cryptography (ECC).
  • defuse/crackstation-hashdb -'s Lookup Table Implementation.
  • amitdev/lru-dict - A C extension of a python dict-like LRU container.
  • shantzu/ClipIt - ClipIt clipboard manager for GTK+
  • telehash/telehash-c - telehash tools library in c
  • brianmario/bzip2-ruby - Original libbz2 ruby C bindings from Guy Decoux, with some new love
  • karelia/CurlHandle - Cocoa Class wrapping libcurl
  • kavu/cocoa-go - A simple PoC example of calling Go from Cocoa and vice versa.
  • asynclabs/WiShield_user_contrib - WiShield library with user contributed features
  • okws/sfslite - SFSlite C++ development libraries
  • conformal/cyphertite - A high-security scalable solution for online backups.
  • algernon/libmongo-client - An obsolete library. Don't use it in new projects.
  • KFire-Android/kernel_omap_otter-common - TI Kernel Code - Amazon Kindle Fire (otter)
  • pozorvlak/libtap - Testing library for C, implementing the Test Anything Protocol. Written by Nik Clayton.
  • matianfu/FUNK - a c continuation library inspired by Adam Dunkel's ProtoThread.
  • lubyk/lubyk - Open source patcher for multimedia projects: glue all this midi, DMX, neural networks, opengl stuff into a fast C++ core with Lua scriptable objects.
  • lawrancej/CompilerKit - Compiler construction library in C.
  • dajobe/flickcurl - Flickr C API library
  • zeevt/csnappy - Google snappy in C for Linux Kernel
  • mirek/CoreSQLite3 - Core SQLite3 for iOS and OSX. Fast. Clean. Powerful..
  • matteobertozzi/blog-code - Blog Code
  • kmcallister/embedded-breakpoints - Embed GDB breakpoints in C source code
  • dougbradbury/cslim - Fitnesse Slim implementation in C
  • diwu/CCB-X-Reader - This C++ class helps processing CocosBuilder(ccb) files for your Cocos2d-X project.
  • cybergarage/mupnpc - mUPnP for C is a development package for UPnP™ developers. CyberLink controls these protocols automatically, and supports to create your devices and control points quickly.
  • crocodella/MongooseWrapper - An Objective-C Mongoose wrapper emulating Java servlets
  • TOTBWF/SteamCurses - A Basic NCurses Client for Steam
  • LippiOuYang/WebBench - Webbench是一个在linux下使用的非常简单的网站压测工具。它使用fork()模拟多个客户端同时访问我们设定的URL,测试网站在压力下工作的性能,最多可以模拟3万个并发连接去测试网站的负载能力。Webbench使用C语言编写, 代码实在太简洁,源码加起来不到600行。
  • iafonov/cosmonaut - Fast web server & micro framework implemented in C. Just for fun.
  • evanmiller/ProjCL - Crazy-fast map projections and geodesic calculations
  • C0deH4cker/SimpleGameEngine - Simple C++ game engine influenced by XNA
  • timperrett/Mac-SoapClient - 10.7 Compatible version of this:
  • rothlab/chromozoom - ChromoZoom is a fast, fluid web-based genome browser
  • robrix/RXPreprocessing - A variety of utilities for the C preprocessor.
  • oneoo/alilua-coevent-module - epoll base coroutine module
  • lkarsten/libvmod-cookie - A Varnish module for simpler use of the cookie header.
  • fusijie/Airplane_3.0 - Wechat Airplane C++ version, powered by Cocos2d-x 3.0 stable version.
  • cvmfs/cvmfs - The CernVM File System
  • b4n/ctags - Git mirror of Exuberant CTags SVN (, with additional feature branches
  • Zeex/samp-plugin-crashdetect - CrashDetect plugin for SA-MP server
  • ThomasHabets/monotonic_clock - Portable C library for getting monotonic time
  • BrunoAlexandreMendesMartins/CleverModels - Tool to generate POJO´s Model Classes from JSON Feed structures
  • Akagi201/learning-cmake - learning cmake
  • tglman/orientdb-c - The C client of OrientDB
  • septag/darkhammer - darkHAMMER is a lightweight, open-source, multiplatform game engine. written in C (C99) language, supports python and C# bindings and lua scripts. Runs on windows and linux
  • olibc/olibc - Another C Library optimized for Embedded Linux
  • jmcejuela/Levenshtein-MySQL-UDF - General Levenshtein algorithm and k-bounded levenshtein distance in linear time and constant space. Implementation in C as a MySQL UDF
  • jashmenn/apriori - A ruby/c extension to Christian Borgelt's apriori item-set implementation
  • itod/panthro - A implementation of XPath 3.0 in Objective-C/Cocoa
  • evanmiller/nginx_circle_gif - Serve 68,000 round corners per second
  • drvink/epanos - ElectroPaint Automatic No-source Object reaSsembler (a MIPS to C decompiler)
  • akitaonrails/ObjC_Rubyfication - Attempt to make Objective-C more like Ruby
  • aerospike/aerospike-client-c - Aerospike C Client
  • Chronic-Dev/cyanide - iBoot/iBSS Payload Development Toolkit
  • wbhart/comb - Combinators in C
  • roysjosh/xbee-comm - XBee communication libraries and utilities
  • remicollet/pecl-json-c - JSON-C wrapper
  • olajep/rpi-cecd - Temporary remote control HDMI-CEC hack for OpenElec on Raspberry Pi
  • microbuilder/LPC11U_LPC13U_CodeBase - Open source code base for ARM Cortex M3 LPC1347 or Cortex M0 LPC11U37/LPC11U24 MCUs
  • graphitemaster/gmqcc - An Improved Quake C Compiler
  • freshplanet/ANE-Chartboost - Air Native Extension for Chartboost (iOS + Android)
  • felipec/msn-pecan - MSN Messenger library in C
  • dcreager/libpush - An arrow-based parser combinator library for C
  • cocos2d/cocos2d-frame - Player and 'stub' for cocos2d
  • akissa/php-couchdb - PHP extension for CouchDB
  • WoozleWrangler/ControlPad - iPhone Controller app for SNES (HD)
  • xaionaro/clsync - file live sync daemon based on inotify/kqueue/bsm (Linux, FreeBSD), written in GNU C
  • kazuho/picogc - a tiny, portable, precise, mark-and-sweep GC in C++
  • jwerle/fs.c - File system API much like Node's fs module
  • ibc/em-udns - An async DNS resolver for EventMachine based on udns C library
  • gbishop/cython-hidapi - Python wrapper for the hidapi (not active, use one of the forks)
  • gallir/concurrencia_source_samples - Códigos fuente del libro 'Principios y algoritmos de concurrencia'
  • dhoerl/htmlcxx - a simple non-validating css1 and html parser written in C++ tuned for iOS and Mac
  • creaceed/CeedMath - Computer graphics math library for Mac & iOS
  • cooperative-computing-lab/cctools - The Cooperative Computing Tools (cctools) enable large scale distributed computations to harness hundreds to thousands of machines from clusters, clouds, and grids.
  • arrbee/diff-match-patch-c - C language port of google-diff-match-patch library
  • antelopeusersgroup/antelope_contrib - Contributed code for the Antelope Environmental Monitoring System from BRTT, Inc. (
  • ThomasAdam/tmux-cvs-archived - Git version of tmux (updated hourly from sourceforge CVS) -- NOW ARCHIVED! DO NOT USE THIS!
  • ShadauxCat/CATSFC - Super Nintendo/Super Famicom emulator for the DSTWO
  • 8devices/carambola2 - Carambola 2 - an AR9331/SoC based PCB
  • vincentbernat/bootstrap.c - Boilerplate for small C projects (autotools)
  • rentzsch/MagicHat - Objective-C Binary Documentation Tool. Think classdump with a hyperlinked GUI.
  • rabbitmq/rabbitmq-c - The official rabbitmq-c sources have moved to:
  • lincomatic/Colorduino - Colorduino Interface Library for Arduino
  • libamqp/libamqp - libamqp is a C client for the AMQP 1.0 protocol
  • SteveMaddison/cabrio - Free open source emulator front end for arcade cabinets.
  • zfsrogue/zfs-crypto - ZFS On Linux with crypto patches
  • varnish/libvmod-curl - cURL bindings for Varnish through the Varnish Module interface
  • orangeduck/ptest - DRY Microtesting Framework for C
  • ocaml-bytes/ocamlcc - OCaml bytecode to C compiler
  • jduck/canhazaxs - A tool for enumerating the access to entries in the file system of an Android device.
  • fanf2/unifdef - selectively remove C preprocessor conditionals
  • bkrpub/EngineRoom - EngineRoom is a toolkit addressing basic, recurring needs when using C based languages. The most prominent (and mature) component is LogPoints, a logging facility designed to provide comfort to developers working on applications of all sizes. EngineRoom is primarily targeted at Objective-C developers on Mac OS X and iOS with some support for C on GNU/Linux and Solaris.
  • bfulgham/WinCairoRequirements - Source archive of the build requirements for the WinCairo port of WebKit
  • Voluntarynet/Crypt - OSX app for drag and drop encryption
  • CObjectSystem/COS - C Object System
  • tadasv/csv_parser - Callback based (SAX like) CSV Parser for C
  • reeze/php-ext-embed - Write your PHP extension with C and PHP!
  • pjotrp/biolib - BioLib brings together a set of opensource libraries written in C/C++ and makes them available for all Bio* languages
  • pbrady/fastcache - C implementation of Python 3 lru_cache
  • openglbook/ - The source code for
  • nitrogenlogic/cliserver - A sample libevent-based network socket server that presents a simple command line interface to multiple connecting clients.
  • mattsta/crcspeed - This make CRC be fast. Included implementations: CRC-64-Jones and CRC-16-CCITT
  • jakogut/tinyflock - A simple, high-performance, threaded, and interactive flocking demo written in C with GLFW.
  • gparmer/Composite - A component-based OS
  • epico/libibuspinyin-compat - compatible files for ibus-pinyin and libpinyin integration.
  • dave-andersen/cudapts - An Nvidia-based miner for the Protoshares (PTS) cryptocurrency
  • clear-code/cutter - An easy to write and debug unit testing framework for C and C++.
  • bjoernknafla/amp - C portable low-level assemblies for parallelism and threading
  • ansilove/AnsiLove-C - ANSi / ASCII art to PNG converter in C
  • Noirello/PyLDAP - Python 3.x module for LDAP, using libldap2 and winldap C libraries.
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